Session Notes
During its Zoom on-line meeting on December 13, the Session…
• learned that the church’s income for November 2021 was $65,967; expenses, $71,847; and net loss, $5,879; and, for January through November 2021, income was $656,191; expenses, $662,074; and net loss, $5,882;
• learned their Session Committee assignments for 2022:
o Children and Youth Carlie Kaeppler, Clay Price
o Finance Susan McChesney, Thomas Pope
o Generosity Steve Hickok, Jessica Barnes
o Worship Donna Yeager, Sarah Wolak
o Property Dave Lindahl, Paul Dimick
o Congregational Life Karen Cochran, Kirstin Yost, Bobbie Thurlow
o Personnel Debbie Duin, Nathan Wohleb, Katie Lee
o Adult Education Jesse Joiner, Susan Filippelli
o UKirk Lila Wright, Mike Williams
o Mission Katie Forster, Marianne Cone;
• reapproved current treasurers for 2022: Mary Simon, treasurer; Bonney Schowalter, Leslie Carter, and Carolyn Williams, assistant treasurers;
• sustained the examinations of members of the Elder Class of 2024, who will be installed on January 9, 2022: Debbie Duin, Katie Forster, Steve Hickok, Carlie Kaeppler, Dave Lindahl, Lila Wright, and Donna Yeager (Karen Cochran, to be examined later);
• thanked members of the Class of 2021 who are rotating off the Session: David Boswell, Katie Cooper, Tripp Hinkle, Eric Moore, Jennifer Stewart, Deborah Thomas, Elizabeth White, and Catherine Wolfe;
• learned that Kathy Reed will serve as chair of the Presbytery Committee on Ministry; and
• learned that Doug and Laura Booth plan to move to California to be closer to their grandchildren.
Church members may read the complete, approved minutes for this meeting in the church office.