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“Gathered faithfully to love and serve God and all others.”
Faith's Friday Update
May 27, 2022
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Worship Services at 8AM & 10:15AM

Acts 16:16-34 - While in prison, Paul speaks to the jailer, who is then baptized

Psalm 97 - Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous. (Ps. 97:12)

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 - Blessed are those who wash their robes

John 17:20-26 - Jesus prays that the disciples will be one and abide in his love
Minutes from the May 12, 2022 Congregation Council meeting are now available.
Emailed to those with a valid opted-in email address on file on Saturday May 7.

Paper copies will be provided on request. Signup for a paper copy in the narthex or contact Patty McKee (941-921-3709), or email
Following a rigorous search process and interviewing a slate of highly qualified candidates, the personnel committee is please to announce that we have hired Brigitte Porwol as our Church Office Administrator. Brigitte has a master’s degree in Education and Social Work, has strong office, facility and program management skills and has a deep faith in our Lord Jesus! She will begin the onboarding process on Monday June 13th. Let us give thanks to God for the hard work and discernment of the Personnel Committee and pray for Brigitte during this time of transition!
Would you consider serving as an Usher, a Lector, or as a Communion assistant? It is a wonderful way to serve and to feed your faith! No experience necessary! If you are interested in serving please call Joan Searles, Worship Committee Chairperson at (941)921-9896 or call the church office. Thank you for your prayerful consideration!
Looking for a time to pray with members of our Faith family? Join us this Wednesday at 11:00am in the chapel for a time apart. We will pray for ourselves, our loved ones, those in need, our church community, the larger community that we serve, our nation and the world. Come and bring your concerns and your desire to connect with our loving heavenly father!
Joan’s Soup Freezer is filling up! Please feel free to bring some home for yourself or a friend. All donations are also welcome! Please be sure to label soup donations with type of soup (ingredients) and date created. Thank you!
Faith Early Learning Center will not be offering services for families during the 2022-23 school year. However, we fully intend to be offering a wonder-filled Christ centered program in the fall of 2023. 
ALTAR FLOWERS are a beautiful and meaningful way to honor/remember someone or a special occasion, while decorating our altar for worship. The 2022 Altar Flowers signup poster is available in Fellowship Hall.

The next available date is Sunday, May 29!

When you purchase altar flowers, your name and dedication will be published in the bulletin on your selected Sunday and the flowers are yours to keep after the service!

To make a dedication: At church, complete an 'Altar Flowers' envelope with your payment, and place it in the offering plate; By mail, send payment with a note indicating your desired date and dedication; or CLICK HERE to order online. The cost is $60, which is for 2 vases. Please make checks payable to Faith Lutheran Church and indicate ‘altar flowers’ in the memo.
Thank you for making Faith Lutheran’s altar beautiful!
The Property Committee has identified needs that are not currently in the regular budget but are needed to maintain and improve our church.
Current needs:
1.  Upgrade Narthex Restrooms to ADA (cost TBD)
2.  Electronic Sign Upgrade on Beneva (cost TBD)
3. Touch-Up/Repaint the Gym (cost TBD)
4.  Reseal the Parking Lot
Please consider supporting the church building by making a special offering. Any amount, small or large, is appreciated! To contribute by check, please indicate “Improvement Fund” in the memo. To contribute electronically, please visit our website at or using via the Vanco Mobile app (be sure to select “Improvement Fund”).
Please consider donating your empty ink cartridges to help the church and environment! When we bring the cartridges to Staples, we receive store credit from Staples to help offset office supply costs.
The ink collection bin is on the counter in Fellowship Hall.
The ELCA offers daily Prayer Ventures, which may be found on their website, The prayers for this weekend are below. Visit the website if you would like to follow the daily prayers!

27 “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you” (John 14:26). Remember in prayer the gift of the Spirit in our midst, working through us to call, gather, enlighten, bless and unify the church on earth. 

28 Pray for the ELCA Justice for Women program and its work fostering gender awareness, justice and dignity, that our congregations and communities might value, embrace and be shaped by the unique voices and experiences of people across race, ethnicity, ability, class, sexuality and age.

29 Ask God to unite us as communities of faith and siblings in Christ, introducing others to what God has done in the world through the life, teachings, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.

30 Memorial Day Remember, honor and give thanks for members of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives for the sake of peace. Pray for those who serve in harm’s way today and for our neighbors around the world who have served their own countries in pursuit of peace, justice and freedom. 
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Cecilia & Jason Thornbloom 05/16
Joey & Greg Larson 05/20
Tricia & John Thomsen 05/27

Chloe Millard 05/02
Shirley Dabringhaus 05/03
Doris Prieur-Lucia 05/07
Mark Greenwood 05/11
Darrell Huggins 05/11
Jesus Jimenez 05/11
Mark J. Nelson 05/12
Lynn Clancy 05/13
Lyna Jiminez-Ruiz 05/13
Lillian Moore 05/14
Sloane Claussen 05/15
Jeffry Olesen 05/19
Patricia Faubel 05/25
Susan Swank 05/25
Linda Urgo 05/25
Karen Knatz 05/26
Ronald Walter 05/27
Pastor: Rev. Eric Olaf Olsen

Church Office
Tel: 941-924-4664 | Email:
Weekly office hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Values – Mutual Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Service, Forgiveness, Commitment,
Perseverance, Faithfulness, Compassion, Flexibility
CLICK HERE to view the current Constitution of Faith Lutheran Church.