"The Times They Are A Changin'..."
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Everything has changed. Everywhere. Likewise, our teaching, research, and writing about the ways in which Faith & Work intersect have also changed. 

Pre-Covid, I had never heard of “PPE.” I thought masks were for Halloween. Other concepts like “social distancing” quickly entered our daily lexicon (or, as I prefer to say, we should be socially present but practice “physical distancing”). I thought the adjective “virtual” simply meant “almost or nearly as described, but not completely.” Yet today, the word virtual modifies all aspects of our daily work. Yes, virtually everything! 

The pandemic-driven changes to communities of faith and places of work raise many questions both new and old. How do faith communities adjust to non-congregating congregational life, deferred weddings, and unattended funerals? And in our work lives, what does our job look like and where we do it? Am I an essential worker? Is my work essential, but not me? Can I still find meaning and purpose in my work? What does leadership look like in a virtual work world? And in a wider marketplace and societal context, we face complex new ethical questions, such as considering bias in the growing role of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence in medicine, banking, technology, marketing, public safety, and other fields.

Everything has changed. And yet, nothing has changed. Here at the Princeton Faith & Work Initiative (FWI), we explore how the resources found in ancient faith traditions and other disciplines help us understand, interpret, and navigate our way through these and other faith and work-related questions. The lexicon may change with the times. But wisdom, wherever it is found, is timeless.

We remain hard at work – virtually! – hopefully, making a difference in the classroom and the boardroom. We need your financial support to maintain and grow our teaching, research, and outreach. Please scroll down to learn more about some exciting projects, and ways you can help us

Thank you!

David W. Miller, Ph.D.
Director, Faith & Work Initiative
FWI’s Strategic Move 
FWI Joins the Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education!

For 12 stimulating years, FWI was a part of Princeton’s “Center for the Study of Religion.” This year we moved into Princeton’s “Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education,” essentially becoming a center within a center. The Keller Center’s focus is on achieving positive societal impact through innovation and entrepreneurship in for-profit and non-profit organizations. We are continuing our mission and adding support to Keller’s mission, while looking forward to new growth and opportunities as part of Keller. We are deepening and expanding our engagement with students, scholars, and marketplace leaders interested ethics and values, faith and work, and entrepreneurship and innovation in all fields.

Public Engagement and Thought Leadership
“How Values and Trust Drive Today’s Business Decision-Making”
David Miller, FWI Director, recently delivered the keynote address, “Values and All That Jazz,” at the international Values20 (V20) Summit, hosted this year by Saudi Arabia. V20 is a new international group, launched with the intent to support and partner with the G20 leaders to help integrate values into their economic policies and decision-making.

Wall Street Journal Conversations on “Leadership: 
In an Era of Transformation, Transition, Transparency, and Trust”
Last month, the Wall Street Journal convened a panel on earning and rebuilding trust, comprised of government, media, and corporate leaders. David’s presentation on the subject was the launchpad for a stimulating and wide-ranging conversation. He drew from the white paper he and Michael Thate co-authored, “Towards a Restoration of Trust: Preliminary Insights and Lessons from Wisdom Traditions” that David presented in Davos in January 2020.

Research and Teaching

Religion, Altruism, and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Perspectives
Nicoleta Acatrinei, FWI Associate Research Scholar, gave a webinar presentation drawing on her public sector research with civil servants on the importance of “the human factor.” She explored three aspects that affect the human factor: religion/spiritual-based motivations and behaviors; altruism and the human inclination to interact socially; and the growing presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace. Learn more.

Humanities for Business: Resources for Human-centered Organizations
Michael Thate, FWI Associate Research Scholar, is leading a wide-ranging project entitled, “Humanities for Business.” It draws on the rich resources of religion, philosophy, history, and other fields to spark the imagination, values, and ethics of business people, entrepreneurs, and their organizations. The project involves an international cohort of scholars and thought leaders bringing a variety of perspectives and disciplines to bear.

Please Help Support the FWI!
The Faith & Work Initiative is 100%
Funded and Supported by
People like You!

 “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” Irish immigrant and Canadian farmer Nelson Henderson

Please support FWI with your tax-deductible gift gifts. Click here to learn the many ways you can send your financial support. All gifts will receive the recognition of Princeton University. Please also let Jeri Schaefer know of your gift so FWI can track its arrival and also express our thanks to you.
Advisory Board
  • George Bauer, Chairman, GPB, Ltd.
  • Marc Belton, Founder, Wisefellows Consulting
  • Brill Garrett, Jason Garrett Starfish Charities
  • Pat Gelsinger, CEO,VMware
  • Lou Giuliano, Non-Executive Chairman, Vectrus
  • Tom Horton, Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners
  • Dale Jones, President and CEO, Diversified Search
  • Yung Bong Lim, Managing Partner, RDG Funds LLC
  • Gene Lockhart, Chairman & Managing Partner, MissionOG
  • Mimi Pivirotto Murley, Leading civic volunteer
  • Wendy Murphy, Managing Director and Global Practice Leader, ZRG Partners
  • Craig Philip, Director, Vanderbilt University Center for Transportation Research
  • John Tyson, Chairman, Tyson Foods, Inc.
  • Kevin Weiss, Chief Executive Officer, Spireon, Inc.
  • Toni Townes-Whitley, President, US Regulated Industries, Microsoft
  • Jacob Worenklein, Chairman and CEO of US Grid Company
  • Johanna Zeilstra, CEO, Gender Fair