FPC Members and Friends, 

This week has been filled with difficult and disturbing moments in our nation. May we all continue to pray for our nation and pray for one another as we grieve the events earlier this week and process our own many emotions. We shared this prayer earlier this week, but would like to share it again with you all.

God of ages, 
in your sight nations rise and fall,
and pass through times of peril.
Now when our land is troubled,
be near to judge and save.
May leaders be led by your wisdom;
may they search your will and see it clearly.
If we have turned from your way,
help us to reverse our ways and repent.
Give us your light and your truth to guide us;
through Jesus Christ,
who is Lord of this world, and our Savior. Amen.
-a prayer on national crisis from the PCUSA Book of Common Worship

As we look towards the future together with hope in our hearts may we continue to let the light of Christ be our guide in the ways we love the world.

Peace be with you all,
Nick and Kathy
Sunday, January 10

✵ 11:00am: Virtual Worship - To view the service you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app (https://tinyurl.com/t7dl8vh) or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page. Knowing we are at the mercy of technology, we appreciate your patience and grace if all does not go according to plan. Attached you will find a bulletin for this Sunday’s service.
Sunday Worship now on 99.9FM
Help Feed the College Students! 

Though we miss the days when we could gather around a table for dinner (and look forward to the day they will return), FPC is still making sure our college students are well fed! Since October, FPC has been providing the college students with weekly individually boxed meals from local restaurants.

The University Ministry Committee is asking for donations to the UKirk Meal Fund so we can continue to provide these meals to our students. Rather than volunteering to cook dinner one Sunday of the semester, as we have done in the past, we encourage you to give to this fund to help purchase safely-prepared meals for the students. If you would like to contribute, you may mail a check to the church (or drop it off in our secure mailbox). Checks can be made out to First Presbyterian Church with “UKirk Meals” noted in the memo line.

Thank you for your continued support of the college students and our ministry to them!
Adult CE

Sundays at 9:30am:
The Old Testament Walkabout class will continue its study of the history of Israel in the book of Second Kings. We are about to see the fall of Judah and, with that, the end of the Kingdom of Israel. In this segment of our studies, we will include selections from the book of Jeremiah and hear his words to these people as they experience the pain and suffering of the loss of much of what has defined them as a people. Class will begin at 9:30. If you would like to receive the zoom link for this class please contact Gayle Andress at dongayle17@gmail.com.

Mondays at 12:00pm:
The Bible Journaling class will resume this semester on Mondays at 12pm. Even if you have never explored the art and practice of bible journaling before, all are welcome to explore biblical texts in this creative and meditative way. To receive the zoom link for this class, please contact Susan Fillippeli at fillise@att.net.

The Office Hours Bible Study Discussion Group will resume in February - stay tuned for more details!
PW News

Presbyterian Women Circles will continue to meet via Zoom on Tuesday January 12. Circles 1 & 2 will meet at 9:30 am, and Circle 3 will meet at 2:30 pm. Members will receive a reminder email prior to the meeting including the Zoom link. If you are not already in a PW Circle and would like to join, you are most welcome. Circle leaders are Barbara Dunham #1 (229.881.2957), Marianne Cone #2 (404.375.3940), Barbara Fletcher #3 (334.203.1484).
Virtual Worship Leadership Sign Up

We still have lots of empty spots available! This service opportunity involves preparing a recorded video of yourself the week prior to the Sunday you sign up for and then uploading it to a dropbox link. The pastors will provide you with a "script" and technical assistance as needed. 


Jan. 10 - Vicki Throckmorton, Adele Whatley
Jan. 11 - Jessica Allen, Laura Klugh
Jan. 13 - Linda Stark
Jan. 14 - Shirley Bartels
Jan. 15 - Sue Bradley, Peggy Johnson, Steve Schmidt
Jan. 16 - Gayle Anderson
CE News

Pre-K through 5th Grade
Below is the Zoom Sunday school class schedule: 
January 10 and 24
February 7 and 21
March 7 and 21

Pre-K through 1st Grade Zoom Sunday school classes will meet at 9:45am
2nd through 5th Grade Zoom Sunday school classes will meet at 10:15am
All Zoom invites will be sent at 9am the day of class.

Jr. High and Sr. High Youth
In-person youth group meetings will resume on January 24.
Jr. Highs will meet in the church courtyard at 4pm.
Sr. Highs will meet in the Sarkowski’s backyard at 6pm.

Bring a chair and masks are required. 

Auburn’s spring semester begins this week, which means UKirk resumes its programming too!

This semester, UKirk has multiple opportunities to gather and grow in faith, including a Bible Study and fellowship night over Zoom. If you are or know of a student interested in learning more about UKirk, fill out this form or email Caroline, and she will be happy to contact you with more info.
Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

• Prayers of comfort for FPC Auburn staff member Joaquin Cesena-Vivas as he grieves the death of his mother. Joaquin’s mother passed away last night in El Salvador. We grieve with Joaquin that he will not be able to travel to El Salvador to be with his family. Fortunately his sister was able to be with his mother at the time of her death. If you would like to send Joaquin a card or note please feel free to mail it to the church and we can be sure he receives it.  
• Prayers of healing for James Fukai as he recovers from successful surgery yesterday. Also prayers of healing for James’ father, Junichiro Fukai, who is having surgery this morning.
• Prayers of healing for Laura Booth’s mother who was diagnosed last week with Covid-19. Laura’s 91 year old mother who lives in California is doing well as she receives treatment at a hospital. Prayers for Laura as she cares for her mother from across the country.
• Prayers of healing for Mary Simon’s daughter in law, Jessica Simon, as she has had a difficult time with her health due to a Covid-19 diagnosis. 
• Prayers of healing for Rev. Little (Amy Well’s former pastor) who is beginning treatment for a cancer diagnosis.
• Continued prayers of healing and wholeness for many in our church family who are dealing with significant health and wellness issues but do not wish to be mentioned by name at the moment.
• As Covid-19 cases increase significantly and EAMC has reach record levels of Covid-19 patients we continue to prayer for healing and wholeness of so many in our community facing health issues. We also continue to pray for all the health care workers as they tend to everyone’s well being. 

We rejoice that this Sunday is Ordination and Installation Sunday. We are so grateful gifts of leadership of Jessica Barnes, Marianne Cone, Paul Dimick, Jesse Joiner, Katie Lee, Susan McChesney, and Sarah Wolak.
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org