For the next several weeks we will feature several local and international organizations our Mission Committee has discerned share in our mission to be a church "that loves God and loves our fellow human beings as we love ourselves, giving special attention to those whom Jesus called the least of these – the poor, hungry, sick, lonely, imprisoned, and oppressed." A complete list of our Mission giving is included below.
R.E.A.C.H. Community Respite
A founding ecumenical member of the REACH program, our Church and Community funds support this ministry that cares for and support persons with early to moderate memory issues. REACH also offers support and education to caregivers of loved ones with memory issues.
Presbyterian Community Ministry
Founded by our church in 1968, Presbyterian Community Ministry (PCM) offers interest-free loans and grants to those in our community who need assistance with utility and rent payments or repairs to their homes. In addition to financial support, we also provide leadership and office space for this ministry.
TOTAL GIVING TO PCM IN 2023: $26,000