
Throughout the Lenten season we have grounded our hearts, minds, and hands in service to God. As we enter into Holy Week 2022 we do not take for granted what a gift it is to be able to worship and fellowship together. We hope you will join us for as many of the week's gatherings as you are able:

Thursday, April 14: Maundy Thursday

  • 5:30pm - Potluck Soup and Chili Supper in Baird Hall
  • 6:15pm - Worship with Communion in Sanctuary

Friday, April 15: Good Friday

  • 6pm - Worship in the Chapel

For those wishing to worship from home, you are invited to watch this pre-recorded service of scripture, prayer, artwork.

Sunday, April 17: Easter Sunday

  • 9am - Worship and Communion in Chapel
  • 9:45am - Fellowship in Baird Hall, Egg Hunt to Follow
  • 11am - Worship and Communion in Sanctuary

Easter Fellowship

On Easter Sunday during the Sunday School hour (9:45-10:45 a.m.), the church will provide coffee, juice, and pastries in both Baird Hall and in the courtyard. You are also welcome to bring your own pastries (donuts, muffins, etc) to share with others as we gather for this special time of fellowship. There will be a space to sit and visit with one another as well as activities for children in Baird Hall before the 10:15 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt. For those who want to enjoy the outdoors and get an early spot for the Easter Egg Hunt, there will also be a space with food and drinks in the courtyard. (In case of inclement weather, the egg hunt will take place in Conway Hall.)


Easter Flower Cross

Spring has definitely "sprung" and adorned many of our yards with beautiful flowers. As a part of our Easter celebration tradition, please consider snipping a few buds Sunday morning and bringing them to decorate our special cross at the front of the church - it makes a lovely backdrop for family Easter pictures!

One Great Hour of Sharing


In a world broken by disaster, hunger and oppression, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. As followers of Christ, we can respond to the greatest needs of our time with mercy, love, and compassion. 


On Easter Sunday, we will collect the One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering – the single, largest way Presbyterians come together to work for a better world, through three global programs that serve individuals and communities. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance provides relief in communities affected by crisis and catastrophic events. Presbyterian Hunger Program works to alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes. Self-Development of People Program works with communities to help develop solutions to oppression and injustice.


Your gift to the One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering restores hope, feeds the hungry, and empowers the oppressed. Checks, payable to FPC with OGHS designated in the memo area, may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church office. You may also give online at fpcauburn.org/give and designating the gift as a Special Offering.If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot. 

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New Sunday School Series Beginning April 24

What exactly do we mean when we say the "Word of God"? What do we believe really happens to the bread and juice during communion? What happens when someone becomes an elder? What is this "presbytery" we keep referring to? 

Whether you are a new visitor discerning membership at our church, a life-long Presbyterian who may need a refresher on your Reformed Theology, or even someone who has been through elder training in recent years, we welcome you to join us for this four week series in the chapel where we deep-dive into the Presbyterian tradition.

(Please note - this is a NEW and different class, NOT a repeat of our former Presbyterianism 101 class.) Questions? Contact Rev. Kathy Reed (kreed@fpcauburn.org)

Early Worship Service Returns to the Chapel

At its stated March meeting earlier this week, the FPC Session voted to have the 9 a.m. worship service return to gathering in the chapel. We look forward to seeing our early service-goers there!

Sign Up Now to Host Punch-on-the-Lawn!

Everyone's favorite time of the year is here! Join us in the courtyard following the 11 a.m. worship service for a time of fellowship and refreshment. Greet your neighbors, introduce yourself to visitors, and enjoy God's creation as we spend time together in community.

Volunteers are needed to serve punch throughout the spring and summer months. Please see this sign up link to reserve your date - you will be contacted ahead of time with details about setup and clean up. For more information about volunteering, please contact Kirstin Yost at at kmyost97@gmail.com or 910-309-1625.


The Gerri Talley Memorial Layette Project Spring 2022

Please join us in collecting baby items from birth to two years old. White baskets will be located in the Narthex area and near the Baird Hall entrance until Sunday, May 8, 2022, Mother’s Day. These items along with items collected from the Kid's Clothing Connection will mainly go to Clark/Wilcox Counties. There will be a display at the PW Birthday Luncheon on Tuesday, May 10, 2022. The biggest needs: diapers, diaper rash cream, baby wipes, and certainly monetary donations are always welcomed and appreciated. Monetary donations can be given to Carolyn Williams or put in Sunday offering noting for the Gerri Talley Memorial Layette Project. Contacts: Harriette Huggins, Denise Salo, Carolyn Williams. 

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This Week at FPC

Maundy Thursday, April 14

5:30 p.m. - Potluck Soup and Chili Supper in Baird Hall

6:15 p.m. - Worship with communion in the sanctuary

Bulletin for Maundy Thursday

Good Friday, April 15

6 p.m. - Worship in the chapel

Easter Sunday, April 17

9 a.m. - Worship with communion in the chapel

9:45 a.m. - Easter Fellowship & Egg Hunt, Baird Hall/Courtyard

11 a.m. - Worship with communion in the sanctuary

Bulletin for April 17 worship

Sunday Parking Map

Update on FPC COVID Protocols

On Wednesday, March 2, at a called meeting of the Session, the elders present unanimously approved the following recommendation from the COVID Task Force:

That there no longer be any Covid-related restrictions to church activities at FPC Auburn with the following two exceptions:
Masks shall be required
1. For the 9 am worship service.
2. For any person working with children under the age of 5.

Additional notes:
• Small groups within the church (e.g. Sunday School classes, PW circles, the choir) may decide among themselves whether or not to mask as they gather.
• The Covid Task Force will not meet again until convened by a pastor.
• We will continue to provide a virtual option for the 11 am worship service.
• We will keep the mask requirement at the 9 am worship service through Easter and will then reevaluate.

The task force also found this article helpful and suggests this information be shared both with the session and congregation:
"If you are vaccinated, boosted, and wearing a well-fitted N95 or similar indoors, 'your risk is extremely low,' says Joseph Allen, a COVID and ventilation expert at Harvard.”

We continue to be grateful for the wisdom of our task force members and the faithful discernment of our session elders. It is with faith and hope that we move into the Lenten season and this next phase of our communal life together.

Children and Youth News

No Sunday School Easter Sunday - please join us in Baird Hall during the Sunday School hour for a time of food and fellowship, and the Easter Egg hunt to follow in the courtyard (or Conway Hall in case of inclement weather).

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

•  Parents of 2nd through 5th graders: Don’t forget to click the link below and sign your child up to be an acolyte!

Check out the Sign Up Genius for the Sundays that fit your schedule.

•   VBS will be June 20-23. More details to come!!!

•   The nursery is available from 9 a.m. until noon on Sunday mornings for children birth to age 3.

•   Worship bags are available for all children during worship.

•   Masks are required indoors for children 3-5, as well as all adults working with them.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth

•  Mark your calendars! Youth Sunday will be May 1. Our youth have begun preparing for leading the congregation in worship and will continue planning and practicing for this worship service during the upcoming youth group meetings. We hope you will plan to join us for worship on May 1!


April 17 - Kathy Rushing


April 17 - Richard Guether and Anne Leader

April 20 - Pyong and Katie Lee

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

  • Prayers of joy as our church’s confirmation class officially becomes members of the church this Sunday at the 11am worship service. We are so excited for Sally Boswell, Noah Dimick, Lizzy Lovell, Sarah Caroline Joiner, Avery Moore, Millie Ragan, Rachel Schwartz, and Stewart Whatley who will be joining the church by profession of faith!
  • Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness or significant health issues, but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name. Prayers of healing for many in our congregation.
  • Prayers of healing for Doug Klinkenborg as he continues to heal and get good rest at home after a brief stay at EAMC a few weeks ago.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Bill Combs as receives treatment for cancer.
  • We pray for the nation of Ukraine and we pray for peace as they face senseless violence and war from another nation. We pray that all will come to a peaceful solution and no more people will be injured or killed.
  • Continued prayers of healing for a family member of Myrna Walker. Myrna’s relative is now home and continuing to recover from hip replacement surgery. 
  • Prayers of healing for Kay Recknor’s friends the Rev. Mitzi Lesher-Thomas and her husband the Rev. Troy Thomas. Mitzi has glioblastoma brain cancer and has been undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Prayers for Tripp Hinkle’s mother as she receives treatment for cancer. 
  • Prayers for Amy Kilner and her family (daughter in law of Dorothy Moran). Amy is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently looking for a donor.
  • Prayers of healing and wholeness for the friends of the Barnes Family, Wes and Melanie Jackson. Both Wes and Melanie are seeking treatment for significant health issues.
  • Prayers of healing for Belinda (friend of Karen Herring), she has finished her treatment and is waiting on the results of the latest scans. Prayers for her spouse Pooie as she cares for Belinda.
  • Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is now back at work. However is recovering from successful shoulder surgery.
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org
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