Our New Daycenter

After an entire year of looking, the FPCC board settled on a house located on the property of   Transfiguration Catholic Church.  The house has been lived in but most recently was used for storage.  The new day center will have 2 bathrooms with showers and will feature more space for FPCC guests.  This could not have happened without Transfiguration having an open heart to FPCC and its work with homeless families.  Our move in date is still scheduled for late December, so be on the look out for service days to help us pack and transport.   Thank you to everyone involved in the search of a new daycenter.  

 Our "Elves" Are Not on the Shelf.......

Presents Arrived Early

For the second year, St. Catherine's assembled and donated blessing bags containing toiletries, pajamas, underwear, and socks for children who come into our network. These bags are available throughtout the year to give to our kids: from the smallest babies to the oldest teens. St. Catherine's members donate all the materials for the bags. Pictured right is Molly Banko, her two children and Nia Worrell bringing in the bags to the daycenter.

Then, Holman and Company, an insurance agency, gave FPCC "new-to-us" office chairs. A big shout out to Paula and Gary Grady for picking up and delivering the chairs.

To top it all off, RentPath chose FPCC as the recipient of two desktops and 14 laptops. A great big THANK YOU to  RentPath and their team for the delivery and setup of these computers. We hope that this is just the beginning of a wonderful relationship between RentPath and  Family Promise!

2016 Annual Giving Campaign

Our 2016 Giving Campaign is underway. If we have your mailing address you should receive our annual appeal letter via US mail. 

We rely on these donations all year so please add us to your giving.  Checks may be mailed to the Day Center or you may donate online via our website.  Click Here to Donate to FPCC. Donations may either be one lump sum  or set up to be monthly. Monthly donations help us have consistent income for the entire year.  FPCC provides most of the family beds for Cobb County, so it is vital you help us provide services throughout the year.

Current Family Info

Family #13 - Dad, Mom, son (7).
Family #15  - Mom, daughter (6).   
Family #16 - Mom, son (11).
Family #17 - Dad, Mom, son (17), son(15), son (7).

Promise House:  Family #11 - Dad, Mom, daughter (15), son (13), son (9).

Upcoming Events
December 9, 2016  10:00 am Service Day at new day center (separate email invite/RSVP being sent)

December 10, 2016  10:00 am Service Day at new day center (separate email invite/RSVP being sent)

December 13, 2016  NO VOLUNTEER TRAINING

June 19, 2017   Golf Tournament at Indian Hills Country Club.  Look for upcoming sponsorship information coming to you.
Family Promise Cobb County | 678-594-3150 | i nfo@familypromisecobbcounty.org |   www.familypromisecobbcounty.org