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“Gathered faithfully to love and serve God and all others.”
Faith's Friday Update
April 8, 2022
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Palm Sunday
8AM & 10:15AM, In Person & Live-Streamed
Isaiah 50:4-9a - The servant of the Lord submits to suffering

Psalm 31:9-16 - Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. (Ps. 31:5)

Philippians 2:5-11 - Humbled to the point of death on a cross

Luke 19:28-40 - Blessed is the King
Let us walk together through the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and celebrate His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Invitations are available in the narthex; pass them along to your neighbors, friends, and family!
Easter Breakfast:
Pastor Eric and Lisa are going to set up a continental breakfast on Easter Sunday at 8:30-10am. They would appreciate donations of baked goods to be brought on Easter and placed on the center table.
ALSO HAPPENING THIS GOOD FRIDAY - Pastor Eric will be there and all are invited! If you’d like to learn more, please contact Pastor Eric.
MARY CIRCLE - Please join Mary Circle on Tuesday, April 12 as we welcome Faith’s Bold Woman of 2022, Candi Messerschmidt. Candi will be talking to the group about her faith journey.

The group meets at 12 pm in Fellowship Hall. Please bring your own lunch; dessert will be provided.

Back in 2015 we did a study of the book of Revelation. This Apocalypse is one of the most engaging and disputed books in the Bible. It has inspired great works of art and music, and it has also fed social upheaval and speculation about the coming end of the world. Is it true that all faithful Christians can expect to be whisked up from the earth into heaven in an event known as the Rapture? Who are the 144,000 envisioned to play a key role in the apocalyptic drama? What is the final battle of Armageddon about?

In this post-Easter series, we will briefly explore the message of this Book and continue on to discover why it has played such a volatile role in Western culture and how it continues to be meaningful to contemporary readers.
Our six sessions will begin on Wednesday, April 20th, and conclude on May 25th. Each session is for one hour, beginning at 9:30 a.m. We will be gathering in the upstairs Youth Room of the Community Center. Unless plans change, meet in the Conference Room, masked, to be escorted to the room. Plans for ZOOM to be announced.
No Pre-Registration is required. We shall not use study books, but will begin each session with a 30-minute DVD lecture by Dr. Craig R Koester. Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Bring your own Bible. (extras available). Donuts and coffee are provided. Hopefully the “joe” will not be needed to stay awake. WELCOME ALL!!!
Blood Drive Returns to Faith!

There is ALWAYS a need for blood, plasma, and platelets! You can provide ALL THREE by donating just ONE UNIT of blood!

The Suncoast Blood Center would love to return to Faith!

Any Sunday in May is available to schedule a drive with a minimum of 8 to 10 potential donors.

Can YOU give on any of the Sundays between 8:30 am and 12:00 pm? Please let us know by CLICKING HERE to select all days you can so we can schedule for the best turnout. (Or, if you prefer, there will be a schedule sheet in the church narthex on Sunday.)
Please consider hosting a future coffee hour. You can team up with friends and meet new ones too. The signup sheet is located on the coffee counter in Fellowship Hall.
Let’s all support this special time of fellowship! 
ALTAR FLOWERS are a beautiful and meaningful way to honor/remember someone or a special occasion, while decorating our altar for worship. The 2022 Altar Flowers signup poster is available in Fellowship Hall.

The next available date is Sunday, May 8!

When you purchase altar flowers, your name and dedication will be published in the bulletin on your selected Sunday and the flowers are yours to keep after the service!

To make a dedication: At church, complete an 'Altar Flowers' envelope with your payment, and place it in the offering plate; By mail, send payment with a note indicating your desired date and dedication; or CLICK HERE to order online. The cost is $60, which is for 2 vases. Please make checks payable to Faith Lutheran Church and indicate ‘altar flowers’ in the memo.
Thank you for making Faith Lutheran’s altar beautiful!
A message from Lutheran World Relief, Our neighbors in Ukraine are suffering and they need your love now.

Families are leaving behind everything they own and fleeing for their safety. They need immediate aid including food, water, shelter, clothing and medical care.

Your emergency gift will deliver urgent support and care, like critically needed items for families who fled their homes, and medicine and supplies for clinics.

To give, please place your gift in the offering plate at church, mail your gift to the church, or give online at (select the Lutheran World Relief fund).

If giving by check, please make it payable to Faith Lutheran Church and indicate “Lutheran World Relief” in the memo.
The Property Committee has identified needs that are not currently in the regular budget but are needed to maintain and improve our church.
Current needs:
1.  Upgrade Narthex Restrooms to ADA (cost TBD)
2.  Electronic Sign Upgrade on Beneva (cost TBD)
3. Touch-Up/Repaint the Gym (cost TBD)
4.  Reseal the Parking Lot
Please consider supporting the church building by making a special offering. Any amount, small or large, is appreciated! To contribute by check, please indicate “Improvement Fund” in the memo. To contribute electronically, please visit our website at or using via the Vanco Mobile app (be sure to select “Improvement Fund”).
Please consider donating your empty ink cartridges to help the church and environment! When we bring the cartridges to Staples, we receive store credit from Staples to help offset office supply costs.
The ink collection bin is on the counter in Fellowship Hall.
The ELCA offers daily Prayer Ventures, which may be found on their website, The prayers for this weekend are below. Visit the website if you would like to follow the daily prayers!

8 Ask the Spirit to make us purveyors of grace, joy and unexpected generosity, especially to people who live with worry, despair, turmoil or loneliness.

9 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian (1906-1945) Remember and give thanks for our siblings in Christ — past and present — who risk their lives for justice, the well-being of our neighbors and the truth of the gospel. Pray that their witness, courage and sacrifice will inspire and guide our pursuit of justice and peace in the world.

10 Palm Sunday Jesus endured false accusations, betrayal by his closest followers, an unfair trial, public humiliation and the pain of death on a cross for our salvation and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Give praise and thanks to the Son of God, the promised Messiah!
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Pastor: Rev. Eric Olaf Olsen

Church Office: Tami Page, Operations Manager
Tel: 941-924-4664 | Email:
Weekly office hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Values – Mutual Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Service, Forgiveness, Commitment,
Perseverance, Faithfulness, Compassion, Flexibility
CLICK HERE to view the current Constitution of Faith Lutheran Church.