Connecting hearts, minds, and hands to meet needs in our community
UNITE INDY Assembles Army To Train Reentrants
There is more to getting jobs for those exiting our jails and prisons than one might think. We have the web site up and ready. We have employers who are prepared to offer jobs. But COVID-19 restrictions have kept us out of reach of training reentrants in basic job preparation as well as equipping them with the computer skills necessary to access the Internet to find the wealth of information that is available on A group of SecondChanceIndy Ambassadors, who are retired business people and some formerly incarcerated individuals, gathered at UNITE INDY’s World Headquarters last week to gear up for this important work. We’ll need more help! To join the team email Jim Cotterill.
Pay Day Lenders’ New Big Loan Plan Would
Sidestep State Interest Rate Caps
There is a move in Washington D. C. to allow companies to provide money for large ticket items through the payday loan companies nationwide. If this goes through, payday companies will not be limited to the small loans they now provide. They will be able to finance large items--$50,000 for example. If the Controller of the Currency approves this move, these “rent-a-banks” will funnel capital through the payday loan storefronts without having to conform to state interest rate caps anywhere in the U.S. (Caps have been adopted by 43 states—not Indiana). The loan companies will be able to finance cars and other high cost items at an interest rate of 100% or more, condemning borrowers to the burden of never ending payments.
This year, the national high-cost lending lobby day will take place 'virtually' over several days, creating an opportunity for many to join. (Click the link above to register!) Read Nancy’s Blog for more information, here. For a deeper understanding of the rent-a-bank scheme, click here. The payday loan issue continues to expand poverty among our working poor. Please keep an eye on this issue and respond to legislators whenever possible!
Groundbreaking Butler University Study To Benefit Reentrants
Anecdotal evidence has been around for years that supports the benefits of hiring people reentering society from incarceration. Some say these employees are more motivated and have higher productivity. They say justice involved individuals are loyal, have lower turnover and higher attendance, but all of us who are involved in this work need hard facts, facts that would strengthen UNITE INDY's efforts to attract employment listings on our site. No one has studied this. This is groundbreaking. Now, through the generosity of The Indianapolis Foundation, which provided a grant through UNITE INDY to match grants from the International Logistics Association and Allegiant Staffing, an in-depth study by Butler's Lacy School of Business will be producing facts very soon that employers can take to the bank…literally.
Calling all Churches: National Faith & Blue Weekend (NFBW)
As our city and nation grapple with frayed relationships between law enforcement and citizens, the leadership of the faith community is needed more than ever. Public servants cannot make the necessary changes by themselves – they need the help of the community at large. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is asking houses of worship, which represent the diversity of our people, to lead in efforts to bring law enforcement and residents together to facilitate innovative ways to bring about positive change. NFBW is scheduled for October 9-12, 2020, The activities will include forums and townhall meetings, community discussions, peace and justice walks, picnics, and other events geared toward fostering an environment of collaboration and reconciliation. For each activity, there are options for in-person, small group and virtual events. Go to to lean more.
Nancy Zooms With 75 Potential Inmate Letter Writers
The Community for Contemplation and Justice
at St. Luke's United Methodist Church asked Jim and Nancy Cotterill to meet with them about corresponding with incarcerated individuals who have written UNITE INDY in hopes of forging friendship and support on the outside. Nancy provided some guidance and encouragement about the great need and our opportunity to speak friendship and care into the lives of people who often get no mail or visitors. If you'd like to write to an inmate, contact Nancy here.
MCRC Monitors Assistance to Reentrants As COVID Hangs On
As part of the Marion County Reentry Coalition we met last week with Lena Hackett, CEO, of Community Solutions (pictured), and other members to discuss how not-for-profits are handling their efforts in the midst of the pandemic. Although lately several agencies reported a lower number of justice-involved individuals being referred to them, last week the referral volume returned to more normal levels. So both demand and need levels are climbing again.
Click here for more on the coalition!
What we do makes a difference!
UNITE INDY is connecting people every day to make a difference for those in our city who live in in perpetual want. It builds bridges of understanding between those who need help and those who can help.
Connecting — UNITE INDY introduces urban pastors and ministry leaders to suburban pastors and business leaders. We also make available—At No Charge—a web-based system that connects churches, businesses, ministries, to charities enabling them to raise volunteers and publicize needed items.
Raising Awareness — Through print, television, and radio UNITE INDY is sharing the needs of our community and celebrating victories.  
Serving the Servants — UNITE INDY comes behind urban pastors and ministry leaders by addressing personal and professional needs for these men who work tirelessly in their neighborhoods to care for the needy and bereft.

Remember, almost 1 out of every 3 children in Indianapolis lives below the poverty level, yet even in the aftermath of the shut down, our economy is roaring back to life and employment is returning fast. But all this good news stops at the lines surrounding many of our inner city neighborhoods. In some neighborhoods of Marion County unemployment exceeds 20%. and poverty remains the overwhelming divider of people.

Please send a check today to UNITE INDY, 241 W. 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Or donate via credit card by clicking here. It is secure and safe. By sending your fully tax deductible gift* now we can have a greater impact meeting needs in our community in 2020.

Many, many thanks!
*UNITE INDY, Inc. is approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity, donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170.
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