Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship this Sunday at 

10:15 AM in person and Livestream. Sunday Wonder Hour for all ages is at 9:00 AM, with Common Grounds at 9:45 AM. 

You can find past sermons and the upcoming order of worship on our website.

This week's scripture for reflection: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

Preaching: Claire Berry

Sign up to volunteer at The Blackberry Jam here.

Hey FPC Young Adults! Join us for the Franklin Art Scene on July 5th from 6-9 PM in downtown Franklin. Local businesses will open their doors to artists and musicians, offering free drinks and snacks. Meet at 6 PM by the Harpeth Hotel shops (Bob Parks Realty/Olive Oil/CT Grace). You can let Emily Korab or Kaitlyn Bennorth know you are coming or just show up with friends!

Let us know your hymn favorites on the blue Connection Card insert in the bulletin and look for them during the months of June, July and August. You are also invited to share your musical gifts with the congregation.

*See Michael Snoddy, Direct of Music for more information.

The youth will meet in Room 117/118 using the Feasting on the Word curriculum, with a combined High School/Middle School class.

This summer, we are offering a Zoom option for the Adult Sunday School. You can listen and watch the sessions while muted. It’s a great opportunity to stay connected and engaged from anywhere.

It's time again to update our FPC Pictorial Directory, so mark your calendars! We will be offering several opportunities to get new photos taken in August, plus an early opportunity for families with college bound students to get a new photo taken following our quarterly FPC potluck on July 21. This time we will take the photos with our own FPC photographic talent, so the process will be free, quick and easy! Stay tuned for more details about dates and sign-ups.

Contact Verna Rydlund or Katie England with any questions.

This Week's Church Calendar


11:00 AM: Juneteenth Day of Celebration

5:00 PM: Adults 55+ Dinner at Chop House


10:00 AM: Sisters in Spirit


7:30 AM: Men's Bible Study


9:00 AM: Children's Wonder Hour; Youth SS; Adult SS

9:45 AM: Common Grounds

10:15 AM: Worship Service

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