The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

April 3, 2024

Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service

Might We Sit at the Table of the Almighty?

Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Kevin Peterson

Straddling the public domains of faith, public reason, and politics, the Rev. Kevin C. Peterson is a Boston-based activist committed to advancing justice and good works in the public square. Trained and educated as a community activist, a writer, an organizer, and a public speaker, Rev. Peterson, founder of the New Democracy Coalition, addresses matters of civic life and democracy through public witness and engagement.

He is a policy advocate, community and corporate convener, and a grassroots civic activist comfortable in the classroom and with dialogue on the corners of embattled neighborhoods. Peterson principally focuses upon voter equality and racial equity for African Americans and Blacks throughout the African-American diaspora. He is gifted in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion discussions and corporate problem-solving relating to fairness. His sensibilities around fairness are grounded in a Blues-Jazz-and-Gospel-African-inflected worldview as exhibited through the life of Jesus and others such as Prathia Hall, James Reeb, John Brown, Dr. Gardner Taylor, John Coltrane, Harriet Tubman, James Baldwin, Nimi Wariboko, Cornel West, Ralph Ellison, Martin Luther King Jr., Billie Holiday, August Wilson, Dr. J, Romare Bearden, Toni Morrison, and C.T. Vivian.

Join us in person or on Zoom:

RE This Sunday

All Together Sunday: The Plant-Based Eating Club will present on the interconnected web of life and make cornbread.

4th-6th Grade OWL: 4-5:15pm - Downstairs Classrooms

New Member Sunday

New Member Sunday is when we welcome new members from the current church year to sign the membership book and celebrate their membership in ritual during the service. Come and meet our newest members: Felix Alvarez, Kristina Ashby, Bing Boucher, Paul Densmore, Willa Gaebler, Emily Gelbert, Simone Gill, Iah House, Helen Jordan, Finn Konary, Donna LaMontagne, Roger Luckmann, John Morse, James Mosher, Julia Ryan, Katy and Tyll van Geel.


Rev. Parisa Parsa

This congregational year, we’ve been following the Soul Matters curriculum for spiritual programming in religious education, small group ministries, and worship, which have explored the values listed in the proposed changes to the UUA’s bylaws to replace the language of the Principles and Purposes. 

The fact of this month’s theme of interdependence is celebrated every week when we worship together at FUUSN as we join in our chalice lighting:

We light this chalice as a symbol of the spirit of life that fills us all.

In this spirit we are all one — each connected to the other —

all beings everywhere.

A single spirit, a boundless radiance unites us all.

Let the light of life and love burn brightly in our souls, healing

all that divides us.

The flame of life within us is a priceless gift.

We gather here to celebrate the rapture, the sadness, and the

mystery of this gift.

-- Words attributed to the Rev. Gerry Krick, of most blessed memory

As we explore the theme in worship and programs, we’ll be living the interdependence of our community ecosystem. Timelines have changed, and our worship schedule has shifted as we respond to the news of a continued search for a new settled minister. Sundays that were planned for candidating week are being filled, and there are a lot of contingencies to consider depending on the results of the next round of the search. 

All the while, we’ll be in conversation together about the proposed UUA Bylaw change (referred to in bureaucratic shorthand as “Article II” because of where it is situated in the Bylaws document) and will be considering significant potential changes to the FUUSN bylaws as well.

Governance is one of the most significant ways we express our value of interdependence in practice. Who gets to decide, and by what process, and who will be accountable for getting the work done that will help keep us aligned with our mission and engaged with our values? In our congregational system, it all comes back to each member being part of that values-driven deliberation.

As we welcome new members this Sunday, join in fellowship and pledge parties, and consider the future of the congregation, I pray not a single one of us will forget that our presence, our commitment, our perspective, and our connection are what makes this congregation the sacred community it has been for over 175 years. How each of us shows up affects how all of us may flourish, and most certainly will shape the FUUSN to come.

Worship Theme for April: Interdependence

Rev. Parisa Parsa

In her book, Emergent Strategy, adrienne maree brown writes:

“E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G—is connected. The soil needs rain, organic matter, air, worms and life in order to do what it needs to do to give and receive life. Each element is an essential component. Organizing takes humility and selflessness and patience and rhythm while our ultimate goal of liberation will take many expert components. Nature teaches us that our work has to be nuanced and steadfast. And more than anything, that we need each other—at our highest natural glory—in order to get free.”

Please Submit Your Pledges!

As we extend our search for a new minister, the urgency of our Annual Pledge Drive is even greater. FUUSN's strong participation, both in monetary pledges and volunteer commitments, provides a vital message to prospective ministers that an active and vibrant community awaits them here. 

As an added incentive, the Annual Pledge Drive team will hold a raffle of prizes, and all you need to do to enter is make your pledge before the drawing after the April 14th worship service. There's never been a better time to invest in our community! Please give generously.

If you have any questions and/or need help submitting your pledge, please email us at Want to enter and pay your pledge on Realm, or text to pay your pledge? Here's how.

Pledge Drive Raffle!

All FUUSN Pledges for 2024 / 2025 made on or before 4/13 will be eligible for a raffle with great prizes!

  • $ 100 gift certificate to Blue Salt Restaurant
  • $ 100 gift certificate to Paddy’s Pub
  • $ 50 gift card to Cabot’s Ice Cream
  • $ 50 gift card to Clover’s 
  • One pair of Red Sox tickets in the right field roof boxes by the Pesky pole

View the Flyer Here

Pledge Today!
Sign up for a Pledge Party
Volunteer for the Pledge Drive Lunch

Remote Voting Approved

On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, the Board of Trustees resolved to allow remote participation and voting for the potential June 9, 2024 meeting on a new minister. This change is based on the wording of our bylaws and an update to Massachusetts law that makes provisions for remote voting. More details to be shared at a later date.

Upcoming Events This Week

Friday, April 5

6-6:30pm: Zoom Vespers - online

Saturday, April 6

9:30am-12:30pm: Annual RE Committee Retreat - Children's Chapel

10am-12pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club - Exploring Tasty Grains - registration req'd

1-5pm: Introduction to the Work that Reconnects - Headstart Room

Sunday, April 7

11:30am: Annual Pledge Drive Community Lunch

Parish Hall

Enjoy a bowl of warm vegan chili and munch on gluten-free cornbread as you mingle with the FUUSN community. The Community Lunch will be held following the service in the parish hall. Cost is $5 per person. Free for kids. All proceeds benefit the FUUSN Pledge Drive

12:15pm: Reparations Task Force Reception for Rev. Peterson

Alliance Room

Please join us Sunday, April 7th, after the pledge luncheon for a discussion opportunity with Rev. Kevin Peterson. We are excited to have Rev. Peterson in our pulpit that Sunday. He has been the energetic force behind the move to rename Faneuil Hall  ( and most recently convened Boston clergy to address reparations from wealthy churches with enslavement histories to redress harms to Boston’s Black community ( We will meet in the Alliance Room at 12:15.

5-7:30pm: All8 Arts Workshop

Parish Hall and Kitchen

Youth in 7th grade and older together with adults are invited to participate in an exploration of all eight UU principles through photography, creative writing, fine art, collage, digital art, and sculpting. Members of our Racial Justice Ministry team will be facilitating this program.

Tuesday, April 9

7-9pm: Soul Matters Group Meeting - Alliance Room

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

Volunteer Opportunities

Community Lunch Helpers Wanted!

Volunteers needed for the Community Lunches on April 7th and 28th. We need helpers to set up, serve, and clean up. Volunteer here for April 7th, and Volunteer here for April 28th.

Patriots Day Breakfast at the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry

In partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry (UUUM), FUUSN has a long history of preparing and serving a breakfast to celebrate Patriots Day with the Roxbury Community at the First Church in Roxbury. We will continue that tradition this year on Monday morning, April 15th. We have a core crew to prepare and serve the meal, but we could use some additional help. While experience in food preparation is especially helpful, there are several activities which do not require it. This is a great opportunity to show support for the UUUM and to put into practice some of the principles we have learned through our Racial Justice initiatives. If you can help or have questions, please contact one of our Delegates to the UUUM - Kevan Hartshorn, Alta Hodges or Pat Rohan.

Charles River Cleanup - April 20th

Please join other FUUSNites in the 25th Annual Clean-up along the Charles. We will be assigned a location in Newton where we will pick up trash and return the walking paths to their natural beauty. This is a quick and easy way to engage your environmental spirit and love of nature. We anticipate fielding a team of a dozen or more volunteers. Ages 8+ are welcome.

Please register (required) by emailing Betsy Harper ASAP.

Mother's Day Walk for Peace - May 12, 2024

It is time to start planning for the 28th Annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace sponsored by the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute. FUUSN and UUs in general are a major funding source for this wonderful Institute, and it is a great occasion. Please consider joining the March or supporting our marchers. Contact Kevan Hartshorn for more information.

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise.

Save the Date

April Activities in Celebration of Earth Day!!!

Saturday April 6th 1-5pm, at FUUSN, an introductory workshop on The Work That Reconnects, Led by Demie Stathoplos (Registration is required, see details below).

Sunday April 14th 11:30-12:30pm at FUUSN coffee hour, the Climate Action Task Force will be hosting a table on the topic of pollinator-friendly plants and Save Soil.

Saturday April 20th 10am -12 noon, a FUUSN team will participate in the Charles River Cleanup. Email Betsy Harper to sign up.

Sunday April 21st 12 - 4pm, Newton Earth Day Fair at Newton North High School Walnut St. Parking lot (under the solar panels). FUUSN Climate Action Task Force and the Plant Based Eating Club will be staffing tables at the fair.

In May, our Climate Action Task Force will host a demonstration of MIT's En-ROADS climate policy simulator, which can help folks understand the impact of various federal policies on greenhouse gas emissions. Keep your eyes open for more info.

Alternative Coffee Hour - April 14, 2024

Grab your coffee and get together with a small group of 7 or 8 fellow FUUSNites to discuss topics arising from the service. Just sign up at the Member Services table as you enter the Parish Hall.

Climate Action Task Force: Gardening with Native Plants - April 14, 2024

Would you like to see more birds, bees, and butterflies in your yard and garden? On Sunday, April 14, the Climate Action Talk Force is presenting a display on gardening with native plants, with lots of information on how this can support these kinds of wildlife. Come check it out during coffee hour!

Everything You Wanted to Know About Pronouns and MORE!! - Thursday April 18, 2024, 4-5:30pm

Hosted by Over 60’s and The Rainbow Umbrella

Come to a discussion about gender identity/ expression and pronouns with proud parents of trans kids, Sandra Teare and Jackie Rohan. We will go over some basic vocabulary, and then will answer your questions. If you are planning on attending the event, we ask that you please send your questions to Sandra Teare in advance so we can tailor the discussion to the needs of the group. The more advance questions, the better!

Join on Zoom.

Sign up for Passover Seder - April 28, 2024

On April 28th, 2024 at 6:00 PM, we will be holding the FUUSN Community Passover Seder, and it will be led by Rabbi Sarah Noyovitz (AKA Rabbi Noyo), current Interim Rabbi at Temple Hillel B'nai Torah in West Roxbury. Please RSVP here and consider giving some of your time and talent. 

UUUM Open House - May 2, 2024

The UU Urban Ministry is having a Program Spotlight and Open House on Thursday May 2, 5-7 pm. This is a great opportunity to see what our partners are doing in Boston. We can arrange for carpooling closer to the date. LEARN MORE

Climate Policy Game - May 5, 2024

We all know climate change is happening, so what can we do to slow it down and turn it around? Join us for a game using MIT's En-ROADS climate model simulator to see what does and doesn't help on individual and community levels -- FUUSN, city, state, nation, and planet. Middle schoolers and up are welcome to participate, and light refreshments will be served. In-person only, RSVP requested.

Green Sanctuary Meeting - May 11, 2024

FUUSN's Climate Action Task Force will be meeting in the Children's Chapel from 10am-11:30 on Saturday, May 11th. All are invited to attend. We will be discussing how to enroll our congregation in the Green Sanctuary 2030 program.

Lost and Found

Are these yours?

The Lost and Found area in the narthex (rear entrance of the church) is getting a bit full. These items would very much like to be taken home. Please check the lost and found and retrieve your items.

Kudos Corner

Matt, Meredith, and Emily Ritter are pleased to announce that baby William Emerson Ritter was born on Monday 3/25 at 7:47 PM. Mom and baby are healthy. William arrived a very robust 9lbs 12oz and is ravenous at all hours, but Meredith and Matt are getting into a rhythm of long alternating naps. And, of course, Emily is already a wonderful and caring big sister!

Thanks to Nancy Mattei and all the enthusiastic folks who made our Easter Egg Hunt a rousing success. We had at least DOUBLE the number of happy hunters this year.

Quick Poll

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Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

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Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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