
10:00 a.m.


April Newsletter Deadline:

March 12th

Please send submissions via email

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From the Pastor's Desk

Who Crucified My Lord?

Revs. Richard & Charlene Fairchild

"They do not know what they are doing"

They do not know? They...who killed Jesus?

Who is "they"?

It is so easy to name others

to blame others

the Romans

the crowd

Pilate, Herod, Caiaphas

they all played their part

and conspired against Jesus

or simply followed orders to maintain the peace

to keep Jesus's kingdom from infringing on theirs.

And yet where are we when Jesus's kingdom infringes on ours?

on our peace and our order?

on our prosperity and our security?

Where are we when the victims of our peace cry for justice?

when those disenfranchised by our order call for compassion?

when the hungry and the lonely beg us to share our prosperity

our security

our power?

Where are we when Christ is crucified among us?

Surely he should have raged

at the sinners who nailed him to the tree.

Surely he should have raged at us for the evil we do,

the evil we do both knowing and unknowing,

Yet compassion is there in the first words that he utters

He intercedes for us before the Father.

Compassion that called him into being in his mother's womb

Compassion that compelled him to the cross

Compassion that brings incredible, unbelievable grace

Compassion that echoes through the centuries

to all who participate in the killing of Christ:

Compassion that cries out from the cross:

"Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing"


Pastor Janie

Together in Worship

Holy Communion

This month we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper on Sunday, March 3, 2024 and on Maundy Thursday, March 28, 2024.

Lent III: Sunday, March 3


Exodus 20

John 2:13-22

Artwork: "Who Do You Say That I Am?"

by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Lent IV: Sunday, March 10

Guest Preacher: Dr. Patricia Jabbeh Wesley

Artwork: "Beseeching"

by Hannah Garrity

Lent V: Sunday, March 17


Jeremiah 31

John 12:20-31

Artwork: "Seventy-Seven Times"

by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Holy Week

Palm-Passion Sunday:

Sunday, March 24, 2024


John 12

Isaiah 53

Artwork: "Then They Remembered"

by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Maundy Thursday:

March 28, 2024

Just This

John 13

Supper, Communion, Tenebrae

Artwork: "Golden Hour"

by Rev. Nicolette Penaranda

Good Friday:

March 29, 2024


John 19

Isaiah 53 & Psalm 22

Artwork: "Disarming Peter"

by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Easter Sunday: March 31, 2024


John 20:1-18

Psalm 118

Artwork: "Fullness of the Tomb"

by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Help with the Ushers Today!

If you're looking for a way to get more involved with the Sunday worship ministry of FPCH, we'd love to speak with you more about becoming part of our usher team! As an usher, you play a pivotal role in creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all who join us on Sunday mornings, both new and familiar. 

No prior experience is necessary and training will be provided! Schedules are flexible and can be tailored to your schedule. If you're interested, please sign up on the usher sign up sheets on the window in the Sunday School entrance. Or if you would like more information, please reach out to Julia Benton at 814-935-2559 or email her at: momrn1105@gmail.com.

Together in Learning & Fellowship

Thank you to everyone who made our hosting of Soup Saturdays such a wonderful success!!!

We Want Candy!

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024. We hope all of our young families will mark their calendars and we hope everyone else will help out by bringing pre-wrapped Easter candy to fill the eggs for us to hide. Baskets will be available outside the church office. Thank you for your help!

Serving Together

For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided Presbyterians a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People - all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope. We will be taking up the OGHS offering during Holy Week this year.

Caring Together

Please hold in prayer members of our church family and friends who are in special need: Britta Albright, Reggie Arford, Marlene Aurandt, Bonnie & Corinne Barstow, Jessica Beam, Lois Beer, Ann & Laird Benton, Nancy Buchanan, Eleanor Carson, D, Miriam Dalby, Michele Fiore, Anne Forsht, Jim Hammonds, Rodger & Sally Hammond, Paula Heim, Bobbi Hill, Jimmy & Cathy Hines, Solomon & Heather Kaspi, Ron Kennedy, Norma McPhee, Betty Meyer, Tristan Meyers, Booker & Janet Moore, Nancy Musselman, Eleanor Myers, Sarah Ocker, Ray Overdorff, Pat Parnell, Ed Pratt, Aleta & Brad Reist, June Slep, Doug Soisson, John & Diane Stultz, Grace Waite, Bill & Deb Wandersee, Avery Marie Wineland.

Please also hold our troops in your prayers, including Trent Sipes, Kyle Gardner, Andrew Rosamilia, Cameron Sellers, and Harrison Heim, who are directly related to our congregation. Pray for our leaders and the leaders around the world as they are making decisions in the coming days. And please pray for all those who find themselves in harm's way that they may know God's presence and that they will have what they need.

Leading Together

Session gathered for its stated meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. After discussing possible updates coming from the Property Committee and hearing recommendations from our Insurance Company to promote safety in the church, Session spent time discussing the future of the Administrative Committee. It was decided that Session would return budget preparatory work to the Admin Committee so that they can listen to the work of the other Session committees and make budgetary recommendations to Session. The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing the Special Meeting of the Congregation on March 10, appropriate ground rules, logistical concerns, and other questions that have been raised.

Yours in Christ, Binky Moxin, Clerk of Session

What does FPCH mean to you?

Did you know that even if you remove staff salaries and any monies spent on the various ministries of the church, it still costs approximately $2,900 per month just to keep the building running? Insurance alone is almost $1,500 to ensure our historic building is protected into the future. And that does not account for the mission giving that our congregation takes part in - probably the most important money spent from all of our accounts, which is $600 for most months of the year. If this church is going to stand the test of time, we must financially support its future by sharing our treasure regularly.

Presbyterian Cemetery Lots For Sale

Want to be laid to rest near the site of our church's founding? Contact John Stultz of Stultz Real Estate for more information, 814.695.4463.

Our Leadership Team


Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith, Moderator

Binky Moxin, Clerk

Sally Unger, Treasurer

Shannon Carper, Leigh Casey, Kathryn Gardner, Joel Seelye, Mark Shawley

Deacons - Pastoral Care & Mission

Nancy Michael, Moderator

Kathy Draskoczy, Vice Moderator

Kathy Caporuscio, Joe Carper, Barb Evans, Vicky Nyland,

Pat Parnell, & Patricia Jabbeh Wesley

Administrative Committee

Dorothy Moore Liller & John Stultz, Co-Chairs

Lois Beer, Susan Musselman, & Joel Seelye

Christian Education Committee

Becky Burns & Amanda Seelye, Co-Chairs

Lily Chestney, Kathy Draskoczy, Nancy Michael,

Mark Shawley, Nora Stanek, & Ashtyn Whyte

Fellowship & Outreach Committee

Leigh Casey & Brenna Tatusko, Co-Chairs

Sue Ann Hess, Lynette Luke, Rhonda Shawley, & Jessica Stanek

Property Committee

Brandon Burns & Corey Stephens, Co-Chairs

Bill Edwards, Kathryn Gardner, Erin & Doug Meyers, & Dennis Zink

Worship Committee

Julia Benton & Catherine Cone, Co-Chairs

Laura & Shawn Cunningham, Binky Moxin, and Bonnie Ward


Our Staff

Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith, Pastor

Email: revjaniefpch@gmail.com

Walter Yatta, Music Director

Email: walyatta@verizon.net

Angela Koelle,

Church Administrator

Email: churchmouse10@gmail.com

Phone: 814.695.9019

Taylor Thompson, Childcare Worker

Email: taylort421@me.com

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