A Message from Our Friends at Living River

Join us this year for Living River's first ever Cahaba Lily Adult Retreat, May 19-21, or for our Spring Open House, Living River Day, May 20. Come stay for the entire weekend or simply for the sessions that interest you (options include Cahaba Lily Festival, Beginner Birding Outing with AL Audubon, or a field trip to visit Cahaba Refuge.) More information can be found at: https://www.livingriver.org/cahaba-lily-adult-retreat.html or by contacting Rachel VanKirk Mathews at rvmathews@livingriver.org

Sign up to volunteer on Saturday, May 13, at the Community Market of East Alabama! All ages are welcome to come stock shelves, clean, and do whatever we can do to help. If you are under 12, please bring a grown up with you!

Help Our Garden Grow

The FPC Community Garden is an important part of our church’s mission in “loving God and our fellow human beings.” We build community and relationships among each other and work to serve the community at large through our bountiful harvests - every bit of food we harvest is donated to the Community Market!


Sign Up for a Weekly Weeding Party Date

“Start at the Garden” - Gather friends or family to pull weeds at the garden. Bring gloves and tools. Then go do something fun together!  

Daily Morning Waterings

Volunteers are needed to water on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Watering needs to happen before 10:00 a.m. and can be skipped if it rains. (Contact Katie Forster forster306@charter.net

Weekly Harvest and Deliver to Community Market  

(Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday mornings) 

The Community Market is open for deliveries on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday mornings. Plastic bags or bins can be used to take in produce. It is helpful if this person has knowledge about what/when to harvest. (Contact Katie Forster forster306@charter.net)

For any other questions about volunteering in the garden, please contact Elder Katie Forster at 334-329-9672 or forster306@charter.net.

Welcome Aaliyah Muhammad, our newest student resident!

The University Ministry Committee is excited to welcome Aaliyah Muhammad as our newest resident of the student apartments. She joins Tom Duin, Will Duin, and Ethan Yeuell as university students who live in our church building.

Aaliyah is from Birmingham, and a graduate of Auburn University at Montgomery. She is pursuing her master's degree in accounting in Auburn starting this summer. In her spare time, Aaliyah enjoys writing poetry, meeting new people, and is excited to be a part of this church. 

If you see Aaliyah around the building, be sure to say hello!

Last weekend, UKirk celebrated the end of the semester with dinner and swimming at the Sherlings' lake house. Many thanks to all the people who have served on the University Ministry committee, chaperoned a retreat, taught a class, and provided meals for our weekly Sunday dinners this year. We couldn't do it without you! 

And a special congratulations to all our UKirk students, choir members, and friends of the church who graduate this weekend! We celebrate the graduation of JP Cox, Kyndall Crosslin, Mary Beth Mitchell, and Josh Quattlebaum! May they feel God’s loving presence as they celebrate this achievement! 

"Why Presbyterians Are Like That" resumes this Sunday in the chapel - join us at 9:50am. Questions? Contact Rev. Kathy Wolf Reed at kreed@fpcauburn.org

Punch on the Lawn! You may sign up to serve by clicking the Sign-up Genius link. Please contact Holly Mitchell with any questions.

Help support food insecurity in our community by participating the Letter Carriers' Food Drive on Saturday, May 13. All food collected stays with local agencies and families!

This Week at FPC

May 7 - 13, 2023


9:00 AM - Worship Service with Weekly Communion (Chapel)

9:30 AM - Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship (Baird)

9:45 AM - Sunday School for all ages

11:00 AM - Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Bulletin for May 7 worship

Sunday Parking Map

5:00 PM - Youth & Families Cookout (Courtyard/Baird)

7:00 PM - UKirk Dinner & Bible Study


11:30 AM - PW Birthday Luncheon (Conway)


3:30 PM - Bible Journaling (Library)

Children and Youth News

Children, Youth, and their Families,

Join us this Sunday at 5pm in the courtyard to celebrate the end of the program year. There will be burgers and dogs, fellowship, games, a jump castle, and lots of good people! Hope to see you there!

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

  • Children’s Sunday school will meet Sunday, 10–10:45 in their classrooms on the 1st floor.
  • Godly Play: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 2nd grade will go to the Godly Play room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service.
  • Worship bags are also available for all children during worship.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth

  • Jr. and Sr. High Sunday school will meet in the Youth Lounge on the third floor this Sunday.


May 8 - Margaret Davis

May 9 - Katie Cooper

May 10 - Tom Webb

May 12 - Sarah Hill

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

  • Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness, significant health issues, grief, and difficult circumstances but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name. Prayers of healing, wholeness, and comfort for many in our congregation.
  • Prayers of healing for Dibba Spears as she recovers at home from successful surgery. Dibba is doing well and so glad the surgery has stopped her back pain.
  • Prayers of healing for Lane Sauser’s mother, Mary Davis, who is at EAMC after a fall that broke her leg. Mary is 99 so therapy and rehab has been especially hard. Prayer’s for Lane as she cares for her mother.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Susan Stanley’s sister Ginger Hester. Ginger has been receiving treatments for health issues. Prayers for healing for Ginger and prayers of thanksgiving for all those who are caring for her. Prayers for Susan as she cares for her sister.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Chris Greer as she undergoes chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer.
  • Prayers for Brooke Myers as she cares for her father, Charlie Myers. Charlie is recovering from a fall and has moved to Morningside.
  • Prayers of healing for Todd White’s sister-in-law Patty who was recently paralyzed after a routine surgery. Patty is now home; continue to pray for stamina and endurance as she is determined to walk again.
  • Prayers of healing for Debbie Duin’s friend Ann Suttles who is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
  • Prayers of healing for Liz Lindahl’s previous roommate at Oak Park, Linda Hammond, as she deals with significant health issues.
  • Prayers of healing for Carolyn William’s sister Beverly Huey as she navigates health issues. Prayers for Carolyn as she cares for her sister.
  • Prayers of healing for Kay Recknor’s friends the Rev. Mitzi Lesher-Thomas and her husband, the Rev. Troy Thomas. Mitzi has glioblastoma brain cancer and has been undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Prayers for Amy Kilner and her family (daughter-in-law of Dorothy Moran). Amy is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently looking for a donor.
  • Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is now back at work. However is recovering from successful shoulder surgery.
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org
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