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“Gathered faithfully to love and serve God and all others.”
Faith's Friday Update
March 25, 2022
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Fourth Sunday in Lent
8AM & 10:15AM, In Person & Live-Streamed
Joshua 5:9-12 - Israel eats bread and grain, the produce of the land

Psalm 32 - Be glad, you righteous, and rejoice in the Lord. (Ps. 32:11)

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 - The mystery and ministry of reconciliation

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 - The parable of the prodigal father and the repentant son
The "LEMONS TO LEMONADE" Ladies Retreat begins tomorrow at 8:45 am with coffee and muffins (lemon of course). Please use the narthex door when you arrive.

If you failed to register and would like to attend, please come as we have room for you.
In preparation of Easter, new mulch for the Memorial Garden has been delivered and needs to be spread throughout the garden.

If you are willing and able to help, please meet in the garden this Tuesday, March 29 at 10AM. Please bring any garden equipment you may have for spreading the mulch. Thank you!
It's official - Faith Early Learning voted Best Preschool 2022!

We celebrate this momentous honor with the FELC Staff, Board, Volunteers, and Families. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Congratulations!

Below is the article excerpt from Florida Family Living.

Reader's Choice: Best Preschool 2022

Faith Early Learning Center "FELC" is an award winning, nationally accredited early childhood education center that offers hands-on, developmentally appropriate learning environments for children ages 16 months-5 years. FELC is accredited through the National Accreditation Commission of the Association for Early Learning Leaders (NAC) and has been designated as a Gold Seal Quality Care provider by the Florida Department of Children & Families.

CLICK HERE to view the complete article.
Thank you to everyone who organized and helped with the recent Peace Forum & Luncheon, featuring Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, former President of Latvia and world leader of the Madrid Group!

If you missed it or would like to view it again, the recording is available on our website at
A message from Lutheran World Relief:

Our hearts are overwhelmed with your generosity. Because of your rapid response, the $422,000 congregational match inspired by Nelsonville Lutheran Church and Peace Lutheran Church in Amherst, WI – and joined by incredible congregations across the country – has been met. Time is of the essence and your love is reaching neighbors immediately. Thank you so much.
Yet the needs of our neighbors in Ukraine and the number of refugees are growing every hour. Your continued love will get cash directly into the hands of refugees and support the incredible partners, including other Lutheran congregations near Ukraine, that are welcoming neighbors in with loving arms.
Our teams are on the ground meeting immediate needs and planning a longer-term response as families rebuild their lives after destruction. But we can’t do it without you.
Please continue to give – and to inspire your congregation – to give generously. See details below for more information about how to guide your congregation’s response.
Until your love reaches every neighbor.
To give, please place your gift in the offering plate, mail your gift to the church, or give online at (select the Lutheran World Relief fund).

If giving by check, please make it payable to Faith Lutheran Church and indicate “Lutheran World Relief” in the memo.
We are GROWING and in need of additional ushers and communion helpers! If you would like to serve in this way, please see Joan Searles or contact the church office.
CALLING ALL SOUP MAKERS & SANDWICH BUILDERS! There are still openings on March 30 & April 6 for the final two Lent Midweek Soup and Sandwiches!

If you would like to participate, please sign up today by CLICKING HERE or on the signup sheet in the church narthex!
LENT SERVICES will be offered Wednesdays, March 30, and April 6:
12PM - Prayers at Midday
6PM - Soup & Sandwich Supper
7PM Evening Holden Prayer Service
The psalmist declares to God, “You have turned my mourning into dancing” (Psalm 30:11).

If you are experiencing a period of mourning in your life, please know you are not alone. Consider joining Pastor Eric and Pastor Bob for a new Bereavement Group.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, March 30 at 1:00 p.m. The group meets in the old Pastor’s office off Fellowship Hall.
MARY CIRCLE - Please join Mary Circle on Tuesday, April 12 as we welcome Faith’s Bold Woman of 2022, Candi Messerschmidt. Candi will be talking to the group about her faith journey.

The group meets at 12 pm in Fellowship Hall. Please bring your own lunch; dessert will be provided.
Please consider hosting a future coffee hour. You can team up with friends and meet new ones too. The signup sheet is located on the coffee counter in Fellowship Hall.
Let’s all support this special time of fellowship! 
Thank you to all who have pledged for the 2022/2023 financial year!

If you haven't had a chance to submit your Pledge Card, please know there is still time! Pick up a pledge card in the narthex, fill it out, and place it in the offering plate. OR, you may submit your pledge online at

Our Stewardship Team thanks you!
Postcard invitations are available in the church narthex.
Pick up a few and pass them along!
April 10 – Palm Sunday 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
April 14 – Maundy Thursday:
12:00 p.m. Spoken Service
7:00 p.m. Eucharist Service
April 15 – Good Friday:
2:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross
7:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service
April 16 – Easter Vigil Part One:
7:30 p.m. Meet at the Fire in the Parking Lot
April 17 – Easter:
7 a.m. Easter Vigil Part Two in Memorial Garden
8:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast
10:15 a.m. Worship Service in the Sanctuary
Help decorate our Sanctuary for Easter while honoring a loved one or special occasion by dedicating one or more Easter Lilies!

The lilies will decorate the church on Easter Sunday and dedications will be listed in the bulletin. After the service, we invite you to take your plant/s home with you.
Order yours now by completing an Easter Lily envelope at church or online by CLICKING HERE. The cost of each plant is $12. Please make checks payable to Faith Lutheran Church and indicate ‘Easter Lilies' in the memo.
Thank you for making Faith Lutheran’s altar beautiful for Easter!
ALTAR FLOWERS are a beautiful and meaningful way to honor/remember someone or a special occasion, while decorating our altar for worship. The 2022 Altar Flowers signup poster is available in Fellowship Hall.

The next available date is Sunday, May 8!

When you purchase altar flowers, your name and dedication will be published in the bulletin on your selected Sunday and the flowers are yours to keep after the service!

To make a dedication: At church, complete an 'Altar Flowers' envelope with your payment, and place it in the offering plate; By mail, send payment with a note indicating your desired date and dedication; or CLICK HERE to order online. The cost is $60, which is for 2 vases. Please make checks payable to Faith Lutheran Church and indicate ‘altar flowers’ in the memo.
Thank you for making Faith Lutheran’s altar beautiful!
After a long hiatus we are happy to announce the return of the Voices of Faith Choir to the 10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service! Please make note of the following schedule:
Sunday, March 27, 2022, Rehearsal, only, at 9:15 a.m.

Sunday, April 3, 2022, Rehearsal, only, at 9:15 a.m.

Sunday, April 10, 2022, Palm Sunday, Rehearsal at 9:15, Worship at 10:15 a.m.

Sunday, April 17, 2022, Easter Sunday, Rehearsal at 9:15, Worship at 10:15 a.m.

All are welcome!
The Property Committee has identified needs that are not currently in the regular budget but are needed to maintain and improve our church.
Current needs:
1.  Upgrade Narthex Restrooms to ADA (cost TBD)
2.  Electronic Sign Upgrade on Beneva (cost TBD)
3. Touch-Up/Repaint the Gym (cost TBD)
4.  Reseal the Parking Lot
Please consider supporting the church building by making a special offering. Any amount, small or large, is appreciated! To contribute by check, please indicate “Improvement Fund” in the memo. To contribute electronically, please visit our website at or using via the Vanco Mobile app (be sure to select “Improvement Fund”).
Please consider donating your empty ink cartridges to help the church and environment! When we bring the cartridges to Staples, we receive store credit from Staples to help offset office supply costs.
The ink collection bin is on the counter in Fellowship Hall.
The ELCA offers daily Prayer Ventures, which may be found on their website, The prayers for this weekend are below. Visit the website if you would like to follow the daily prayers!

25 “My mouth praises you with joyful lips when I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to you” (Psalm 63:5-8). Thank God for being our ready help and refuge in every moment of our life.

26 Across the country, congregations and synods working with resettlement agencies are sponsoring individuals and families who have been evacuated from Afghanistan. Pray that the Spirit will guide our efforts to welcome, support and care for people who are resettling and adjusting to unfamiliar communities, neighbors and cultures. Give thanks for the challenging and essential work of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Lutheran Services in America and the ELCA’s AMMPARO strategy (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities).

27 Recall recent experiences — personal or witnessed when God’s grace far exceeded your expectations and comprehension. Lift up prayers of acknowledgment and gratitude to God.
Click on the desired icon to view/visit the item.
Pastor: Rev. Eric Olaf Olsen

Church Office: Tami Page, Operations Manager
Tel: 941-924-4664 | Email:
Weekly office hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Values – Mutual Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Service, Forgiveness, Commitment,
Perseverance, Faithfulness, Compassion, Flexibility
CLICK HERE to view the current Constitution of Faith Lutheran Church.