Show your Spirit For FPCC!
The Time To Give is Here

We just finished our first celebration of Family Promise week on our social media pages.  We hope you "liked", "favorited" and "shared" with your own networks. You will be seeing appeals from us in the next few weeks via email and regular US mail for you to make your donation to FPCC. 

You are the best advocates for us to new people as to why they should donate or their foundations should support us. You are well acquainted with the work being done here and are invested enough to give your own dollars. Now giving is easier than ever - and you can even set up a small, monthly donation so you never have to worry about writing a check ever again.   Click Here to Donate to FPCC. Monthly donations to FPCC are important so we have consistent cash flow all through the year and not just in December.  

Training Team

FPCC has a volunteer orientation committee, whose members guide all new volunteers on the Family Promise program and what to expect. The team has consisted of Timothy Schneller, Christine Schneller, Deelee Freeman and Maria King, Unfortunately, the Schnellers are moving to California and will nolonger be a part of the local FPCC team. Please keep them in your prayers for a smooth transition for them both.  

Of course, this means we have a need for more people to join our volunteer orientation team. If you feel a calling to help new volunteers prepare for their Family Promise experience, please click here  I want to join the Volunteer Orientation team.

Current Family Info

Family #13 - Dad, Mom, son (7).
Family #15  - Mom, daughter (6).   
Family #16 - Mom, son (11).
Family #17 - Dad, Mom, son (17), son(15), son (7).

Promise House:  Family #11 - Dad, Mom, daughter (15), son (13), son (9).

Upcoming Events

December 5, 2016

7:00 pm at St. Andrew UMC New Volunteer Coordinator Training.  If you are a Volunteer Coordinator at your church and have never completed the training specifically for VC's, this is a mandatory training. 

June 19, 2017

Golf Tournament at Indian Hills Country Club.  Look for upcoming sponsorship information coming to you.
Family Promise Cobb County | 678-594-3150 | i |