Annette Clayton
presented an ePoster at the 22nd Annual Society for Social Work & Research Conference in Washington D.C. on January 11, 2018 titled "Contextual Influences on the Achievement Outcomes of African American Male High School Seniors."
Annette Clayton
was one of the presenters for the Evidence-informed Approaches to Facilitate Racial Equity in Schools: A Research to Practice Symposium at the 21st Annual School Social Work Conference in Columbus Ohio. Her presentation on March 15, 2018 was titled "A Framework for Evidence-informed Practice with Academically At-Risk African American Adolescents."
Sue Erickson
was an invited panelist for "Getting Comfortable Working in the Open," at Virginia Tech's Open Education Symposium.
Maury Howard
presented a paper titled "Significance of significant figures: Introducing metrology in freshman chemistry lab" as part of the ACS Chemical Education Division POGIL symposium at the 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Lisa Lyon Payne
presented a session on publishing opportunities in College Media Review at the College Media Association national convention in New York City.
Sophie Rondeau
was a panelist at the VLA CaTS (Virginia Library Association Collections and Technical Services) Forum, which was hosted at VWU in the Greer Environmental Sciences Center.
Jennifer Slivka
presented a paper titled "'The Things Around Their Necks: Female Sexuality, Identity, and the American Male Lover in the Short Fiction of Chimamanda Adichie and Bharati Muhkerjee" as part of a panel discussion at the 2018 Global Status of Women and Girls Conference at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA.
Jennifer Slivka
gave a lecture and readings of W.B. Yeats as part of The Hunter House Victorian Museum's "A Winters Evening Series: Irish Literature." On select Thursday evenings, Hunter House features readings, songs, and other forms of entertainment focused on literary figures and their contribution to 19th century culture.
Jeff Toussaint
presented a paper titled Racial Identity, Racial Group Consciousness, and Generalized Trust in People among Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites. at the Southern Sociological Society meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Michelle Vachris
, Professor of Management, Business, and Economics, gave a talk "Pride and Profit: the Intersection of Jane Austen and Adam Smith" for the Liberty and Economic Freedom Speaker Series at Susquehanna University.
Other Accomplishments
Heather Campbell, and her canine co-presenter Hans, made a presentation on working with wounded warriors and paraolympians to a combined session from Takeyra Collins' Recreation Therapy Management and Organization and Kathy Stolley's Animals and Society classes.
Sue Erickson
was named Chair of the VIVA Resource Sharing Committee. VIVA is the consortium of academic libraries in Virginia.
The Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association awarded a $5000 grant to
Lisa Lyon Payne
and her colleagues Elizabeth Smith of Pepperdine University, Kirstie Hettinga of California Lutheran University and Jean Norman of Weber State University. Their work uses a community of practice lens to examine how non-journalism majors learn the practice of journalism in college newsrooms.
At the annual conference of the Virginia Association of Colleges of Teacher Education,
Bill McConnell
received the 2018 Inspirational Educator Award.
Sophie Rondeau
received an Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) 101 silver medal award. The peer-reviewed award covered a significant portion of the ER&L Conference registration fees.
Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Students in Sociology 237 Animals and Society, taught by
Kathy Stolley,
toured the LEED certified Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center, performed service activities, and assisted with dog photo shoots to encourage adoption. The annual visit is organized and led by shelter volunteer
Kathy Bartkus.
Technology Corner
Using and Creating Videos for Courses
On March 1, more than 15 faculty attended a Technology Thursday Workshop focused on the use of screencast videos led by Kim Fahle from the Learning Center and Sherry Matis from the Library. A screencast is a video screen capture of computer screen output which is often accompanied by audio narration. Screencast videos can be used for lecture capture, tutorial videos, multimodal feedback, or for student multimedia presentations.
Participants were asked to consider their needs and own technology skills in determining appropriate programs to use from low-tech options like Voice-over-PowerPoint, to free or low-cost options like
, or
, to robust programs like
Participants were also introduced to
, an easy to use video discussion platform that can be used for interactive video assignments which allows students to contribute video responses to an assignment or discussion question using something as simple as their phone. After being introduced to various tools, faculty participants had the opportunity to experiment with Screencast-o-matic and Flipgrid to make their own videos.
Any faculty members interested in learning more about creating screencast videos or simple video assignments can contact the workshop leaders for more information or help.
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Faculty Focus