December 16, 2020
Reflecting on 2020 with
Eyes on the Future
As 2020 comes to a close, the testing industry continues to expand its use – and acceptance – of distributed solutions to develop, maintain, and deliver tests. For example, during the ICE Virtual 2020 Exchange in November, NCCA announced that it is possible to meet the NCCA Standards when live remote proctoring is thoughtfully executed. Indeed, our industry continues to evolve and innovate in response to the many challenges presented throughout 2020. In this edition of the Buzz, we highlight how Facebook continues to grow its certification program and how education and training programs have an opportunity to optimize the benefits of online learning and training platforms. 

Our industry’s willingness to engage and meet the challenges presented through 2020 continues to fuel our optimism that we can also engage in other ways to continue to provide good validity evidence to support our assertions and:

  • better mitigate security risks and other threats to validity;
  • better fit the ever-accelerating pace of change and value propositions desired by stakeholder groups, including the engagement expectations of Millennials and Gen-Z; and,
  • better position and apply assessment as a valuable ally in one’s journey as a life-long learner.

I sincerely look forward to seeing how, as an industry, we continue to move forward and build upon the good work accomplished in 2020.

Best regards,

Brian Adams
President & CEO of Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.

Facebook's Certification Program is Evolving, Thriving & Driving Impact

Facebook's certification program has evolved from serving a singular audience to serving multiple audiences, with a portfolio that has grown from two to nine certifications over the past two years.

"It is essential that our certifications are trusted and respected by our stakeholder groups,” (and) "that our certification offerings live up to our vision. With the growth we’ve been experiencing, we saw the need to do a reality check as to whether our certifications are meeting stakeholder needs and the needs of the intended target audience."

 - Vikas Wadhwani, Global Head of Certifications and Assessments at Facebook

Forging Ahead to Maximize New Solutions

The Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging and has required drastic changes to the way we live and work. Some innovations and technological solutions that were previously viewed with skepticism have been widely adopted. What does the long-term outcome look like?

"Now that we have adopted innovations and technological
solutions on a large scale, it's hard to imagine that they will be
abandoned in a post-pandemic world. With this reality in mind, at
some point our thinking must shift from 'how we implement the
solution' to 'how we maximize the solution'."

-Tracey Hembry, Director, Education and Senior Psychometrician,
Alpine Testing Solutions


ATP 2021 Innovations in Testing Conference
We look forward to "seeing" you in April at next year's virtual ATP 2021 Innovations in Testing Conference. Stay tuned to learn more about sessions we will be presenting!
2020 ICE Exchange Conference - Gone Virtual
Be sure to check out these sessions!

Half-day Pre-Conference Workshop: Basics of Psychometrics: Deciphering "It Depends" 
  • Brett P. Foley, Director Professional Credentialing & Sr. Psychometrician, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.
  • Corina Owens, Psychometrician, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.

Click HERE for more information and to view ta sampling of the slides.

Lightening Learning Session: Job Analysis Survey Instruction Length and
Response Rate -- A Case Study
  • Patrick Irwin, Director of Certification and Psychometrics, AHIMA
  • Jeff Kelley, Psychometrician, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.

Click HERE for more information and to view the slides.

Concurrent Session: Converting 4-Option Multiple Choice Questions to 3-
Option and Integrating Both into Your Exam
  • Jared Zurn, Vice President, Examination, NCARB
  • Jim Mendes, Certification Development Manager, Adobe
  • Brett P. Foley, Director Professional Credentialing & Sr. Psychometrician, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.
  • Amanda Wolkowitz, Sr. Psychometrician, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.
  • Corina Owens, Psychometrician, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.

Click HERE for more information and to view the slides.

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