January 2020 - Updates from the Forever Parks Foundation
Hello Friends of the Forever Parks Foundation,

Happy new year to you, your family and friends. The Forever Parks Foundation has started off the new year with a bang and have a lot to share around the all inclusive playground project.

Phase II Groundbreaking at the Sports Complex at Shadow Creek Ranch
Earlier this month, several Forever Parks Foundation board members were invited to speak and attend the ground breaking of Phase II at the Sports Complex at Shadow Creek Ranch.

Phase II includes the addition of two cricket / rugby fields and a Miracle Field. The Miracle Field is a specialized sports surface designed to accommodate special needs athletes for activities such as wheelchair baseball. For more information on what is included in Phase II, please see the City description here.

So how does the All Inclusive Playground fit into this plan?
As a Board, it was a big goal of ours to build an All Inclusive Playground for the Pearland community. When we heard that the City was moving ahead with Phase II and it included a Miracle Field, we knew that it would be amazing if we could install the all inclusive playground near that to serve those families. We voted to pursue this in December of 2019 and earlier this spring signed a Memo of Understanding with the City to confirm the land just east of the Miracle Field is dedicated for this purpose. We have over nine thousand dedicated square feet for the playground.

What makes an "inclusive" playground different from any other playground I see around the city?
An inclusive playground is designed from start to finish taking into consideration the needs of all children - including those with differences in either their physical or cognitive abilities. For example, our playground will have a specialized surface, rather than mulch or wood chips to allow easy access for children who utilize wheelchairs or walkers. We may include tactile surfaces or musical type instruments to appeal to children with sensory processing needs. Every inch, both horizontal and vertical, will be designed to maximize inclusivity and access for all children, while also encouraging them to play independently from their parents or adult caregivers.

How much money does FPF need to raise and what will it go towards?
The all-in estimate for the playground is approximately $750,000 and includes surfacing, fencing, customized equipment and several shade structures. We are prioritizing building this playground to be accessible to ALL of Pearland's kids and adults and have taken into account community feedback as we finalize designs. This playground is NOT included in the current City budget and will require the Forever Parks Foundation to raise the funds to bring this to fruition - that's where we need help from you!

Mayor Cole kicked off the giving by announcing that he will be donating half of his mayoral salary to the Forever Parks Foundation in support of the All Inclusive Playground. Mayor Cole has been a huge supporter of the Foundation for years and is especially passionate about the building of the All Inclusive Playground at the Sports Complex at Shadow Creek Ranch. “I have close family members who have been challenged with physical disabilities and believe all kids deserve a great space to play together.”  Thank you Mayor Cole!
I'm really excited about this - how can I help?!
First, stay connected. If you aren't already following us on Facebook please do - that is the best place to get the latest news and updates.

Second, spread the word. Do you have family, friends or businesses you believe may be interested in bringing this playground to our community. Please reach out and tell us! In the next few weeks, we hope to confirm several significant donations but are working to confirm more - this will take everyone's support. There are several opportunities for ongoing recognition throughout the construction and installation of the playground.

Finally, we are seeking a volunteer to help us with web services related to our website. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate your time or talent, please do let us know!
Correction Corner
Apologies, but the holiday spirit got the better of us and we made a small mistake on the winners of the bike decorating contest held at Tour De Lites in December. Please see below for the corrected list of winners - thanks to all that participated!

1st - Traci Roberts
2nd - Honey Stone 
3rd - Joanne Cummings 

Continue to stay safe and stay well and we hope to see you on the trails soon!
Kelly Moody, FPF Board President
Interested in joining us to support this great cause?