A Message from
RWC President Tarek S. Hassan
on Upcoming Communications:

"Facing Challenges from Around the Globe: Covid-19"
During these difficult and troubling times, retina specialists face many challenges managing their personal and professional lives as we try to care for our patients while keeping them, our staffs, friends, families, and ourselves healthy and safe.  Our thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out to all of you as we deal with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 virus.

The Retina World Congress is a federation of the most prominent retina societies in the world — made up of the finest minds in our field.  This pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, both similarly and differently, across the globe.  The ways we rise to meet the challenges it has brought upon us are inspiring and the things we learn from this trial by fire are amazingly valuable — even though they may be quite variable among specialists around the world.  

We will be sharing commentary from some of the most thoughtful retina specialists, from societies around the world, about their experiences and the things they have learned during this worldwide crisis.  We hope you find them educational, inspirational, and supportive as we navigate these times together.

We encourage you to tell us about your experiences. If you would like to share your thoughts with the RWC community of retina societies, please contact us at info@retinaworldcongress.org .