The FUUSN Chime

Sunday Reminder

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service

Candidating Week: Our Co-Ministerial Candidates

Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

Come hear our co-ministerial candidates preach, then stay after service for our ministerial vote.

Join us in person or on Zoom (same Zoom session for both the service and the meeting):

View the Order of Service

Religious Exploration This Week

All Together Sunday: End-of-Year Crafting

Childcare for children up to Grade 3 available during the Congregational Meeting.

Warrants for Upcoming Congregational Meetings

Warrants for the upcoming congregational meetings can be found here:

Covid Policy Reminder

We have been seeing an uptick in Covid cases at FUUSN.  As a reminder, here are our guidelines for FUUSN gatherings:

  1. Stay home if you feel unwell and definitely if you have tested positive for a communicable illness.
  2. Wear a mask if you feel well but may have been exposed.
  3. Remember that the last few rows of pews in the sanctuary are reserved for folks masking due to increased vulnerability to illness, and respect that space appropriately.

We especially encourage anyone eligible to be up to date on Covid boosters!

In Memoriam: Julian Dusett

From the Dusett family:

While the family is grieving the loss of Julian, we are welcoming friends to visit us at our home in Acton on Wednesday, June 5 from 5 to 8 PM. Besides offering a bit of food that evening, friends are welcome to be in touch with Ellen Metzger for the address and about offering meals at other times.


A service celebrating Julian‘s life will be held at FUSN on Saturday, Jun 15 at 2 PM. 


The family already appreciates the love and support they have received from our beautiful community over the past few difficult days.

After Service This Sunday

A man with gray hair wearing glasses and a blue hoodie holds hands with a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair wearing glasses, a pink shirt, and a black cardigan sweater. They stand in front of a glass-paned door decorated with daisy chains and a Welcome sign decorated with sunflowers.

Congregational Meeting and Vote - 11:30am

We will vote to call Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller as settled co-ministers of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton.

In the Sanctuary and on Zoom (the same zoom link as for the service). Childcare will be available for children up to grade 3.

Hybrid Voting This Sunday: A Reminder


  • Everyone will check in to the meeting, whether in person or on zoom. Members attending in person will be given a paper ballot and members on Zoom will have their email address collected.
  • In-person attendees will use their paper ballot, but remote attendees will receive an email from a dedicated FUUSN address (something like The email will give the wording of the vote, and remote attendees will vote by replying to the email with the word “yes” or “no.” Each member attending remotely will get their own email, and only the member to whom it is addressed can vote by replying to that email.


  • If you share an email address with someone else, and you are both members and want to vote, then you will need to give the Zoom attendants two different email addresses when you check in. Each email address will only be able to vote once.
  • You will be watching the meeting on Zoom, but you will also need to be able to access your email to vote as a written ballot. This means that you will need to have a device (phone, computer, etc.) with you that you can receive and reply to email on. If you are also using the same device to view the Zoom meeting, you will have to switch to another window to read and reply to the email, then come back to the Zoom meeting. If you are not using the same device to view the Zoom meeting, you will need to be sure that you have both devices with you (one for Zoom and one for email).
  • If you believe you will not be able to vote in this manner, please contact one of us, and we will work with you to try to come up with an alternative method of voting that still satisfies the three requirements set forth above.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of us with any questions:

Susan Bartlett, Ops Council

Gordon Moriarty, Bylaws Committee

Barbara Schmitt, Moderator

Submit News and Events

With our next newsletter, we transition to our summertime monthly format. Please submit your news and events by Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9am.

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the first Tuesday of the month at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

Facebook  Email