November 2020 - Updates from the Forever Parks Foundation
Hello Friends of the Forever Parks Foundation,

As the holidays are upon us, we hope everyone has plans to take a safe and socially distanced break. With Diwali this past weekend and Thanksgiving upon us, the celebrations may look a little bit different this year but there is still so much to celebrate. Take advantage of the outdoors during this time period and get active during the holiday season. In addition, if giving is in your holiday plans we encourage you to consider donating to the Forever Parks Foundation. We will have a social media campaign and mailer during Giving Tuesday and the end of year holiday season to learn more, so please keep us in mind!

A Holiday Tradition - 27th Annual Tour De Lites on December 12th, 2020
A holiday tradition that continues on this year! We've been working closely with the Parks and Recreation department to organize Tour De Lites in a safe and healthy manner and are excited to open up the registration soon! If you haven't participated in the past, Tour De Lites is an awesome family activity where you can bike through the Green Tee Terrace neighborhood with police escorts to safely oooh and ahh and all of the spectacular holiday lights and decorations.

Registration will be opening soon and spots will be limited, so please continue to visit our Facebook page and website. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please follow the link below. 
Support Forever Parks Foundation
Started your holiday shopping yet? Did you know you can support FPF while you get your gifts on Amazon? Using the Amazon Smile program, a portion of eligible purchases will be directly donated to Forever parks Foundation. Click here to choose FPF as your charity of choice so you can shop and donate at the same time!
Turkey Trot Goes Virtual
Thank you to all the teams whom have already donated generously! We've heard of whole neighborhoods organizing virtual turkey trots to start off their Thanksgiving in a healthy way. If you are interested in participating or even getting your neighborhood together, simply click the "donate" button when you register and all donations will benefit the Forever Parks Foundations and projects such as the Educational Pond and the Inclusive Playground. Register here for the 2020 Virtual Turkey Trot.

Continue to stay safe and stay well and we hope to see you on the trails soon!
Kelly Moody, FPF Board President
Interested in joining us to support this great cause?