The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

December 13, 2023


See what's happening this week.


Here's how to help.


Note: Items for the remainder of 2023 must be submitted by 9am, Tuesday, Dec. 19th

Submit here

Worship Service

The Sacred Thread

Sunday, December 17 at 10:15am

Rev. Parisa Parsa

What binds us together in friendship, in kinship, in romantic love and in community? How do we honor the impulse to compassion as we experience it, and lift up the power and the mystery of its presence in our lives?

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Upcoming Events


Dec. 14-17: Tree Sales continue

Dec. 14, 3pm: Soul Matters Small Group Ministry Meeting

Dec. 15, 6pm: Zoom Vespers

Dec. 16, 9:30am: FUUSN Band Rehearsal

Dec. 16, 7:30pm: Bay Colony Brass Concert

Dec. 17, 11:30am: Over 60s Arts Fest - Voice

Dec. 17, 6pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club Potlucks

Dec. 19, 7pm: Joint Board and Operations Council Meeting

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

RE This Week

Pre-K - 4th grade: Spirit Play

5th-8th grade: UU History

Dec. 14, 6pm: RE Committee Meeting

Dec. 17, 12pm: Pageant Rehearsal & Lunch

Dec. 18, 5:30pm: All8 Facilitators Mtg.

Save the Date

Dec. 21, 6:30pm: Solstice Service

Christmas Eve Services

10:15am: Pageant & Carol Sing

6:40pm: Chime Concert

7pm: Lessons and Carols

10pm: Contemporary Music and Readings

Dec. 30, 6pm: FUUSN Fun Night

Dec. 31: Quaker Service

Jan. 14, 11:30am: Community Expo

Tree Sale in Full Swing!

The Trees have arrived, and we are down to our last trees! Act quickly to get your tree now!!! Trees sales are open while supplies last:

Every Thursday and Friday until 12/22, 5-7:30pm

Every Saturday until 12/16, 9am-5pm

Every Sunday until 12/17, 11am-5pm

Over 60s Arts Fest: Voice

Dec. 17, 11:30am

All ages, come join us for Coffee Hour and the Over 60s Arts Fest, featuring the FUUSN choir and soloists. Begin in the Parish Hall with coffee and conversation, then come into the Alliance Room to hear your friends sing a variety of tunes.

Turn in Your UUSC Boxes This Sunday

Our UUSC Guest at Your Table boxes will be collected Sunday December 17 in the Parish Hall at Coffee Hour. The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights worldwide. They partner with communities displaced by climate change, works with communities affected by natural disasters and economic hardship, supports the right to safety and justice to asylum seekers, and defends access to water. Gifts of $150 or more are matched by the UU Congregation in Manhasset, NY. Website for online donations:  Donations payable to UUSC can be sent to:

Guest at Your Table-UUSC

PO Box 808

Newark, NJ 07101-0808

Guest at Your Table

Recognizing Newborn Babies in 2023

Send in the names of your newborn babies to, and we will recognize them at the 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.

Volunteer Opportunities

Tree Sale Volunteers still needed

We Tree Folx need your help to sell trees starting November 25th. Please have a look at the Tree Sale Signups sheet and let the Shed Head(s) for the day(s)/time(s) you prefer know that you would like to help, or just respond to the Tree Folx address and one of us will put you on the schedule:

Volunteer for FUUSN Fun Night

Help us ring in the New Year at FUUSN Fun Night on December 30th? We have a growing group of fun-seekers ready to make it happen and would love to include you! Our plans include:

  • Potluck dinner buffet starting at 6:00
  • Dancing  with a real DJ, a Disco Ball and bubbles 
  • Youth hanging out with us and in the youth room
  • Quiet space and games in the Alliance Room
  • Supervised Toddlers and Big Kids running around making themselves at-home  
  • Family-friendly movie in the Chapel

Sign Up Here

Sign Up Now for the Community Expo

Now that the Holiday Fair has come to a very successful close, it’s time to think about the next community event - The FUUSN Community Fair! It’s been a while since we had all our groups and committees showcase their work, and we’d like to invite your group to have a table and/or give a talk on Sunday, January 14, 2024. 

If you’d like to host a table for your group and/or give a talk, please APPLY HERE.

Volunteer for Christmas Eve Services

Perform in the Christmas Pageant!

On Sunday, December 24th at 10:15 AM, we will have our annual multi-generational pageant and need your help. This year’s pageant will be an opportunity to learn more about the biblical story behind Christmas and to truly bring the story to life.

Whether you prefer to work behind the scenes or be a member of the cast, there is a role for everyone. Whether you want to be a speaking member of the cast or you want to be an extra, there is a place on the chancel for you.

On Sunday, December 17th, from Noon to 1:30 PM, we will have a pizza lunch and pageant rehearsal. Please sign up for parts and to help out. Note: This year there are several designated adult roles - please pay attention when signing up!

Looking for Players for the Carol Sing Service!

Our annual Carol Sing will be on December 24 in the morning - we'd love to have some people playing guitars, ukuleles, flutes, recorders, clarinets, violins, trombones, hurdy gurdys, kalimbas....anything goes!


Email me at and I'll send you the music (Rudolph, Frosty, Jingle Bells, etc.).


— Anne Watson Born

Kudos Corner

Thanks to the following folks for their help and dedication to our community!

  • Tree Folx, for slinging and selling trees in all weather!
  • Choristers who caroled through Newton Center last Sunday
  • Ministerial Search Committee for completing their reports on the Congregational Survey and Listening Circle

Save the Date

Mardi Gras Services Auction on Saturday February 3

This party is one of the more enjoyable Saturday nights you will have all year.

  • Doors open at 5:30 for dinner, socializing and browsing raffle and auction items.
  • Live Auction starts at 6:30 in Parish Hall. Optional bidding on great items such as weekend vacation homes, gourmet dinners, babysitting nights and other services.
  • $10 per adult entry INCLUDES dinner and drinks!! (Wine/beer as well as non-alcoholic options.)
  • Childcare in the Children’s Chapel included throughout the evening! There will be games, crafts, and movies for the kiddos while adults relax and enjoy each other’s company, and get entertained by the auctioneers. 
  • Kids can bring PJs and sleeping bags for the movie 
  • End time 8:30/9:00

This year we hope to add more families – join us!! Questions? Please contact: Pat Rohan

History Corner

West Newton, Mass, Sunday Dec. 24, 1854

A most forlorn looking morning. A heavy snow-storm changed to rain, and through that I found I must go down to the Hall and deliver the lesson I had promised Mr. Pierce. I knew it wd be impossible to go out twice in such a day, so I prepared my letters and took them with me. Mr. Pierce was much surprised to see me, there were only twelve persons present, beside myself. At their special request, I delivered my lesson. Mr. Ayers and a Mr. Brown thanked me for it warmly, to me it seemed an entire failure. I had arranged it for young children, and there were none but youths and adults present. There was a constant perplexing effort going on, within me, to adapt it to an audience I had not thought of when I prepared it. After dinner, I read Human & Dorothea and was interrupted by Lizzie Marsh, a Miss Oliver, and Mr. Hodges with [NB- I can't make out the first name-GS] Richardson. We had an early tea, and then I overlooked my papers and tried to prepare for tomorrow.

Source: hand-written journal entry by Caroline Wells Healey Dall, from Massachusetts Historical Society; transcribed Gayle Smalley, 2007

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton |

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