Janae Franklet Promoted to Tribal Child Support Manager
Juneau, AK  (January 23, 2019) – Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) is pleased to announce Janae Franklet’s promotion to Tribal Child Support Manager.

As the Tribal Child Support Manager, Janae will oversee the Tribal Child Support Unit (TCSU), which is a federally-funded and approved Tribal IV-D child support program that establishes paternity; locates absent parents; establishes, enforces, and modifies child support orders; and collects and distributes child support payments. In this capacity, she will supervise all TCSU personnel; prepare and monitor the annual budget; develop and implement practices to address federal, tribal and state policies; and collect, analyze and report data for fiscal and programmatic purposes.

“I am pleased to see Janae step into the Tribal Child Support Unit Manager role,” said President Richard (Chalyee Éesh) Peterson. “She has proven her leadership and I have great confidence that she will continue to work hard to ensure our tribal children receive the financial and emotional support they deserve.”

Janae first joined Tlingit & Haida in August 2010 as the TCSU Specialist where she prepared cases for court and testified for purposes of establishing paternity and child support obligations . She previously worked for the Alaska Court System, City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) Attorney’s Office and the Juneau Police Department.

“I am fortunate to have a job that not only supports our cultural community, but also my love for legal work,” said Janae. “I am truly honored to serve in this capacity where I can continue to advocate for our children’s best interest.”

Janae's Tlingit name is Gaylteen and she is Eagle/Wolf from the Yanyeidi Taku tribe. She was born and raised in Juneau, Alaska and is the daughter of Judy ( Gooxkuwadzee ) Franklet (Nelson) and George ( Gunaaneisti ) Franklet and granddaughter of Alice ( Koneil ) Nelson and Chris ( Gunaaneisti ) Nelson. She graduated from Juneau-Douglas High School and from the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) with an Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree in Business Management.
Media Contact:
Office of the President - Communications
Jodi Garrison, Publications Director
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