Research on fathers has found that...

Among fathers residing in the same household with their children:

  • Black fathers are more likely to feed and/or eat with their children (78%, compared to 74% for White fathers and 64% for Hispanic fathers).

  • Black fathers are more likely to bathe, dress, and/or help with toileting every day (70%, compared to 60% for White fathers and 45% for Hispanic fathers).

  • Black fathers are more likely than White fathers to transport children to/from activities (27%, compared to 20% for White fathers).


Source: Jones & Mosher, 2013 - CDC, NCHS

Want to learn more FACTS about Black fathers & sons, and how to more effectively engage with them?

Join us on June 18th for a lively panel discussion on this important topic!

“Black Fathers & Sons:

Transgenerational Trauma & Profound Resilience”

        Tuesday, June 18th @ 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)


We look forward to seeing you there!

Together, we can ensure that Black fathers are no longer "UNSUNG"!

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