The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

March 6, 2024

Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service

Surrender and Change

Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Parisa Parsa

We often think of change as something we are responsible for initiating, controlling, and completing. Attending to transformation, however, requires an interesting relationship between active work and letting go. How can practices of surrender help us arrive at the transformation we seek?

Join us in person or on Zoom:

Uniting for Our Future

After we have all endured the life altering pandemic, and some of us are still at risk and cautious of the effects of this virus, the community at FUUSN has begun to return to a new normal with engagement from long-time congregants, newer enthusiastic members and friends, and a growing Religious Exploration community. We have all learned new ways to engage with each other remotely using Zoom, and also have returned to overflowing in person events like the Holiday Fair, the 175th Anniversary lunch, special musical events, and well attended and vibrant Sunday services.

We as a community have been fortunate to welcome our Interim Minister Parisa for her second year, and our new Director of Family and Community Ministries Devin for his second year. We have also welcomed a key staff person this year, Jenise, who has taken the FUUSN website to a whole new level and also has improved our ability to communicate with each other in many ways. These new staff members join our incomparable music director Anne, and the whole organization stays afloat with the assistance of Fran, who takes care of the myriad of details that are all vital to the organization.

A huge strength of FUUSN is that we are a community of communities where people can participate in areas that speak to their passions and callings in life. Groups like the Climate Action team, the Racial Justice Ministry, the Choir and extended music team, the Plant-Based Eating Club, the incredibly active Over 60’s Group, and many others allow us to learn and support one another on our collective journeys.

This year, as we embark on our Pledge Drive, a big consideration is that we are in active search for a settled minister. Our congregation has been incredibly fortunate to have Parisa guiding us as our interim minister, who is preparing us in so many ways for a successful search. The search committee has conducted many activities so far this year to understand more deeply what our congregation wants and needs in a minister, and has been working extremely hard in getting us ready to start considering candidates this spring.

One thing we can all do to increase the chances for a successful search is to make the best pledge we can that makes sense for our respective household budgets, and also pledge to be giving of our talents and time in making FUUSN the vibrant, welcoming community that we all cherish. The candidate pool of ministers which (hopefully) includes our next settled minister will all doubtlessly look at the budget and finances of the congregation as a “vital sign” of where we are and where we are going. This year, maybe more than most other years, is an important year to consider increasing your annual pledge if you have the means to do so. This would show to all the interested ministerial candidates that FUUSN is a congregation who wants to invest in the future and provide the resources needed for spiritual and community experiences we all have come to love.


Your FUUSN 2024 Annual Pledge Drive Co-chairs:

John Dundon, Catherine Ryan, and Michael Costello


Reminder: Daylight Savings Time Starts This Sunday

Please turn your clocks forward one hour on Saturday night so you make it to church on time this Sunday!

Welcome to Our Newest FUUSN Members!!!

The following folks have officially signed the book and joined FUUSN as members:

  • Willa Gaebler
  • Iah House
  • Helen Jordan
  • Finn Konary
  • Roger Luckmann
  • James Mosher
  • Julia Ryan
  • Katy and Tyll van Geel

Did you know that you must be an official member of FUUSN for at least 30 days prior to the new minister vote to have your vote count?  Find out more on the Member Services web page. Questions? Contact

Nominating Committee Now Seeking Candidates

The 2024 Nominating Committee is now preparing a slate of nominees for open leadership positions at FUUSN for 2024-2025. Nominees must be FUUSN members. The election will be held at our Annual Meeting on June 9, 2024. All positions that need to be filled for the coming year are described below. Serving in one of these roles is a great way to contribute to FUUSN and learn about our Society. We welcome all candidates.

If you are interested in serving (or continuing to serve) in one of these open positions, or know someone who you feel would be a good candidate, please send those names to the Nominating Committee at The formal period for suggesting candidates is February 15 to April 1, 2024.

View all open positions here

Upcoming Events This Week


Mar. 6, 6pm: Bible Study for Unitarian Universalists (preregistration required)

Mar. 7, 7pm: Online presentation of Article II of UUA Bylaws

Mar. 10, 11:30am: Reparations Task Force Presentation: Carl McCargo

Mar. 10, 11:30am: Bylaws Meeting

Mar. 10, 4pm: 4th-6th Grade Owl

Mar. 12, 4pm: Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop

Mar. 12, 7pm: Bylaws Meeting

Mar. 12, 7pm: Soul Matters Group Meeting

RE This Sunday

Pre-K-4th Grade: The Lord's Prayer

5th-8th grade: FUUSN members share their spiritual journeys

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

Online presentation on Article II of the UUA Bylaws - March 7, 2024 at 7pm

This year's UUA General Assembly will include a special vote by delegates on new wording for our principles and purposes as stated in our UUA by-laws, known as "Article II." This vote finalizes a multi-year process that includes considerable work by the Article II Study Commission and the UUA Board of Trustees. Article II has not been updated since the 1980s. Congregations are encouraged to be in rigorous conversation about Article II. It is important that we all engage with one another, ask questions, share thoughts and concerns, and prepare for the final vote to be held at the 2024 General Assembly. Register here.

If you are considering being a delegate at GA in June, it will be especially important to hear from our congregants what they think about the proposed changes. Information about the Article II proposal can be found on the UUA website.

By-Laws Committee Meetings on Proposed Amendments

March 10, 11:30am in person March 12, 7pm on Zoom

Join the By-Laws Committee to learn about proposed By-Laws amendments to be voted on at the 2024 Annual Meeting. These amendments relate to term limits for officers not already subject to term limits as well as updating the use of pronouns. These meetings are unrelated to the UUA Bylaws presentation on March 7th.

A Zoom link for the March 12th meeting will be sent out on the Business List a few days before.

Racial Justice and Reparations Task Force presents:

Carl W. McCargo, M.S.

Sunday, March 10, 11:30am

Alliance Room and Zoom

Carl has been a UU member in Springfield, MA for 38 years and is a long-time member of the Unitarian Universalist for A Just Economic Community (UUJEC). Carl’s UUJEC “Task Group for Reparations” in 2022 wrote “Anti-Racism and Reparations via Restorative Justice.” His task group has developed a six-part curriculum entitled “Next Steps Into Anti-racism and Reparations.”

He will speak on society’s “isms,” such as, racism, sexism, classism. He will describe perspectives that speaks to the legitimacy and need for reparation and voices that address how we can change that consciousness that created and gave rise to our chattel enslavement history. Finally, he will describe his 6-part workshop which will provide strategies for beginning the healing from that past legacy of crimes against humanity.

Join Us on Zoom

Pledge Party Palooza!!!

The Signup Genius for Pledge Parties is live- here is the link: PledgeDrive: Pledge Parties 2024 (

In past years, these parties filled up fast - so see which one would be the best for you and your family to attend and SIGN UP NOW! For any questions, please email the pledge team at

From your pledge drive team - Kit Ryan, Michael Costello, John Dundon, Chip Highfield, and Suzanne Buchko. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday Morning Greeters Needed

What could make attending Sunday service even more fun? How about welcoming old friends and newcomers to our sanctuary this Sunday morning? Sign up as a Greeter here.

Annual Pledge Drive Lunch Needs Your Help!

Please sign up to make our Annual Pledge Drive Lunch on April 7th a success! Volunteer here.

FUUSN Oral History Project

Some years ago, FUUSN undertook an oral history video project interviewing long-time church members and staff. Interviewees included Jackie and Charlie Colby, Allan and Anne Hartman, Peter and Brenda Roberts, Roberta Humez, and Gerry Krick, among others.

The Preservation Committee recently renewed work on the project, seeking both to make the existing videos readily available for viewing and to record new interviews.

We have compiled a working list of members targeted for interviews, but it’s far from complete. Please let us know your ideas about members who might share important stories about their experiences in this community over the years.

We seek volunteers who can pitch in to help with the oral history project, including editing video. Please contact Elli Crocker Morse or Gayle Smalley.

Pledge Party Hosts Still Wanted!

March and April are the months that the FUUSN community organizes around the key way we fund our congregation -the annual pledge drive (APD). One great way to get involved is to host a pledge party - either in your home or at FUUSN. Please let the folks on the pledge drive team know your interest in hosting - it can be a sit down dinner, a fun family afternoon event with light food, a wine and cheese party - whatever would feel right for you. The APD budget has funds if you need support for your party. A member of the pledge drive team, a board member, and often Rev. Parisa would join you at these parties and help facilitate the discussion.

These events are going to be scheduled between March 9th and April 13th- please let us know what dates would work best for you, any accessibility information about your home (number of steps, etc.), if you would like to invite families with children, and any ideas you have about the type of food, etc. you would like to serve. The best way to contact the Pledge Drive team ( Kit Ryan, Michael Costello, John Dundon, Chip Highfield, and Suzanne Buchko) is the pledge drive email address: We look forward to hearing from you!

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise.

Save the Date

March 17, 2024: Music Sunday – Finally On My Way to Yes

This service presents music about transformation and change, both personal, healing transformation and being a force for change in the world. There will be  a wide variety of songs, including The Times They Are A-Changin', Hejira, Swing Down, Chariot, and a gorgeous setting of James Weldon Johnson’s Sonnet (My heart be brave). The FUUSN Choir will be joined by the Band, CreationDance, Bob MacWilliams, and Lois Shapiro. Directed by Anne Watson Born.

Committee Chairs Meeting March 16, 2024

The Committee Chairs will be meeting on Saturday, March 16, 2024, 10am-noon in the Children's Chapel and on Zoom.

FUUSN Authors Expo - March 17 after service

On March 17th during coffee hour after the service, FUUSN writers of all kinds will display copies of their work at a long table and talk with anyone interested. The format will be simple: bring a copy of your work; place it on the table, and answer questions from anyone interested during coffee hour. If you think you might want to participate, contact Curt Lamb.

April 6 Workshop: Introduction to The Work That Reconnects, led by Demie Stathoplos

Based on the writings and work of Joanna Macy

The Work That Reconnects is a body of thought and experiential exercises and rituals that help us connect deeply with all life on the planet and reclaim our ability to think and act on behalf of ourselves and all that is. This half day workshop will explore this important framework that can enliven and empower us in this time that Joanna Macy calls The Great Turning.

Read more | Register here

Join our FUUSN community lunch to benefit the pledge drive - April 7, 2024

Enjoy a bowl of warm vegan chili and munch on gluten free cornbread as you mingle with the FUUSN community. The Community Lunch will be held on Sunday, April 7th following the service in the parish hall. Cost is $5 per person. Free for kids. All proceeds benefit the FUUSN Pledge Drive.

Kudos Corner

Thanks to the members of the FUUSN Band for their fantastic performance of "Show Up and Pledge" last Sunday!

On behalf of the pledge team, thanks to all the hosts who are offering Pledge Parties to celebrate all the ways we can work together to support FUUSN, including the annual pledges that support about 65% of the operating budget.

Thanks to Jud Leonard for continuing to make improvements to the Sanctuary audio system, improving audio quality over Zoom, and for his assistance with network improvements.

History Corner

Minister of the Month: Polly Laughland Guild

We celebrate Rev. Polly Laughland Guild as the March Minister of the Month.  After her ordination by FUUSN in 1971, our  first female minister served for about two years. On March 17, all are invited to drop in the Chapel to hear Rev. Polly tell her story in an oral history video.  Trading Cards will be available in the Parish Hall.

View the Trading Card

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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