NAPC Family-
God has been moving in the building process of our future church home, and we wanted to update you on some exciting things as we close out the summer months.

First, thank you to all that have signed up to bless the construction workers with snacks each week. If you want to sign up - you can access the sign up here. The construction workers are so thankful for the care that our members are putting into serving them.

As many of you know, the design and building committees are working hard on all details related to lighting, paint, fixtures and more for our permanent church home. As the teams have been working through this, an exciting change has developed. Originally when the building was designed, we needed to be able to use the sanctuary for more flexible space/gatherings, and thus needed to have chairs in the sanctuary in order to move them around to allow for this. Now, in the current build/design of our sanctuary and narthex, the size of the narthex is much bigger, allowing us to use the narthex for these gatherings instead of the sanctuary. Because of this, we will now have PEWS in the sanctuary instead of chairs. Many of you in the congregation voted originally to have pews, so we are excited to announce this change. Praise God! The design and building committees are now working on the layout and design of the pews with several pew manufacturers.

In mid-August we shared on social media that the roof trusses were being installed on the building, and as you can see, much progress has been made in the month of August. The parking lot has also been paved to allow for the trusses to be delivered and stored on site (the parking lot is not available for actual parking), and the congregation can now see how big the parking lot is (about 40-50% bigger than our last location).

In August we received a generous donation of seven Black Gum Tupelo Trees from a member of NAPC. These trees were planted in a temporary location at the church offices until they can find their permanent home when our landscaping team is ready in 2023. What a blessing!
Finally, many of you may have received a letter from the leadership of NAPC with your current giving to date towards our future home. We are so thankful for all that have contributed towards this mission. If you have further questions about your giving, have not yet made a pledge, or would like to know more, please contact us, or visit our website.

The Lord has continued to bless NAPC in so many ways with this building that will be used as a tool to spread the Gospel to many. Please continue to pray for good weather so that we can stay on track with the building process.

If you have any questions about the building in progress, please visit Frequently Asked Questions or reach out to Lisa Rathburn.

In His Service-
NAPC Communication & Building Committee's
Picture from early August 2022
Trusses as of September 1, 2022
Worship: 6600 E Dublin Granville Road (NAMS) New Albany, OH 43054
Office: 5321 Harlem Road, New Albany, OH 43054 | 614.933.9680