Presentations and Panels
Kellie Holzer gave a presentation about "Norfolk Chat, Norfolk's Illustrated Comic Newspaper of the 1890s" for the Eloise Hunter Chapter of the Victorian Society in America on November 4, 2017 at the MacArthur Memorial Education Center.
Ben Dobrin
was part of a panel discussing the challenges of volunteer policing at the annual Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance international conference in Dallas, Texas.
Ben Dobrin
gave a presentation titled, "Volunteer police as resources to prevent and respond to suicide bombing incidents." at the annual Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance international conference in Dallas, Texas.
Joyce Easter
, Paul Fitzgerald (NVCC), and Dan Roberts (VSU) presented "Leading Honors Education at the State and Regional Level. A Case Study of the Virginias Collegiate Honors Council" at the National Collegiate Honors Council Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Chris Haley and
Maynard Schaus presented "Case Study: The Greer Environmental Sciences Center at Virginia Wesleyan" at the Tradeline College and University Science and Engineering Facilities conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. Dade Van Der Werf of VMDO Architects and David McCullough of Page Lab Design were co-presenters on the talk.
Joyce Easter
served on a Developing in Honors panel with Craig Fox (California University of Pennsylvania) and Scott O'Leary (University of Saint Mary) entitled "Models for Interdisciplinary Honors Seminars and Effective Team-Teaching" at the National Collegiate Honors Council Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Ben Fraser
VWU Westminster-Canterbury Fellow for Religious Freedom and Lifelong Learning, and Terry Lindvall presented their paper on "Good Country Parables: Flannery O'Connor, Art, and Indirect Communication, with Constant Reference to Kierkegaard" at the National Communication Association Convention in Dallas, Texas.
Sue Erickson
was a panelist for the session "Participatory Assessment for Collaborative Learning Experiences: Documenting Networked Learning in the Virginia AAC&U Faculty Collaborative Initiative" at the Virginia Assessment Group annual conference in Richmond.
December 2017
Bill McConnell
presented two papers, "Force, Mass, & Marshmallows: Scaffolding K-5 Students' Design of Science Investigations" and "Designing Paradise: Elementary Investigations into Environmental Tradeoffs" at the Virginia Association of Science Teachers annual conference in Roanoke, Virginia.
Taryn Myers
presented a talk on "Undergraduate research: Different pathways to introducing undergraduates to the process of psychological science" at the meeting of the Clinical Psychology at Liberal Arts Colleges Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies at the annual convention in San Diego, California.
Taryn Myers
and her student research assistant Tayler Wilson presented a poster entitled "Which cognitive dissonance is best? The impact of appearance-related versus non-appearance-related cognitive dissonance statements on body image, self-esteem, and affect" at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in San Diego, California.
Taryn Myers
and her Summer High Impact Practice Program (SHIPP) undergraduate research student Abigail Horgan presented a poster entitled "Deceiving the mind: The inaccuracies of eyewitness accounts in sexual assault cases" at the Forensic Issues Special Interest Group at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in San Diego, CA.
Alain Gabon presented a paper titled "Jihad in France" as part of a panel on postcolonial perspectives in Francophone Studies at the 2017 Mountain Interstate Foreign language Conference (MIFLC) in Wilmington, NC.
Sophie Rondeau
gave a poster presentation entitled, "Leveraging library student assistants for digital projects," at the Central Plains Network Digital Asset Management Virtual Conference.
Michelle Vachris
presented a paper titled "These Little PIIGS Did Not Go to Market: Economic Freedom and the Eurozone Crisis" at the Southern Economics Association meetings in Tampa, FL.
Anne Weiss
presented her dissertation, 'Should I Stay or Should I Go? Member Retention in an Online Professional Learning Community" as part of a poster session at the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) Transforming STEM Education conference in San Francisco, California.
In Print
Wayne Pollock
instructor emerita Nancy Montgomery co-authored/edited the book titled, "Guidelines for the Ethical Practice of Recreational Therapy." (Sagamore Publishing, 2017)
and student Ashley Kline published their "Circuit-Riding Alive and Well at Virginia Wesleyan University" in the November 2017 issue of Virginia United Methodist Advocate.
Other Accomplishments
Stephen Leist has been selected for a second two-year term to serve on the ILL Subcommittee of the Virtual Library of Virginia, which plans a summer forum and coordinates interlibrary loan guidelines and policies among member institutions.
Takeyra Collins
organized, facilitated, and hosted the 2017 VWU Shack-A-Thon to raise awareness about the current state of hunger and homelessness, especially in Hampton Roads to coincide with National Hunger & Homelessness Week. Nine campus organizations and 86 students participated in building temporary shacks on the Batten Center Lawn.
Lisa Lyon Payne
has been named editor of College Media Review, the flagship publication of the College Media Association, which is the nation's largest organization for advisers and advocates of a college student media. CMR is the leading academic journal on advising collegiate media in print, broadcast and electronic forms.
Community Engagement
Denise Wilkinson's
FYE 101 class led and organized math-related activities for students at the Tidewater Collegiate Academy. In a different volunteer session, FYE 101 students helped TCA students with their classwor
Technology Corner
Compilation Videos in FYE to Encourage Reflection & Connection to Course Goals
The first semester of college is a blur for many students. In an effort to help students document their experiences and reflect on them, Kim Fahle assigns her students in FYE to complete compilation videos in a project call "One Second Everyday."
This project is inspired by Caesar Kuriyama's Ted Talk "One Second Everyday" in which Kuriyama documents a project in which he records a one second video of his life every day to create an archive that helps him remember his life and helps him relish these memories, but also appreciate and live in the moment.
For this project, students are asked to create their own videos that document each day in a two-week period in the semester. For this particular assignment, each one second video students record should be a moment where they are doing something or accomplishing something related to the goals of FYE:
- Students will explore the nature of liberal arts learning.
- Students will connect to the greater VWU community.
- Students will develop habits of self-governance and personal resourcefulness that lead to college success.
After completing the video, students are asked to write an explanation of the videos included and reflect on the experience of creating it. One student wrote in her reflection, "
From this project, I learned to engage more in my learning and [that] capturing the memories of everyday can help you remember the good, bad and ugly moments life can throw at us. I enjoyed this assignment and I think I will continue to capture these moments for more days to come." Many students similarly suggested they planned to continue to recording after the completion of the project.
To create these videos, students can use the "1 Second Everday" app created by Kuriyama which costs $4.99, or use a myriad of free apps available online.
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Faculty Focus