If you have ever played an instrument, then you know that you must tune it occasionally for it to sound at its best. Every instrument needs to be tuned, even drums.
I once had a cornet. It is a shorter version of a trumpet. It had been in the family for a long time. I wanted to play it in the school band, but it needed to be tuned. The band director tried to open the valves to tune it, but the valves were stuck. He used every form of tool to fix the cornet, but it had been stuck so long it could not be fixed. It would not yield to any tool, so it remained off pitch.
In many ways we are like instruments. We are all different but make beautiful sounds when we are in tune and come together. I could say that we are all part of God’s orchestra. He is the director, and we are the instruments. When we are all in tune, we sound wonderful, but many times we need to be “tuned up.” If we’re stuck in a place of hardness, we can’t be fine-tuned by God. If we are “too loose” in our daily walk, we will continue to easily fall out of tune.
God wants to fine tune us to his perfection, but we must yield our “instruments” to Him. He knows just what we need because He made us. How wonderful it is when we are “in tune” with God.
Don’t be like my old cornet that sat around until it was “frozen” and unable to be fixed. It still looked like a cornet, but it was out of tune.
A verse to think on is Romans 6:13 which says, “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.”
We should daily go to the Master of our “instruments”, and yield to His touch to become everything that He desires us to be. Don’t get hard my friends, and unusable. Stay flexible and let God bring out the best “sound” that your instrument can possibly make. You will never regret putting yourself into the Master’s hands.