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July 26 through August 9, 2024 E-Newsletter

This week's note from Rev. Ben Richards

Let It Go

Change is on my heart. Or maybe upheaval is more like it, if not for the negative connotation that can hold. Every day is peppered with something new: climate, locations, people. It’s all been wonderful – and I continue to be grateful for the generosity and patience of your welcome – but it’s also all new.

The journey of our faith is packed with change, not least because we’re promised something closer to adventure than a particular destination. When Jesus’ disciples, devastated and overwhelmed, asked for the destination to meet him, he told them: if you know me, you know how to get there. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14.6a).

Cool, Jesus. Cool. But… where? We’ve got GPS now. Could you just tell us where and we’ll make our own ways?

I wonder how often I’ve been oblivious of a journey, how much I’ve missed, relying entirely on Google Maps to tell me when and where to turn. Or how often I’ve presumed to know the destination or the goal, and found a way there that didn’t look a lot like Jesus.

Maybe the only thing harder than change is not knowing precisely where we’re headed. But we have been taught the way. I share that not to express or invite confusion, but because I continue to wrestle with the slow progress of change, the journey towards something I don’t fully know. I know it’s true, and I know it’s not easy.

As I’ve wrestled, a poem came to mind for me, and I offer it here for our consideration. e e cummings is a favorite poet of mine, and this poem – “let it go – the" – is one that often speaks to me.

let it go – the

smashed word broken

open vow or

the oath cracked length

wise – let it go it

was sworn to


let them go – the

truthful liars and

the false fair friends

and the boths and

neithers – you must let them go they

were born

to go

let all go – the

big small middling

tall bigger really

the biggest and all

things – let all go


so comes love

I’m no connoisseur of poetry, but that last line hits so hard. It’s so surprising, and yet promising. Just when I think cummings might be suggesting I can go full introverted hermit, just when I think “yeah, I can do this alone!”, he reminds us that letting go brings us to love. That many things we believe we need, or what we hold on to are in the way of love, of richer relationships. Are in the way of the way.

Every day, and seemingly especially in seasons of challenge and change, as we face an unknown destination, I pray we can seek above all the way, the truth, and the life that is Jesus. Or, as one more titan of literature, Flannery O’Connor, prayed in her journal, “I do not know you God because I am in the way. Please help me to push myself aside.” Amen.

Rev. Ben Richards

Service for July 28, 2024

"Holy Spirit"

Joel 2:28-32

Link for July 28, 2024 Live Service

Service for August 4, 2024

“Service Interruption”

John 6:1-21

Link for August 4, 2024 Live Service

Giving Options

Save money and support your church; did you know there are some simple and easy ways you can do this? If you have appreciated stocks or mutual funds you can donate some to the church, you avoid capital gains taxes and receive an income tax deduction. If you have an IRA and are over 70.5 years old you can direct your required minimum distribution to go to the church and avoid income taxes on the distribution.

Other possibilities are available but they are less simple: you may want to consider: donating real estate, or you could name the church as a beneficiary to your life insurance or retirement plan. Your church can help you if you wish to consider any of these.

Community Breakfast Tomorrow

Volunteers arrive at 9 am

Breakfast Volunteers Needed 

It’s summer in Southwest Florida, and we know what that means:  besides afternoon rain and hot weather, it means that many of our seasonal church family are in their northern homes and several of our year-round members are off on summer vacations.  So, bottom line, we need volunteers for our monthly free community breakfast tomorrow.  There are jobs for all:  cooking, serving, cleaning up, welcoming our guests, carrying trays, talking with our guests and getting to know them better. Cooks need to be here by 9 a.m. Serving goes until 11:30 or our last guest is done.

And, besides the breakfast aspect of tomorrow’s event, don’t forget that we have a free clothing distribution center set up in the Music Room.  Thanks in advance to all those who donated items or organized the items. And special thanks to Juanita, our church office manager, for being on hand to help communicate with our guests during the shopping experience.

So, check your calendars and come join the fun Saturday, July 27, as First UMC Bonita welcomes our neighbors for a hearty breakfast.  You’ll be blessed as you bless others!

Final Summer UWF Lunch August 20

Twelve First UMC ladies gathered at Shangri-La Springs for a fabulous lunch at the Harvest & Wisdom restaurant on July 16.  The food and service were wonderful and the setting was amazing.  Several of us had never been to this Bonita Springs gem that was built in 1921, and we were able to take a brief tour of the grounds after lunch.

The group has been trying restaurants along the Old 41 route through Bonita.  Our final summer restaurant outing will be to the

North Bonita Country Club on the north end of Old 41 on August 20.  Again, all women of the church are invited to join us whether you have been active with United Women in Faith or not.  The group will gather at 11:30 that day.  If you want to carpool, please be at the church parking lot by 11:15.  It is also helpful if you let Susan Atkinson know so the restaurant has a heads up.  You can let her know the Sunday before the August lunch or text her at 239-405-9078.

The group will resume regular third Monday of the month meetings at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall in September.  All women are welcome! 

August Book Club Selection

After discussing the quirky beach book Save What’s Left on July 10, the First UMC Book Club will read and discuss the novel The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb for Wednesday, August 7.  This is back to our regular first Wednesday of the month meeting time. The group gathers at the Royal Scoop at 1 p.m. for lunch and/or ice cream and  lively discussion.


Main character Ray McMillian is a Black classical musician on the rise, despite the pressure and prejudice of the classical music world.  A shocking theft sends Ray on a quest to recover his great-great-grandfather’s heirloom violin on the eve of the most prestigious musical competition in the world, the Tchaikovsky Competition, often called the “Olympics of classical music”.

Growing up in rural North Carolina, Ray’s life is mapped out. But he has a gift and a dream to become a world-class professional violinist. He is determined despite the fact he can’t afford a violin suitable to his talents. When he discovers that his beat-up family fiddle is actually a priceless Stradivarius…his life changes…that is until the violin is stolen and a ransom note for $5 million is left in its place. Ray must not only reclaim his precious violin but also prove himself to the world. 


This is another Book Club Kit from the Bonita Springs Library.  Books will be available before and after worship. All are welcome to join us. See Susan Atkinson or text her at 239-405-9078 if you would like a copy or have questions. 

The Upper Room

The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

Click here for Daily Devotional


All information and last names will be kept confidential. Our list is updated weekly. If you need us to keep someone on the list, please send their name to

Come Pray

Fridays at 9:30 am

Zoom and in the sanctuary


Click here to join via ZOOM
















Prayer Request cards are on the rack at the back of the Sanctuary.

Altar Flowers

If you would like to honor family, friends, or loved ones for an anniversary, birthday, or memorial, contact the church office for details.

New Horizons Website
Meals of Hope Website
Click for Bonita Assistance Website

FUMC Bonita

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 12 PM

27690 Shriver Avenue, Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Office: 239.992.1312

Rev. Ben Richards, Pastor