Keep reading to find out about our new families and all our other exciting news.

Have You Missed Us?
We know it has been a while since the last time you received one of these.  We used to deliver a weekly update to our volunteer coordinators, our pastors and Board members in addition to this newsletter.  We are now transitioning to this newsletter being the main source of how you hear about Family Promise of Cobb County.  So please make sure you have us in your address book so this newsletter doesn't go to your spam folder.  We look forward to sharing all the network success stories with you over the coming year.
Did you miss our Annual Report? Check out the website for all your questions.
Family Promise Conference

Executive Director Camilla Worrell and Board President Jule Binney attended the Family Promise National Conference April 8-10 in Long Beach CA.  The conference sessions included information on innovative housing solutions and partnerships across the country that other Family Promises are using to successfully house guests.  FPCC looks forward to implementing some of these new initiatives in the next year!  The next conference is in October of 2017 in Washington D.C.  

New Families Have Joined Us

We had two new families join us this week.  Our new guests are both couples with children.  Added to our current mom and daughter, we have 14 people currently in our program and we are full.  One of our families is also housing a dog with our partner, PetSmart.  This also means we have nine (9) children in our rotation so make sure your volunteers are prepared for fun and activity in the evenings! 

Are you coming on June 20, 2016?

FPCC is holding it's 1st Golf Tournament in June.  Have you signed up as a sponsor or as a player?  Our Golf Committee members Gary Critelli (Transfiguration Catholic Church), Hale Sanders (St. Catherine's Episcopal), Sandra Hobson (St. Andrew UMC), dave Browning (Mount Zion UMC) and Faye Nalls (East Cobb UMC) have been working hard to make sure it is an enjoyable event that raises money to support the mission of FPCC:  to assist homeless families with children achieve adequate and consistent income, stable housing and lasting independence by mobilizing our local interfaith community to provide temporary meals, shelter, compassionate hospitality and professional social services.  Please click the link below to download the sponsorship form OR the player registration form.

Golf Event Forms
Towel Donation Drive During the Month of May

Our supply of towels for our guests is LOW!  We NEED YOUR HELP!  Please consider picking up some new towels for FPCC or do some spring cleaning and bring by your gently used ones.  All are welcome.  There is a donation bin outside of the Daycenter on the porch so you can drop off at anytime.  THANKS!

Family Promise | Cobb County | 678-594-3150 | |