August 4, 2021
Dear NAPC congregation,

Here is your Faith.Forward progress update!
First, we are happy to report that your faithfulness continues to bless us. So far, we have collected $1.9MM in capital contributions, which is 30% of the total commitments! On top of that, new commitments are getting turned in. (As a reminder you can submit your contributions or start a new commitment below.)
Over the past few weeks, the members of the building committee have been meeting with church staff to gather more detail regarding design requirements. For example, the final layout of the front of the sanctuary is heavily influenced by how we hold weekly worship, holiday worship, weddings, or other special events. The building committee has also engaged with representatives from a music/organ company to detail out acoustical designs for the Sanctuary walls. Additional volunteers have stepped forward to help develop interior design recommendations.
Our current overall plans will be reviewed with the City of New Albany later this month. In early August, we will be submit what is required to begin the civil engineering and site work on the property. As a reminder, the team is in progress of finishing all final specifications and design drawings. Then construction documents will be sent out for bid to multiple sub-contractors in the November/December time frame.  
Members of the finance committee have continued to spend more time with banks to work through financing options in preparation for the construction contract. An important factor for our financing is consistent giving support by our congregation. We thank everyone for their sacrificial giving!! Once we obtain a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the construction contract from the bidding process, we will hold a congregational meeting to vote on the budget and loan. For those who have been paying attention, the lumber prices that peaked in May are now coming back down!
Lastly, thank you to those who stopped by for the Q&A sessions in June. We have updated the FAQ page to answer a few more common questions.  

As always, if you have any new questions, please submit them to Lisa Rathburn

In Christ,
Your Faith Forward Steering Committee
Visit our Faith. Forward. page to stay updated on the Building in progress,
and Frequently Asked Questions.
Worship: 6600 E Dublin Granville Road (NAMS) New Albany, OH 43054
Office: 6648 Walnut Street Suite 100, New Albany, OH 43054 | 614.933.9680