With Spring around the corner - we are appealing for kitten foster homes. We are inundated with kittens during kitten season and need to quickly move them into foster homes where they can spend time getting big enough for adoption.

Foster homes are especially needed for bottle babies and for sick kittens requiring medication.

We need you, they need you. Consider opening your home today.

Learn more about fostering here

Can't foster? How about helping us throw a shower? We are also looking for volunteers to bake delicious goodies to serve at the Kitten Shower. If interested in baking for the event, please contact Emma at events@windsorhumane.org.

Click here to see our kitten shower registry!

Can't attend the shower but want to support the baby kittens arriving at the shelter? Consider donating to help us purchase an incubator!

Kitten season is right around the corner, and having a warm place for orphaned baby kittens to rest and recover is critical to their survival. We have an incubator in shelter that has helped us save many lives in the past few years, but many cold baby kittens arrive at night and immediately go to a foster home for care. We want to purchase a second incubator to keep at our primary intake foster home to help kittens stay warm and cozy when they first arrive.

Yes, I want to donate toward the incubator!

Hey there, I'm Hunter! I'm a big, sweet Pyrenees/Shepherd mix, weighing around 80 lbs. I know my pictures make me just look like a black blob but just picture a tall, black, furry goofball (with some white on my chest to add some uniqueness). I'm full of love and sweet slobbery dog kisses and have tons of personality.

An interesting fact about me? Well, I used to live in the wonderful outdoors and was used to lots of freedom. I do quite well in a home setting, though I am still learning how to be a dog in the busy city life. New humans? Well, they seem like intruders to me, and I might get a bit spooked when first meeting them. But once I get a good sniff in, and realize the humans are actually full of love and pets, yummy treats and wonderful things, then I'll cuddle up with ya and give you some love.

I'm not a huge fan of those long string things that follow me around on a walk.. 'leash' I think is the word? They hold me back, and I am not a fan. I'm still working out the kinks with it, but willing to learn to adjust to these things and go for a nice walk outdoors. If you're willing to help teach me so we can go out and have some fun together! I love food and am quite the smart boy if I do say so myself.

Looking for volunteers for the return of Strays on Street Corners!