Weekly News & Updates

September 1, 2024

Worship This Sunday

September 1, 2024

10:00 am in the Sanctuary

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Call 888-969-5508 to listen to the service

Worship Info


  • "Who Are We? A Church Who Sings a New Song" - Rev. Dr. Jim Lunde, preaching

Scripture Readings:

  • 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
  • Psalm 98


  • Earth and All Stars
  • Look Who Gathers at Christ's Table
  • God, the Spirit, Guide and Guardian

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper

Dear Saints of FPC,

It was such a joy last Sunday to worship with you for the first time and to have the opportunity to meet many of you. My family and I are truly grateful for the hospitality, care, and support you have shared with us so far. We feel truly blessed to call First Pres our new church family and to call Burlington home. 

Last Sunday, we began a four-week series entitled “Who Are We?” walking through the four main headings of FPC’s vision statement. So often, the search process in our tradition takes so long that by the time the new pastor arrives, many have forgotten about the good and vital work of the congregation’s mission study and its resulting vision statement. This series is an opportunity for us to refresh our understanding of who we are and who God has called us to be as FPC in this moment in our congregation’s rich history. We began this series acknowledging that we are “A Church Who Cultivates Nurture and Belonging.” Here are the three remaining weeks of the series and I hope you can join us for these services:

  • September 1: “A Church Who Sings a New Song”
  • September 8: “A Church Who Seeks to Sustain and Transform”
  • September 15: “A Church Who Serves Alongside”

A final note, last Sunday I mentioned that the sermon may often be the first word on a topic, but it should never be the last or only word. If you ever have questions, comments, concerns following a sermon, let’s chat! Our midweek bible studies this fall will also provide an ongoing opportunity for this kind of dialogue and shared reflection. Again, it is a joy to be serving Christ alongside you at FPC and I look forward to where God’s Spirit is leading this faith community!



To be “salty” is to enhance flavor. As a “Salty Saint”, we enhance the flavor of life with each other in fellowship.

All Salty Saints in your 60s and 70s, mark your calendars for these upcoming fellowship opportunities, and encourage others to join! No rsvp is needed!

Tuesday September 10

-Mini Dingo 6:00, fellowship and stay for trivia at 7:00 if you’d like

Wednesday October 2

-Red Oak Brewery 6:00, fellowship and stay for Bingo at 7:00 if you’d like

Thursday November 7

-Friendsgiving gathering at Greg and Wendy Lunsford’s home, details to follow

And be on the lookout for a service opportunity this fall too!


Lunch with Staff at The Village at Brookwood and Twin Lakes

--The Village at Brookwood--Wednesday, September 11 at 12:00 noon in the dining room

--Twin Lakes—Thursday, September 12 at 12:00 noon in the Terrace

Invitations and details will be coming soon but please get these on your calendars.

This will be wonderful time of fellowship and to meet Dr. Lunde and to hear about all that is going on at FPC from your program staff.

Take Care of Yourselves and Each Other!

It seems that we are in the midst of a higher number of respiratory illnesses right now in Alamance County.

PLEASE remember to take precautions when you are ill or have been exposed to folks who are ill—we have many older and immune-compromised folks at FPC and we want to keep each other safe!

FPC Directory Connection - Coming Soon!

Many of you have been asking for an online church directory for quite a few years.

We are working to get our FPC Directory online (password protected!).

It will go LIVE on October 1.

We need your help to update contact information AND photos. And to check the contact information of your loved ones (and let us know if your adult children or others should NO LONGER be on the active church rolls!!).

Since this directory is a little more "casual," you will be able to send in your own photo. Please do not use any professional photos. You can stop by the church office to see the photo we currently have on file and decide if you need to update your photos. We will also have paper copies available at the Sunday, September 8 Ministry Fair and at a table following worship for the next few weeks.

Remember, this directory will help EVERYONE put names with faces!

Please look to update your information and photo by Friday, September 27).

If you choose to opt out of having your information in the online directory, please let the church office know by Friday, September 27.

Updates and photos and communication about the directory can be sent to reception@fpcburlington.org or kseagroves@fpcburlington.org.

Questions can be directed to FPC office staff or Rev. Carrie Tuttle.

Stepping Up: Protect our Community as a Sunday Roamer

Consider helping us keep our campus safe by signing up to be a Sunday Security Roamer. Not sure what that is? Each Sunday morning we are asking one individual to roam the building to ensure that we do not have anyone in the building who shouldn't be there. Not sure what to do? We have a guide to help answer your questions. Also, serving in this role allows us to keep our staff person on the cameras. We appreciate your help in keeping our campus safe. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Should you have questions, contact Leanna Giles at (336)214-5769 or leanna.giles@gmail.com.

See available slots and sign up HERE.

Sign Up for Ushers Guild 2024

Please contact John Walton (336) 263-6512 or waltonjohn518@gmail.com for more information. SIGN UP HERE!

Flower Donation Form 2024

Please use the form to donate flowers for worship in the sanctuary. ACCESS THE FORM HERE


Furniture Ministry

The Furniture Ministry will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day.

On Monday, September, 9, we will resume normal office/warehouse hours from 1-4 pm. Volunteers are needed and welcome to help make deliveries or sort items in the warehouse any Monday. Items for donation can also be brought during those hours. To sign up or to arrange pickup of larger items, call 336-212-2937.

The next churchwide Furniture Ministry workday is scheduled for Saturday, September 14 from 9:00am -12N.

Be sure to stop by the Furniture Ministry table at the Mission Fair on Sunday, September 8 to learn more about how you can be a part of this vital FPC ministry serving hundreds of our neediest sisters and brothers in Christ right here in our county!

Habitat Alamance 2024 Women Build Campaign is officially underway and the First Prez Pink Ladies team is asking for your support! Our team of 8 women will be volunteering at the build site in mid-September and FPCB has generously sponsored our team. In years past, team members have learned new skills including handling power tools like nail guns and power saws, wrapping a house with Tyvek, installing sub-flooring and a few brave women have been up on the roof.

Join us in support of the Women Build campaign’s efforts to: Build the House, Fund the House and Empower Women. While the initial team fund-raising goal of $1000 has been met (thank you FPC!), we are increasing our goal to $2500 to help ensure that the 2024 Women Build campaign reaches its overall goal of $30,000. Affordable housing is the key to a family’s stability and the First Prez Pink Ladies hope to inspire you to support this amazing organization by clicking on the link below with your donation to Habitat Alamance!

Click Here to Donate

FPC Team B Preparing Meals at Allied Churches - Every 4th Monday!

Andrews Elementary Reading Buddies

Do you want to be greeted by a smile from a child at Andrew’s Elementary School? If so, volunteer to be a Reading Buddy at Andrews. Volunteers go once a week and spend 30 – 60 minutes with a child or a few children. Sometimes the children read to you or you work with them on sight word recognition. For more information contact Jin-Jin Blackburn, jblackb@hotmail.com, 336-260-0689.

The Food Pantry

Please bring non-perishable foods for the Food Pantry. Drop them off in the collection bins outside the CDC entry anytime during the week or when you come to worship on Sunday morning.

Let's FALL Into Walk & Talk Each Tuesday Morning!!

We will meet on the steps outside the chapel. We will NOT walk if it is raining.

As the temperatures go down a bit, it's time to make your way to FPC on Tuesday mornings.

Come join us—it’s a great way to get exercise and have some fellowship at the same time.

Questions? Contact Carrie Tuttle


Mildred Massengill - Homeplace

Lou Knight - Home - Hospice

Susie McKay - Susan Kirkland’s mother - Susan’s home

Barbara Higgs - Home - Hospice

Paul Reeves - Home - Procedure- 8/20

Jerry Bailey - Surgery - 8/26

Peggy Skillman - Ashton Hall

Mack Lackey - Home - Hospice

On-Going Prayer Concerns…

Paul Williams - brother of Joan Grady

Lisa Lipscomb - daughter of Eddie Lee Lipscomb - Health concerns

Malissa Enoch - granddaughter of Eddie Lee Lipscomb - injury

Beth Holt - shoulder surgery - wife of Dick Holt 

Perry Cornelius

Beth McLean - niece of John Johnson - Hospice care/Asheville

JoAnn Hunt

Chris Baker

Diane Barnwell

Emily Bates

Laura Skow 

Dean Vaughn

Kelly/Jonathan Glenn

Kathy/Peter Johnson

Sue McCrone-Bradshaw

Barbara Rinker

Jo Birta Feroe 

Laurie / Trevor Downs

Amanda Anderson

Elsie West

Christian Sympathy is expressed to the family of Teresa Rizzo who died on July 21. Teresa was the mother of Britt Stadler. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, September 14 at 2:00 pm in the sanctuary.

Christian Sympathy is expressed to David and Janie Sellers and Jim and Elizabeth Stanfill at the death of their niece Christine (Christy) Sellers who died on July 30. 

Christian Sympathy is expressed to the family of Avery Wagoner at the death of his stepfather, Woody Wiles on August 21. A graveside service will be held at Elkin Valley Baptist Church on September 6 at 2:00 pm.

Christian Sympathy is expressed to the family of Dominick Lawrence who died on August 26 from brain cancer. Dominick was a 9 year old former student of church member Rachel Mooneyham.


If you would like to have your name taken off the prayer list or added, please contact

Carrie Tuttle ctuttle@fpcburlington.org.

Pastor on Call August 30-September 1 | John Johnson 336.214.5859

Financials & Meeting Minutes 

Click here to view the May 2024 Financial Statement

Click here to view the July 2024 Financial Statement

Click here to view the May Session Minutes

Pledge & Give 

You may give through our online platform Tithely here or mail your contribution to the church office: 508 West Davis Street, Burlington, NC 27215. Thank you for your support!

To Submit Information for the E-blast, Click Here

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