April 12, 2024 E-Newsletter | |
This week's note from Rev. Bill | |
You’ve probably noticed that one of my favorite sayings is, “Well, that’s another sermon for another day.”
This past week I’ve been planning the worship themes between now and June 30th, and THERE’S NOT ENOUGH TIME! All of the ideas and concepts that we’ve come up with for sermons may not get done!
I already have April planned, so I was working on May and June. In that time there is Pentecost, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Annual Conference, and General Conference. I also want to have Steve Lane and Kim speak, so a lot of those Sundays are already filled up!
That leaves me with 4 or so Sunday themes to choose on my own – forgiveness? Grace? Transition? David and Goliath? “The Best of Rev. Bill”?
There always seems to be enough time, until there isn’t.
It feels kind of like when our kids went off to college – when they were at home we thought we had all of the time in the world! But then the day comes when they pack up their car and drive off, and you wonder, “Did I give them enough? Do they have enough self-esteem? Do they know how to change a tire? Are they prepared for whatever the big bad world is going to throw at them?”
Have I given you enough? Do you know that you are loved and worthwhile? Does everyone understand that they are a vital part of God’s plan here in Bonita? Are we more willing to listen instead of judge? Do we slow down to look around and see those whom other people/churches miss?
There comes a point when I have to give it up to God and say, “I pray that You can use what I’ve done to continue to bless these people. May something I have said or done given them the confidence to go farther in their walk with You.”
Okay – we still have a few more Sundays together. Let’s have some fun and celebrate the time that God has given us!
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Service for April 14, 2024
"Whom Should We Follow?"
Matthew 11:1-6
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On Wednesday Rev. Bill
will be
at the church office to guide our scripture study that we use to get a "sneak peek"
at the
sermon message for Sunday!
April 17, 2024
Matthew 11:1-6
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The General Conference of the United Methodist Church will convene April 23-May 3 in Charlotte, NC this year! This is the BIG meeting of all United Methodists from around the world where we gather for worship, prayer, discernment, and hone our direction for the next quadrennium (four years).
One of the issues to be considered is our acceptance of LGBTQ+ into full acceptance in church life – ordainment, service, and marriage. While this is the issue that might grab the most headlines, this is not the only issue facing us as United Methodists! We are also looking at restructuring our church in such a way that it represents who we are better. Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Philippines all have a strong United Methodist presence, but are not as well represented in our denomination’s leadership. If we truly want to be a world-wide church, we need to find ways to give voice and presence to those areas that worship and serve outside of the United States.
There is a wealth of information on our Florida Conference website to assist you in understanding what is going on. Please check out https://www.flumc.org/general-conference-2020 for more insights!
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Have you noticed the new bulletin on Sunday?
Juanita is preparing it for us weekly! If you have an event, and would like it in the bulletin, please get it to Juanita by Wednesday, it goes to print on Thursday!
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Hablas Espanol?
Classes are on Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the church office.
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We’re looking for a few good men…to donate clothing that you no longer wear or maybe that no longer fit. And it might make your spouse happy if you clean out that closet! The Formational Leadership Team learned of a need from the men who attended our March free community breakfast. Several young men came to our breakfast for the first time. In talking to them, we learned that there is a need for clothing for work. Most of the young men are day laborers. Pants, long and short sleeved shirts, socks, etc. would all be much appreciated. So we decided to collect used clothing for men and women and make them available at our next community breakfast on April 27.
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United Women in Faith
Although we are sad to see several of our active seasonal members leave us, the United Women in Faith have several activities in the next few months. Our next regular business meeting will be April 15 at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. All women are welcome. This is a wonderful way to get to know more people and to help with a variety of missions and outreach opportunities in our church.
At this meeting, women are encouraged to make a pledge to our mission work if you haven’t already done so. This is needed as we continue to develop a budget. However, one of the things that will make the meeting extra fun is the program planned by Denise Pope. There will be an “apron” theme. Those attending are asked to bring an apron that has sentimental value. Denise will share how this theme relates to the words of Paul in the Bible, and share a poem, and we will have the opportunity to write positive scriptures on several aprons for use in our kitchen. Sounds like fun!
Even before that meeting, we have scheduled a “kitchen clean-up/organization” day for Saturday, April 13, starting at 9 a.m. Our church kitchen gets lots of use from the monthly community breakfasts to fund raising events like the Omelet Breakfast and Good Friday Fish Fry to Volunteer Appreciation Lunches: that means sometimes things are just placed wherever there is an open spot. That also means a good cleaning and reorganization is needed! And we are delighted with the new chest freezer to replace the non-working one. We are very grateful for the donation.
The women are also planning for an April shoe drive for the children at Bonita Springs Elementary. The school indicated the big need for the smaller children’s sizes (10,11,12, 13 to 1). The shoes need to be closed-toe (appropriate for physical education classes, no flip-flops or sandals). Although most of these shoes will not be distributed till next school year, it is good to gather and organize them now. And school calendars are much different than when most of us were in elementary school – definitely NOT beginning after Labor Day! Feel free to bring your shoes anytime during April – perhaps to Fellowship Hall during coffee time after worship or see a UWF officer (Susan Atkinson, Jaci Colombo, Jann Mier, Kathy Schmitt).
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May Book Club Selection
Book Club members discussed the book We Are All the Same in the Dark by Julia Heaberlin on April 3 during their monthly gathering at the Royal Scoop. The group gathers on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:15 p.m. for lunch and/or ice cream and a good discussion. This was a thriller with a “truly shocking twist.”
The book for the May 1 session will be the New York Times Bestseller Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. Bestselling author Jodi Picoult writes that she read the novel “in a single breathless sitting.” Another author describes it as “a comedy of manners that doubles as a social novel and reads like a thriller.” The novel is set in Shaker Heights, a progressive suburb of Cleveland, where everything is planned…from roads to colors of houses and to the successful lives its residents live. That is until Mia Warren, an artist and single mother arrives.
This is another book club kit from the Bonita Springs Library. The book will be available at church; see Susan Atkinson or text her at 239-405-9078 with questions.
Whether you have read this bestseller already or not, one of the best things about a book club is having someone to share your thoughts and insights with. We don’t have to like all the same books, but we DO have to love reading! During the summer months when some of our seasonal members are gone, you might want to check the book club out…see if it is something you’d like to try. Besides, you will get to know others from our church family and enjoying lunch and ice cream is certainly a win-win! Happy reading
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The places we go and the things we see!
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Tom, it sure was a busy weekend, glad we got to stop in at Purr-ayer on Friday! Me too, Princess, I always enjoy every meowment!
Saturday the group that cleaned up the garden were paw-some! We are so fur-tunate to be a part of such a loving, caring church! Maybe next time we can jump in and get our Paws dirty!
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The Upper Room
The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.
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All information and last names will be kept confidential. Our list is updated weekly. If you need us to keep someone on the list, please send their name to prayer@fumcbonita.org.
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Come Pray
Fridays at 9:30 am
Zoom and in the sanctuary
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Susan J
Rose M.
Robert H
Sandy H
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Prayer Request cards are on the rack at the back of the Sanctuary. |
Altar Flowers
If you would like to honor family, friends, or loved ones for an anniversary, birthday, or memorial, contact the church office for details.
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FUMC Bonita
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 12 PM
27690 Shriver Avenue, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Office: 239.992.1312
Rev. Bill Fisackerly, Pastor
(941) 681-0557
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