In Print
Kellie Holzer's
article "Matrimonials in the Morning Post: Literary Wife-Traps in Conservative Contexts" was published in Victorian Review Vol. 43 No. 2 as part of the Forum, "Anatomy of the Victorian Periodical."
Annette Clayton
was an invited panelist at the Virginia Association of School Social Workers Annual Conference in Richmond, Virginia. Three panelists discussed the topic, "Leading and Sustaining School Social Work Programs." Their discussion focused primarily on what practitioners and leaders can do to build and sustain responsive and accountable school social work programs.
Sherry Matis
co-authored an article entitled, "Is there an app for that?," which was a review of mobile apps for information literacy classes. The article was published in the November edition of College & Research Libraries News.
Jason Squ
his article
, "The Life, Influences, and Music of Randy Weston," in the November issue of Africanology: the Journal of Pan African Studies.
President Scott D. Miller
recently authored an article for Inside Business ("Four ways a construction management partner maximizes value," October 2018) and
University Business
Beyond higher ed buildings
," September 2018). He writes a monthly higher education column for
The Virginian-Pilot
Guiding anxious college students
," November 2018), and regularly contributes to
College Planning and Management
Enrollment Management
," July/August 2018) and
Enrollment Manager
Innovation, Transformation: A Playbook for Success
," September/October 2018). He edits the presidential thought series, President to President (
" The Case for Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities,"
December 2018), and he maintains a daily blog about campus life at
Robert Ariel
presented a research poster titled "Prompting Judgments of Learning with Criterial Information Improves Metacomprehension Accuracy" at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in New Orleans, LA.
Taryn Myers
presented three posters with three recent VWU alumnae, Jenna Dayan Serna, Sierra Howard, and Tayler Wilson, as well as current student Amber McD
onald, at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in Washington, D.C.
Kellie Holzer
presented a paper titled "'Most Men are Human': Race and the Type-Writer Girl" at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States (VISAWUS), in Palm Springs, CA.
Philip Roc
gave a presentation on mead and mead-making to the Virginia Beach Bee Club. As a long-time home brewer and instructor of Zymurgy, Dr. Rock is often asked to share his knowledge on fermentation with the bee-keeping community in Tidewater.
Sophie Rondeau
gave a poster presentation
eating an e-book revolution through training," at the Charleston Con
ference in Charleston, SC.
Lindvall gave a presentation of a research grant book proje
ct of Hollywood "Teach Us to Pray: A Cinematic History of Prayers in Hollywood Film" at the Louisville Institute Reception of the American Academy of Religion Conference in Denver, Colorado.
Maynard Schaus
served as a panelist during the Council of Independent Colleges 2018 Institute for Chief Academic Officer's in St. Louis. The presentation was entitled "Online College Students: Who Are They and What Do They Want?" The panel included Jay Hatcher and Andrew Magda of The Learning House, Eric LaMott of Concordia University, St. Paul, and Maynard Schaus.
Maynard Schaus, Chris Haley, Maury Howard,
and Katrina Henry presented on the curricular links of the Greer Environmental Sciences Center's facilities. The talk with discussion section was entitled "Building as a Living Laboratory: Adapting Spaces to Promote Place-based STEM Instruction," and was presented at the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, in Atlanta, GA.
Michelle Albert Vachris
presented a paper co-authored with Kyle Vachris titled "Governing the Scotch Knowledge Commons in the Face of Entrepreneurial Threats" at the November 2018 meetings of the Southern Economics Association in Washington, DC.
Virginia Wesleyan University was well represented at the Virginia Association of Science Teachers conference in Williamsburg. Professors Hilve Firek, William McConnell, Maury Howard, Victor Townsend, and Deirdre Gonsalves-Jackson presented alongside four teacher-education students. They shared innovative partnership initiatives that contribute to the developing scientific literacy of K-12 and university students. Altogether, they presented three different sessions reaching over 50 participants.
Micaela Morris
represented Virginia Wesleyan University in Lyn
urg, V
A on the campus of the University of Lynchburg for the Virginia Foundation for Indepe
t Colleges' 2018 Environmental & Sustainability meeting. Micaela talked about all of
the great accomplishments in sustainability and the environment that VWU has played a role in fo
r 2017-2018.
Kellie Holzer
was elected Vice President of the Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the W
estern United States (VISAWUS). Previously, she held the position of secretary from 2016 to 2
018, and she has been an active member of the board since 2009. She is currently organiz
ing the VISAWUS 2019 conference to be held in Seattle, WA.
More than 100 fourth graders arrived on campus on November 2 to take part in unique, hands-on environmental science activities. An interdisciplinary group of over 40 VWU students, faculty, and staff, including Maury Howard, Elizabeth Malcolm, Katrina Henry, and Bill McConnell participated in the Downstream Collaborative Project. The project originated in Bill McConnell's INST 203 Applied Technology for Innovative Instruction class.
Denise Wilkinson's
First Year Experience (FYE) 101 students planned and led icebreakers
and math-related outdoor activities for Tidewater Collegiate Ac
ademy (TCA). In addition to engaging with TCA students, FYE 101 students also learned about
rship positions that are available at TCA.
Robin Takacs and Larry Hultgren's
FYE/Portfolio class embraced the F
d B
cket Challenge by shopping for and filling 8 flood buckets from their class of 18
dents. FYE/Portfolio students filled four buckets last year.
As part of a service
learning partnership with the Chesapeake
Bay Foundation, students in Lisa Lyon Payne's
Public Relations class "adopted" Chick's Oyster Bar for the m
onth of November and took turns picking up oysters for recycling. Students are working in small groups to increase awareness of the oyster recycling program.
Presented by Sophie Rondeau, the "Discovering e-books for your courses" Technology Thursday event examined data on the impact of textbook costs on student performance and course decisions, Hofheimer Library's e-book collections and how to find them, the differences between titles that are digital rights management-free and those with publisher restrictions, functionality associated with the different platforms, and how to link e-books in Blackboard for effective off-campus access.
Faculty who would like assistance searching for an e-book for one of their courses or with a specific discipline in mind are encouraged to contact one of the VWU librarians.
Read the current issue or archives of Virginia Wesleyan University's
Faculty Focus