
June 6, 2024

Join Us for Worship This Sunday!


June 9 at 10 a.m.

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Judy Brook, Worship Associate

"Flower Festival: All Kinds of Blooming Amongst Us"

Each year, we mark Flower Festival (sometimes called Flower Communion or Flower Ceremony), a distinctly UU ritual that celebrates our many forms of diversity. Plan to bring a flower (and plan to go home with a different one). At this service, we will be holding a child dedication and a bridging ceremony for graduating seniors - other forms of blooming flowers that make this world more beautiful. This is also our chance to wish staff member Rowan Van Ness a fond farewell. Rev. Karen is in the pulpit.

Infants and toddlers are always welcome in the Sanctuary, but the nursery, on the lower level, is open if needed.

Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. The livestream link and order of service will be shared at bit.ly/FUUSBWorship, or visit our YouTube channel.

Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour outside, weather permitting.

While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.

Children and Youth This Sunday!

Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Sunday, June 9 at 10 a.m.

This is a multigenerational service with many opportunities for movement and participation. Families will remain together in the Sanctuary throughout worship. The Nursery will be open if needed.

Minister's Message- June 5

Click here or the image below to listen to Rev. Karen's latest video message for the congregation.

Here is a link to the video recording of last week's service.

In Memoriam

Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Long-time FUUSB member, Sylvia Holden, died peacefully yesterday evening (Wednesday, June 5) at Respite House, with many who loved her at her side. While Sylvia did contract covid in early May, the past month had revealed serious underlying health conditions. After 94 years on the planet, full of vitality, curiosity, and engagement, on Saturday she entered hospice.

Sylvia grew up in the congregation and was a well-known figure both in Burlington and Colchester. A celebration of life service will be scheduled at FUUSB for the late summer. If you are on Facebook, her son Alfred posts stories, both loving and some historical, about Sylvia's life on her profile - you are invited to check them out.

Saying Goodbye


Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

We will be saying goodbye to Rowan, our Director of Youth and Emerging Adult Ministries, this Sunday, June 9. There will be a card available at Coffee Hour for you to sign and send her your good wishes. A goodbye card for James will also be available at Coffee Hour.  

Jan Abbott Memorial Service- June 8

Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

This Saturday, the memorial service to celebrate the life of FUUSB member, Jan Latrobe Abbott is taking place at 11am in the sanctuary. In keeping with the many things that Jan loved about FUUSB, we will have organ music. Whether you knew Jan or not, you are welcome to attend this service and the reception afterward that honors this pillar of the congregation.

Photos from the Installation!

Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Thank you to our photographers, Amelia Schlossberg and James Buck, who gave their time and perspective to create a photographic collection that documented the Service of Installation on May 4, 2024. Here is a curated collection of photos from the service, as well as the day before as a huge, generous team of people transformed our sanctuary.

Getting started with Realm

Geoffrey Duke, Zoe Hart & Caitlin Waddick, Members

You’ve heard it mentioned, but what is Realm? Maybe you signed up for Realm but aren’t sure what you can do with it? How do you get started?

Please join us after the service this Sunday, June 9th, for a short introduction to Realm. We’ll start at 11:30 am in the Susan B. Anthony Room with a brief overview and demonstration, followed at 11:45 by Q&A and hands-on help. All are welcome!

We’ll review how to log in, setting up your profile, managing how you receive notifications, using the directory, and finding and participating in groups. You don’t have to be enrolled in Realm; we can help with that, too! We encourage you to bring a laptop, phone, or tablet with you to follow along or for some extra assistance.

If you have any questions, please email Zoe Hart (zoe@hartwood4.net), Geoff Duke (Geoffrey.Duke@gmail.com), or Caitlin Waddick (caitlin.waddick@gmail.com).

Donating Stock to Pay Your Pledge

Christina Fulton, Director of Operations & Finance

If you have already been donating stock and wish to make another gift of stock, please note that we have changed our banking institution and you will need new instructions.

Donations of stock allow a member to support causes important to them without affecting personal cash flow. Generally speaking, the most tax-advantaged approach is to donate stock held for more than one year that has appreciated in value. This provides for a larger charitable contribution and avoids tax on the capital gain. For losing stock, sell it first and then donate the cash. Individuals considering it should consult with their tax or financial advisor.

To give a gift of stock, please contact Christina at xina@uusociety.org for instructions.

Congregations and IRS Guidelines on Advocacy, Lobbying, and Elections

As a religious organization, First UU Society of Burlington is required to follow certain IRS regulations in order to maintain its Non-Profit Status. It is truly important that we are all aware of what we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do. The UUA has published a great little guide called, "The Real Rules," that goes into great detail on this topic. But let's face it, it isn't exactly a page turner. So what do you really need to know? 

It is pretty simple really: Issues are ok, candidates are not. What I mean by this is that it is ok to advocate for issues.  It is not ok for FUUSB to ever show support for or against a candidate. Therefore, we can pass around a petition to support an issue, but we cannot pass around a petition to support a candidate. We can post in our Facebook group about an event about a particular issue, but we cannot post about an event to support a candidate. We could also put a sign up in the yard about an issue that we do not support, but we could not put a sign up for a candidate that we do not support.  So, Issues are ok and Candidates are not.  

If you are unclear or have any questions, contact Christina at xina@uusociety.org.

June 23rd - Parents Circle Families Forum

Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Please plan to attend this special interfaith event which we have the honor of hosting. Sunday, June 23 just after our Sunday service.

2024/25 OWL Offerings

Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Honest, accurate information about sexuaity changes lives, and sometimes saves them!

We plan to offer two age-levels of the Our Whole Lives (OWL) comprehensive human sexuality education curricula in the coming program year, older elementary and middle school. These programs are open both to children from this congregation and the wider community. 

NOTE: Please fill out the form even if you have communicated to Erika directly that your child will be taking part - it contains scheduling questions that we would like all parents to answer!

Find out more and register your interest at these links:

Join Us!

Campout & Potluck 

Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Friday June 14-Sunday June 16

The Annual Campout is coming up quick! 60ish happy campers expected and we still have two tent sites available! 

Do you like the sound of UU fellowship in the great outdoors, but are not inspired to sleep in a tent? Why not come for a daytrip on Saturday or join us for the potluck on Friday evening at 6:30 (I hear Rev. Karen will be there!)  

Contact Erika Reif for more information (erika@uusociety.org).

Auction Announcement

Click here or the image above for an important message about this week's auction.

Upcoming Worship Services

In-Person & Live-Streamed Services

June 16 at 10 am

"Dandelions Aren’t Forever…and Neither Are We"

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Warren Baker, Worship Associate

June 23 at 10 am

"Shelter - A Basic Human Necessity"

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Betsey Ferries & Melinda Lee, Worship Associates

More details at uusociety.org

Care Network:

Sharing Joys, & Sorrows, & Gratitudes Form

Click here to submit a joy, sorrow, or gratitude.

Weekly Events
Visit uusociety.org for more information!

Sundays - 8 am

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Community Room

Sign up to help: signup.com/go/yAbRpfy

Sundays - 11:10 am

Coffee Hour

Outside, weather permitting.

Mondays - 5:15 pm

UU Meditation Group

Susan B. Anthony Room

Questions? Email meditation@uusociety.org

Wednesdays - 5:15 pm

Love & Justice Vigil

In front of the Meeting House

Wednesdays - 7 pm

FUUSB Choir Rehearsal

Parlors & Zoom

Quick Links

FUUSB Calendar

FUUSB Website


Staff Directory

We Are Going

The Steeple

The Path


Church of the Larger Fellowship


In Case You Missed It 
Visit the publication archives on our website!
How to Get the 
Word Out
Click here for this year's publication information!
Contact Us
First UU Society of Burlington
152 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 862-5630