Congregational Survey Results 

Many thanks to all of you who participated in our congregational survey. We received eighty-eight responses, which have already (and will continue to be) extremely helpful to our session and church staff as we move into the fall.

Some highlights from the survey that may be of interest to you all -

Those responding were MOST interested in having: 
  • an outdoor cookout
  • hands-on mission projects
  • an ice cream social

Sunday evenings and afternoons were by far the preferred time for non-worship gatherings.

Monthly and seasonal gatherings were preferred across the board (for individuals, families with children, and families without children.)

As a result, plans are already in progress for monthly intergenerational events such as an October Trunk or Treat, a November service project, and December Advent activities.

In addition to Sunday morning classes, our children will begin having a “First Sunday Fellowship” in October while junior and senior high youth group will continue to meet weekly on Sunday evenings.

We continue to seek opportunities to love one another and serve God together in the midst of uncertain times. Responsive to the needs of our community and continuing to observe careful social distancing measures, we are grateful for your feedback, patience, and grace as we finish out the year.

With thanks,
The Leadership of FPC Auburn
Children and Youth Sunday School

This Sunday is the beginning of the fall programming year! All Children and Youth Sunday school classes will be from 9:45 – 10:45 in the children and youth Sunday school classes upstairs. Our theme this year Exploring the Biblical Narrative. Both children and youth will focus on the stories in the Bible, not as individual stories, but as one big narrative from the beginning of creation all the way through to Paul’s missionary journeys into Rome. They will explore the details of each story and wrestle with how each story has an impact on their lives as well as how their own lives are a part of the Biblical narrative.

Our children Pre-k through 5th grade will be using the Growing in God’s Love story Bible and curriculum. During each class, the children will hear a story from the Bible in narrative form. They will talk through the details of each story and then discuss how that story is similar to things in their lives today. They will also engage the story through arts and crafts.
The Pre-K through 1st grade class will be taught by Allison Moore, Addison Ragan, Elisha Wohleb, and Ruth Brock. The 2nd through 5th grade class will be taught by Kellye and Jesse Joiner, Katie Cooper, Amanda Smith, and Amy and Kevin Wells.

The Jr. and Sr. High Youth will be using the book Story Thru the Bible; An Interactive Way to Connect with God’s Word. During each class the youth will hear a story from the Bible in narrative form and discuss how each story transforms their lives as well as explore where they see similar themes in today’s world. They will then crate a visual representation of the story so that by the end of the school year there will be a visual timeline around their Sunday school classroom. The Jr. and Sr. High class will be taught by Robbie Barnes, Daniel Parsons, Catherine Wolfe, and Chris Sarkowski.
Adult Christian Education Opportunities

Masks are once again required to be worn by anyone inside our church buildings.

Modern Families
9:45am, FPC Chapel
In her book, More Than Words: 10 Values for the Modern Family, author Erin Wathen explores what it means to practice family values such as compassion, sabbath, authenticity, and joy. While this class was initially requested by parents of our church's youth and children, it is open to individuals, couples, and families of all walks and phases of life. Participants are encouraged to purchase a copy of the book. If you are interested in attending, please contact Rev. Kathy Reed.

Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living
9:45am, Room 309
This fall, the Burton Bible and Bible Basics classes will be combining to explore a new PC(USA) curriculum, "Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living." Based on practices followed by Jesus and that he taught us to do as faithful followers, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now. If you are interested in attending, please contact co-teachers Jim Bannon and/or Henry Brandhorst so that enough participant guides may be ordered.

Old Testament Walkabout Class
9:45am, Baird Hall OR Zoom
The Old Testament Sunday school class is now in the post-exilic period of the story of Israel. Our scripture during this phase of our study will come from the books of Ezra/Nehemiah, Third Isaiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Esther, and Daniel. In person class begins in Baird Hall at 9:45. A Zoom option is also available. Please contact Gayle Andress if you wish to receive a Zoom invitation.

Bible Journaling Small Group
Tuesdays, 2pm, Library OR Zoom
You do not have to be an artist to find a great deal of meaning in the practice of Bible journaling. Join us in the church library (or, if you are more comfortable, via Zoom) every Monday as we reflect upon the previous Sunday's sermon and Scripture text and explore various kinds of drawing, painting, and journaling techniques. For more information, please contact Susan Fillippeli.
Come and Join Us! 

You are cordially invited to join us at our PW Fall Gathering as we kick off a new year, on Sunday, September 12 at 2:30 in Conway Hall. It is our great honor to have Rev. Kathy Reed join us to teach lesson 1, and to share some of her Sabbatical experiences in Scotland.

Please feel free to call Marianne Cone 404.375.3940 for more information.

We will observe our church covid protocols, including masks. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Provide a Meal for College Students! 

With the university back in session, UKirk is restarting dinner and Bible Study on Sunday nights at 7 p.m. If you are interested in providing dinner for UKirk, you may sign up for a Sunday here.

When you volunteer for a Sunday, we ask that you provide dinner and dessert for 15-20 students, including a vegetarian option for those who do not eat meat. UKirk will provide the utensils, plates, and drinks. You are welcome to join the students for dinner, drop off a meal beforehand, or make a donation to our meal fund (to donate: please make a check out to FPC with “UKirk Meal Fund” written in the memo line). All meals will take place in our courtyard to ensure the greatest level of safety.

If you are interested in providing a meal, but Sundays do not work for you, please contact Caroline; there are mid-week events where we also provide dinner!

Thank you so much for your willingness to support our UKirk students!

--The University Ministry Committee
Worship Arts: Dance/Movement/Exercise 

Join us on a moving journey starting Mon., Sept. 20, 9-10 a.m. in Baird Hall. Recurring on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Monday each month. Contemporary Christian music is used with a prayerful focus on scripture for each week. No dance experience necessary just come have fun as we respond to the word. Masks required and FPC Covid protocols enforced. Contact: Denise Salo 313.304.3248
Sanctuary Flowers

After a long hiatus, we are resuming sign-ups for Sanctuary flowers starting in September. If you would like to cover the cost of flowers for Sunday morning worship, please sign up for a date on our SignUp Genius page. If you are unable to sign up online, you may contact Sarah Wolak at 334-728-7853 to sign up for a date. While the Sign-Up Genius page only has one slot available for each week, you are welcome to split the cost with another family-- just be sure to write both names in the comments section. The cost of the flowers has been increased to $50 per arrangement, not including tax and delivery fee. As before, you are welcome to bring the arrangements home after the service, or to leave them to be delivered to other members of the congregation.
Children and Youth News

We’re having a Kickoff Cookout!
This Sunday children, youth, and their families are invited to join together from 6 – 7:30 in the courtyard and church parking lot for a time to celebrate the beginning of the new program year. Join us for food in the courtyard, fellowship, games, and an inflatable obstacle course/slide in the parking lot! Please note, the Gay St. entrance to the parking lot will be closed. Please enter through the Thach Ave. entrance for limited parking spaces or park in the University Chapel Lot.

Parents of Children and Youth - please see the update in Adult Christian Education Opportunities about the new “Modern Families” class that will begin this Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Reed.

Children Pre-K through 5th grade
•      Worship Readiness will begin this Sunday. This year, Worship Readiness will be offered for 2nd and 3rd graders. Each Sunday for six weeks children will learn about all of the different pieces of worship and why we worship the way we do. At the conclusion of Worship Readiness, our 2nd and 3rd graders will be prepared to stay in worship for the entire service. We will meet in Room 111 next to the Godly Play room.
•      The nursery is now available from 10 until noon on Sunday mornings for children birth to age 3.
•      Godly Play: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 1st Grade will go to the Godly Play room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service.
•      Worship bags are also available for all children during worship.
•      Children’s Sunday school will meet this Sunday from 9:45 – 10:45 upstairs in the children’s classrooms. There will be two classes, Pre-K through 1st grade and 2nd through 5th grade.
•      Masks are required indoors for children 3 & over and youth, as well as all adults working with them.
•      Based on feedback from the congregational survey that went out, we will focus children’s programming on once-a-month events for children and their families. The event for September will be the Kickoff Cookout. We are planning a Trunk-or-Treat in October, and a mission event in November. Also, beginning in October, children Pre-K though 5th grade will have a First Sunday Fellowship activity at 3 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. This will be a time for bible study and devotion, fellowship, and recreation.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth
•      Youth Sunday school will meet this Sunday from 9:45 – 10:45 in the Senior High room.
•      Jr. and Sr. High Youth and their families are invited to tailgate in the church parking lot this evening from 5 – 6:30 for the AHS Football Game (vs. Dothan H.S.). We will have food and fellowship before the Auburn High School football game. Hope to see you there! Bring friends!

Auburn Football Parking
Our parking lot will be available for gameday parking this Saturday. The cost to park is $30 and is on a first come-first serve basis. The lot will open at 7am and all money raised will help offset the cost for our summer youth conferences.
Sunday, September 12

✵ 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.: In-Person, Indoor Worship -  If you attend one of the indoor services in coming weeks you will notice many differences from our "normal" sanctuary worship. At this time, based on recommendations from our COVID Task Force and Session, we will have a very simple service without congregational singing, passing of the peace, and several other elements you might be looking forward to sharing with your church family. However, as local conditions and guidelines continue to improve it is our greatest hope that we will begin adding back in all these elements of worship we know and love. Thank you so much for your patience and grace as we try to maintain the greatest level of safety for our congregation, musicians, worship leaders, and our greater community.

At the sign-up link below (and the email containing the sign-up sent on Thursday), you will find detailed information on our current protocols for worship attendance.

✵ 11:00 a.m.: Virtual Worship - We are pleased to announce that we are live-streaming our worship service at 11 a.m. What this means is that those worshiping from home will be able to watch the service live as it is happening in the sanctuary. To view the service you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app ( or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page.

If you are unable to watch live at 11 a.m., a recorded version of the service will be available at these same links later in the day.
Please read carefully!
In response to the outstanding attendance we have experienced as well as our commitment to maintain safe social distancing protocols in worship, the FPC Session Elders approved the following motion: 
Motion to Session Re: Resuming Early Service
That in addition to the 11am worship service, the church begin offering a 9am service in the sanctuary. Like previous services we have held this year, this service will include an abbreviated liturgy lasting roughly 30min. Unlike the former 8:30am service, for the time being we will not observe weekly communion at the 9am service. This service will follow all current COVID protocols being observed at the 11am service, including sign-ups, masking, social distancing, etc. In the time between the 9am and 11am worship services, volunteers and staff will implement any cleaning/sanitizing procedures recommended by the church’s COVID task force.
Because the decision to add this service has been made somewhat quickly, please know it is likely that the order/musical offerings/organization of the 9 a.m. service will evolve over the next few weeks as we assess attendance, availability of volunteers, and other contributing factors.
A few important items of note with our new worship schedule:
  • for Families of Nursery Aged Children - The nursery will continue to be available at the 11 a.m. service each Sunday and by request for the 9 a.m. service. If you would like to have the nursery available at the 9 a.m. service, please contact Chris Sarkowski at (no later than 5 p.m. Friday) so that arrangements may be made.
  • for Families of Children and Youth  - Sunday School will continue to be held at 10:15 a.m. until September 12, when Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a.m. At this time, there will be no children’s church during the 9 a.m. service and Worship Readiness will only be held during the 11 a.m. service beginning September 12. However, should attendance patterns suggest that a children’s option needs to be added to the 9 a.m. service this will be reevaluated as soon as possible.
  • for those attending Adult Sunday School - Our hope is that the 9 a.m. service will last no more than 30 minutes, allowing you plenty of time to begin your Sunday School class at 9:45 a.m.
  • for all attending worship, Sunday School, and Punch on the Lawn - Please continue to be mindful of varying comfort levels in our congregation regarding hugs, handshakes, and proper distancing. With more opportunities to interact comes an increased responsibility to keep our church family safe and healthy.

Regular Worship Reminders: 
How many people can sign up per pew?
In order to maintain six feet of social distance, one family unit may sign up per pew. A family unit of four or five can comfortably sit in a pew together, depending on your own preference for personal space. Those attending in the high-risk category are encouraged to sit in the back (higher numbered pews) for better ventilation and the ability to exit first.

Can I sit with someone who does not live in my household?
We recognize many church members, especially those who are now fully vaccinated, may wish to share a pew with church “family” who do not live in their household. Individuals are encouraged to communicate ahead of time and sign up together. Please be respectful and do not sign up to sit in someone else’s pew unless you have communicated with them beforehand.

How will I know which pew to sit in?
Pay attention to which pew number you sign up for. Each pew will be numbered along the side and center aisles. An usher will be happy to to help direct you to your pew. (Ushers will have a copy of this sign up.)

Do I need to wear a mask?
Masks are once again required for all people at all gatherings inside the building, including worship. This change was based on the recommendation of the FPC COVID Reopening Task Force and approved by the Session at a called session meeting on July 26.
Sign Up!

Fall Lay Reader (for In-Person Worship at 11 a.m.)
Members of all ages are welcome and encouraged to help lead worship and you can sign up HERE for a particular date.

Host Punch-on-the-Lawn
You may sign up here. For more information about volunteering, please contact Kirstin Yost at at or 910-309-1625.
As the fall semester approaches, UKirk Auburn is excited to welcome returning and new students to our ministry! The best way to reach new students is through word-of-mouth and a recommendation from someone they trust.

The UKirk Campus Ministries of our presbytery (Auburn, University of Alabama, Birmingham, and Jacksonville State) would love to be introduced to any and all college students who may be interested in a Presbyterian campus ministry. You can refer students through this form, and don’t forget to tell your college students to look for “UKirk” when they arrive on campus.

For more info, contact Caroline Barnett at
Update to Our Covid Re-opening Plan
Updated July 26

At a called session meeting on Monday, July 26, the session voted to require masks for all participants for worship and indoor gatherings. They also voted to reinstate six feet of social distancing between family units in the sanctuary. These changes came as a recommendation from the COVID Taskforce in light of the high positive infection rate for Lee County, advice from EAMC health officials, and a growing concern over the Delta variant.

These changes were not made lightly but are being put into effect based upon the high infection rate for our county, advice from EAMC health officials, and a growing concern over the spread of the Delta variant. With these practices in place, we hope the church campus can continue to serve our congregation safely.

What is changing? 
  • Masks are required for all people attending indoor gatherings, including worship. 
  • Each pew can accommodate one family unit (approximately four- five people) in order to ensure six feet of distance between units. 

What stays the same? 
  • Worship continues in-person, online, and over the radio. If you wish to worship in-person, a sign-up is required. The sign up email is sent out on Thursday and is open until 10:59am Sunday morning. If you are having trouble with the electronic sign up, please contact Katie Cooper (770-630-4634), Denise Salo (313-215-3091), or Kirstin Yost (910-309-1671 or, and they would be more than happy to make sure you are signed up for worship properly.  
  • Groups wishing to meet in the building must sign up with their designated staff person and keep a list of attendees. Groups are also able to meet in a hybrid style (in-person and via Zoom) or entirely over Zoom. If you have questions about how your group can meet, please contact your ministry’s staff person.
Procedures for In-Person Meetings in Church Facilities

As you read the information below, please note that the church building is NOT yet open for general use. PLEASE do not enter the building without first contacting a staff member (preferably as outlined below, via email at least 48 hours in advance) so that we can continue to provide the greatest level of safety and sanitation.

If I am a part of a small group (circle, committee, bible study, etc.) that would like to meet on site, what steps should I take? 
  • PRIOR TO YOUR GATHERING - Contact your group’s designated staff member (please see below for a full list of staff resource persons for each ministry area). Work with your staff person to schedule a time and space for your group to meet. They will explain to you which entrance, exit, and restrooms your group should utilize for the time you are schedule to meet at the church. 
  • DURING YOUR GATHERING - Masks are now optional (unless children are present), although please be respectful of the level of comfort within your group. Proper social distancing should be observed and no food or drinks may be provided.
  • AT THE END OF YOUR GATHERING - Coordinate with your designated staff person to ensure that a list of all attendees is submitted to the church (for contact tracing purposes), the space is properly cleaned and the church doors are locked upon exiting.

Who is my designated staff person and how do I contact them?
Please send an email at least 48 hours before your group would like to gather so staff members have plenty of time to communicate and avoid overlapping groups.

Please contact the following staff members with any questions or concerns in the
following areas:
Ministry Area | Staff Contact
Children and Youth | Chris Sarkowski
Music | Damion Womack
UKirk and University Ministry | Caroline Barnett 
Worship | Nick Reed or Kathy Reed
Mission | Kathy Reed
Adult Education and Presbyterian Women | Kathy Reed
Congregational Life | Nick Reed 
Property | Nick Reed or Steve Hickok
General Office | Kathy Rushing
Generosity | Kathy Reed
Finance | Nick Reed 
Personnel | Nick Reed or Kathy Reed

We thank you in advance for your patience and grace as we do our best to transition into this next (exciting!) phase of our reopening. Please know that in the weeks ahead we may find need to institute a more formal scheduling system in order to facilitate groups that desire to meet in the building. We will use the weekly email newsletter as a place to share these updates.

With much gratitude, The FPC Staff

Sep. 12 - Karen Hickok
Sep. 14 - Patty Disque, Kathy Reed
Sep. 16 - Herb White
Sep. 18 - Henry Brandhorst


Sep. 14 - Jim and Susan Parker
Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.


• Prayers of healing for Kathi Kishkorn, who is now recovering with her family in Maryland. We will miss her, but so glad she can be with her family.
• Prayers for Dave Lindahl, who is navigating a severe back injury and will be receiving treatments in the weeks ahead
• Prayers for Liz Lindahl, who has moved to Azalea Place. Her new contact information is: 334-209-1942; 1601 Professional Parkway, Apt. 105, Auburn, AL 36830.
• Merilyn Hozer who has moved to Auburn Assisted Living. Merilyn does not have a phone number at her new residence yet but you may send her a card at: 350 Samford Village Ct. #223, Auburn, AL 36830.
• Prayers for the Spencer family for healing and strength.
• Prayers for Gerri Talley who is recovering from back surgery. Also prayers for her son-in-law, Gary Sagunsky, and his family as he begins chemotherapy as well as dialysis for multiple myeloma.
• Prayers of healing and rest for Kevin Wells as he recovers from successful cardiac surgery.
• Prayers for Belinda Wright, friend of Karen Herring & Leslie Carter, who is undergoing cancer treatment.
• Prayers for Rodney Greer’s mother, Dixie, as she recovers from surgery.
• Prayers for Bob Webeler's sister, Sue, who was receiving rehab in Phenix City but is now at EAMC following some setbacks in her health.
• Prayers of healing for Tom Webb’s sister as she recovers from successful surgery. Prayers for Tom as he cares for his sister in Oregon.
• The Cochran family’s friend Sarah Andres, scheduled for a kidney transplant in Philadelphia, PA.
• Prayers for Melanie Jackson, Jessica Barnes’ childhood friend, who was diagnosed with cancer.
• Prayers of healing for Amy Well’s friend Suzi Bonifay undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
• Prayers of healing for Amanda Smith’s co-worker and friend, Susan Scales, as she undergoes cancer treatment.
• All who are dealing with significant health and wellness issues but do not wish to be mentioned by name at the moment.
• All who are suffering from COVID-19, particularly the Delta variant.
First Presbyterian Church | | (334)887-5571 |