What a joy it has been to celebrate the season of Advent together in so many ways. It is a privilege we do not take for granted, to be able to gather, sing, and enjoy the fellowship of our church family. As we now move into the Christmas season we give thanks for these opportunities and pray that good health and safety will persist for our church family, greater community, nation, and world. Below you will find information on our Christmas Eve worship services as well as the schedule for Sunday, December 26. At anytime you can go to www.fpcauburn.org/advent to find out more details. Click on any event in the calendar for more details and/or to add it to your own Google calendar!

Friday, December 24
5pm and 7pm - Christmas Eve Services
We have received several questions about the format of these services -
the 5pm and 7pm services will be identical in format (congregational singing and communion included, nursery available at both service times.)
Masks WILL be required at both services.

Sunday, December 26
No Sunday School

11am - Worship in the sanctuary (only service for the day)

Gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering may be made by check
(payable to FPC, “Joy Offering” noted in memo) or by clicking on the “Special Offerings” option on our giving page on our website.
Current COVID Policies

ALL current COVID-related policies including worship procedures, building use policies, small group gatherings, masking, and requests for exceptions can now be found on www.fpcauburn.org/covid. This page will be updated as changes are approved by the church's session.
Lay Readers Needed for the New Year!

Although Advent has just begun, the new calendar year will be here before we know it and we are in need of volunteers to serve as lay readers. Any and all are welcome to sign up, and we encourage readers of ALL ages. If youth or children would like to help lead worship, we will be glad to have them serve.
Sanctuary Flowers

We have a new Sign-up Genius page for those wishing to provide flowers for the Sanctuary! If you would like to cover the cost of flowers for Sunday morning worship, please sign up for a date here: https://tinyurl.com/Sanctuaryfloral.

If you are unable to sign up online, you may contact Sarah Wolak at 334-728-7853 to sign up for a date. While the Sign-Up Genius page only has one slot available for each week, you are welcome to split the cost with another family-- just be sure to write both names in the comments section. The cost of the flowers has been increased to $50 per arrangement, not including tax and delivery fee. As before, you are welcome to bring the arrangements home after the service, or to leave them to be delivered to other members of the congregation.
Session Notes

During its Zoom on-line meeting on December 13, the Session…

• learned that the church’s income for November 2021 was $65,967; expenses, $71,847; and net loss, $5,879; and, for January through November 2021, income was $656,191; expenses, $662,074; and net loss, $5,882;

• learned their Session Committee assignments for 2022:

o Children and Youth Carlie Kaeppler, Clay Price
o Finance Susan McChesney, Thomas Pope
o Generosity Steve Hickok, Jessica Barnes
o Worship Donna Yeager, Sarah Wolak
o Property Dave Lindahl, Paul Dimick
o Congregational Life Karen Cochran, Kirstin Yost, Bobbie Thurlow
o Personnel Debbie Duin, Nathan Wohleb, Katie Lee
o Adult Education Jesse Joiner, Susan Filippelli
o UKirk Lila Wright, Mike Williams
o Mission Katie Forster, Marianne Cone;

• reapproved current treasurers for 2022: Mary Simon, treasurer; Bonney Schowalter, Leslie Carter, and Carolyn Williams, assistant treasurers;

• sustained the examinations of members of the Elder Class of 2024, who will be installed on January 9, 2022: Debbie Duin, Katie Forster, Steve Hickok, Carlie Kaeppler, Dave Lindahl, Lila Wright, and Donna Yeager (Karen Cochran, to be examined later);

• thanked members of the Class of 2021 who are rotating off the Session: David Boswell, Katie Cooper, Tripp Hinkle, Eric Moore, Jennifer Stewart, Deborah Thomas, Elizabeth White, and Catherine Wolfe;

• learned that Kathy Reed will serve as chair of the Presbytery Committee on Ministry; and

• learned that Doug and Laura Booth plan to move to California to be closer to their grandchildren.

Church members may read the complete, approved minutes for this meeting in the church office.
Children and Youth News

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

•   Mark your calendars! The Living River You and Me Retreat for children Pre-K through 5th grade and their families is January 15 -17. See their flyer and visit www.livingriver.org to register. If you are interested in carpooling or caravanning, contact Rev. Kathy Reed at kreed@fpcauburn.org
•   No Children's Sunday School December 26.
•   The nursery is available from 10:45 until noon this Sunday for children birth to age 3.
•   Worship bags are also available for all children during worship.
•   Masks are required indoors for children 3 & over and youth, as well as all adults working with them.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth
•   No Youth fellowship this Sunday.
•   No Youth Sunday School this Sunday.
•   Mark your calendars, the Charleston Youth Mission Trip for Jr. and Sr. High Youth will be June 5-10, 2022 (this is a new retreat, more info to come)
•   Mark your calendars, the Montreat Youth Conference for rising 9th graders through graduated seniors will be July 10-16, 2022
•   Mark your calendars, the Montreat Middle School Conference for rising 6th through rising 8th graders will be July 20-24, 2022 (this is a new conference, more info to come)
Church Office Hours

The church is now open from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., M-F, for any members needing to drop in on church business. If the door is locked when you arrive, please ring the bell.

Masks are still required, and for contact tracing purposes a sign-in sheet will be placed on the small table outside the kitchenette where you will be asked to provide your name and the date/time/purpose of your visit. Small group gatherings must still be arranged with your designated staff person. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the staff continues to operate without designated volunteers to answer the door and phones.

Dec. 26 - Lizzy Lovell, Hal Smith
Dec. 27 - Barry Burkhart
Dec. 28 - Steve Hickok
Dec. 29 - Marianne Cone, John Wild
Dec. 30 - Jessica Barnes, Melanie Boecklen,
Connie Mitchell
Dec. 31 - Harmon Herring

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

• Prayers of healing for Mary Burkhart as navigates health issues.
• Continued prayers of healing for Shane Klugh as he recovers at home from back surgery.  
• Continued prayers of healing for Carol Griffin as she recovers at home after successful surgery.
• Continued prayers of healing for Bill Combs as receives treatment for cancer.
• Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness or significant health issues, but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name.
• Prayers of healing for a family member of Myrna Walker. Myrna’s relative is now recovering from hip replacement surgery. This is her fifth surgery in the last year. Prayers she will be able to walk again 
• Prayers of comfort and strength for all those affected by the powerful storms and tornados in Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. Don and Vonda Ball shared their home in western Kentucky was not effected, but they have friends from Bowling Green who are in the hospital after sustaining injuries.
• We continue to pray for healing and wholeness for those dealing with issues related to Covid-19. We also continue to pray for all the health care workers as they tend to everyone’s well being. 
• Prayers of healing for Donna Yeager’s son in law as he recovers in Brooklyn after being very sick from a breakthrough covid infection.
• Prayers for Amy Kilner and her family (daughter in law of Dorothy Moran). Amy is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently looking for a donor.  
• Prayers of healing for Belinda (friend of Karen Herring), as she continues treatment and learns the progress of her treatment for cancer. Prayers for her spouse Pooie as she cares for Belinda.
• Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is recovering at home after a long stay at EAMC.  
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org