
10:00 a.m.


May Newsletter Deadline:

April 21st

Please send submissions via email

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Leading Together

Session gathered for its stated meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. After approving a replacement water heater for the current model that is twenty years old, the remainder of the conversation was spent on where the church family should go from here. Members of the Committee on Ministry were present to share resources and wisdom for this conversation. The next steps decided upon at this meeting were as follows: (1) that Session will invite the Presbyterian Foundation to meet with them to learn more about how they can help us in better understanding our financial situation and future; (2) the members of Session will be sharing more about their role in the church and their faith journeys with the congregation; and (3) Session will be looking for an opportunity or opportunities for the congregation to have fun together. As your leaders continue to discern God's vision for the future, we ask for your prayers and patience.

Yours in Christ, Binky Moxin, Clerk of Session

Meet our Co-Moderator!

On Tuesday, April 9, First Presbyterian Hollidaysburg is hosting the Huntingdon Presbytery as the Co-Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCUSA preaches and answers questions. Consider coming to meet the Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace on this special day.

From the Pastor's Desk

Dear God,

Please make of my life

what you would have it be.

Time and fate

have twisted things

I cannot straighten out


Dear God,

may I begin again.

My body

my mind

my spirit

my love

my hate

my pain

my sorrows

my joy

my questions

my fears

my hopes

my visions

I give them all

to you.


(Marrianne Williamson, Illuminated Prayers)

Artwork: "Where?" by Hannah Garrity of A Sanctified Art, LLC


Pastor Janie

Together in Worship

Holy Communion

This month we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper on Sunday, April 7, 2024.

Together in Learning

We need your help picking dates!

Click on the button below to help your Christian Education Team choose the dates of this summer's VBS!!!

VBS Dates

Caring Together

Please hold in prayer members of our church family and friends who are in special need: Britta Albright, Reggie Arford, Marlene Aurandt, Bonnie & Corinne Barstow, Jessica Beam, Lois Beer, Ann & Laird Benton, Nancy Buchanan, Eleanor Carson, D, Miriam Dalby, Michele Fiore, Anne Forsht, Jim Hammonds, Rodger & Sally Hammond, Paula Heim, Bobbi Hill, Jimmy & Cathy Hines, Solomon & Heather Kaspi, Ron Kennedy, Norma McPhee, Betty Meyer, Tristan Meyers, Booker & Janet Moore, Nancy Musselman, Eleanor Myers, Sarah Ocker, Ray Overdorff, Pat Parnell, Ed Pratt, Aleta & Brad Reist, June Slep, Doug Soisson, John & Diane Stultz, Grace Waite, Bill & Deb Wandersee, Avery Marie Wineland.

Please also hold our troops in your prayers, including Trent Sipes, Kyle Gardner, Andrew Rosamilia, Cameron Sellers, and Harrison Heim, who are directly related to our congregation. Pray for our leaders and the leaders around the world as they are making decisions in the coming days. And please pray for all those who find themselves in harm's way that they may know God's presence and that they will have what they need.


Our Staff

Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith, Pastor

Email: revjaniefpch@gmail.com

Walter Yatta, Music Director

Email: walyatta@verizon.net

Angela Koelle,

Church Administrator

Email: churchmouse10@gmail.com

Phone: 814.695.9019

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