About FOUNDATIONS of Education
Welcome to our Second Edition of FOUNDATIONS of Education. The purpose of our quarterly newsletter is to provide resources to educators, introduce the best learning techniques for people with Down syndrome, and provide training and workshops so all children are successful in your classroom environment.
Click here to learn more about FOUNDATIONS of Education.
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TO WIN $100!
Please join us for an informative evening for professionals!
Breakfast of Champions
Thank you to all of the amazing educators and PARTNERS in EDUCATION representatives who dedicated their Saturday morning to learn more about being an effective teacher of individuals with Down syndrome at the inaugural BREAKFAST of CHAMPIONS.

We had educators from five public school districts learn more about Trisomy 21, how to facilitate the best learning environment for our kiddos (preschool-graduation), the best practices for making inclusion in the classroom successful, and keeping the expectations high for every single student with Down syndrome. This event was made possible because of our awesome partnership with the University of Central Florida and the Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute.
We appreciate that Dr. Vasquez took the time to share with our teachers what UCF offers to local schools and educators, along with the post-secondary program (IES) students with unique abilities.

Here are some wonderful resources that UCF is currently offering teachers:

TJEEI.org - information concerning projects and opportunities from the Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute

https://ccie.ucf.edu/tjeei/ - more information including funding for Ph. D. programs and master's level programs

Project Social Code - currently looking for teachers in elementary schools to use the DASH robot.

Project ASD - special education masters degree and certificate in ASD funding opportunity.

Project ABA - special education or early childhood and certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis funding opportunity. Contact TJEEI@ucf.edu for more information. 

Thank you to Christine Pearson for organizing the beautiful UCF Morgridge International Reading Center facility for the event.

We are so proud of our team of ‘teachers turned FANTASTIC FOUNDATION team members and DS advocates’: Lauren and Caroline! They did an exemplary job talking to teachers as teachers and getting them excited about partnering with parents to ensure the best educational outcomes possible while thinking about their future: employment/college/independence.
Finally, we would like to thank our board members Camille Gardiner and Christie Bancalari for their time on Saturday morning. Their passion and dedication to providing the members and our community with the best opportunities possible means there are innovative programs like this to help parents, students, and teachers succeed.
What teachers said about our Breakfast of Champions:
"Loved hearing from both educators and parents."

"Great workshop! It was very informative. I love that the information was detailed enough to educate anyone! Please continue spreading this knowledge, it is needed!"

"Wonderful workshop! Your passion shines through your presentation. Great job to you all!"

"There was so much great information shared today. It will help me so much in my classroom!"

"Thank you for putting in the time. It is seminars like this that bring communities together."

"The workshop was very well conducted."

"I learned to change my mindset and approach to adapt to all children learning. Children grow up to be adults."

"Always appreciate these opportunities."
provides parents and teachers with a comprehensive selection of instructional animations to help children prepare for the daily challenges of life, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Natalie’s philosophy for teaching reading to learners with Down syndrome, which she has detailed in her book “Whole Child Reading.” Everything we design must appeal twice: first to the learner, and then to the brain. Our reading materials and reading methods must work on two levels: for learner engagement and for memory retention/ease of learning. Learn more about Natalie Hale at https://specialreads.com/
Inclusion Corner
When our students leave K-12 school and enter post-secondary education or the workforce, they need to understand the importance of cooperating with different types of people. An inclusive system of education builds on that understanding for the learners. When students with unique abilities are pulled out of the classrooms and instructed in totally separate settings, they aren’t always accepted by their peers. Those students also can begin to feel and notice differences. Inclusive setting-based schools can also promote more teamwork and less division.
The video below is a great visual resource to understand the importance of inclusion.
How Inclusive Is Your School?
Are you an educator that is looking for support with a student with Down syndrome?

Click here to subscribe to the FOUNDATIONS of Education or email lauren.frosch@dsfflorida.org for more information.
Do you have a success story to share with us? 
We would love to hear from you! Please email lauren.frosch@dsfflorida.org.
How can we help YOU?

Click here to let us know how we can help YOU in your classroom.
We can work TOGETHER to help your students reach their maximum POTENTIAL by giving them OPPORTUNITIES to achieve all the SUCCESS in the world!
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