Volume 5 Number 3 | March 2018
NYCPM Celebrates 100% Eligibility for CASPR Residency Match and 100% Placement on Day One!
Residency Locations Revealed at Week's End
Members of the Class of 2018 and faculty celebrated the great initial match news at NYCPM. Left to right: David Rapps; Rahman Majid; Mustafa Ahmed; Mai Pham; Michael J. Trepal, DPM, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean; Robert A. Eckles, DPM, Dean of Clinical Education and Graduate Medical Education; Kyle Piner; Joseph Morra; Jeffrey Panuszewski; and Breelyn Miles.

The New York College of Podiatric Medicine proudly announced that the Class of 2018 achieved a 100% residency match in the first round on Monday March 19. In addition, five prior graduates also matched in the first round. By virtue of passing Part II NBPME, 100% of the class was eligible for the match. Michael J. Trepal, DPM, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean of NYCPM, stated "I cannot recall similar results in recent history. Truly remarkable! I congratulate the class of 2018 and the faculty who taught them, as well as the administration and staff who supported them. " ... Read and see more  

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NYSPMA Study Confirms Podiatry's Pivotal Role in Meeting New York State Health Goals
The New York State Podiatric Medical Association (NYSPMA) contracted with Navigant Consulting to "quantify the value of podiatric services in helping reach healthcare goals." 
    The findings clearly show that expanding podiatry's role in New York State healthcare "may reduce inpatient admissions, reduce long-term healthcare costs and decrease opioid prescribing for target populations." 
    Four conditions were studied: diabetes, obesity, substance abuse/back pain, and fall prevention, each of which is aligned with New York health goals. In addition to stating the relevance of these conditions to New York State ... Read more
Get to Know ...
NYCPM's Faculty
Maria Concetta Moschella, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pre-Clinical Sciences

Born and raised in Calabria, the southernmost region of the Italian peninsula, Dr. Maria Concetta Moschella, with the continuous support of her parents, began her career by attending the University of Messina in Messina, Italy, a city on the northeast tip of Sicily.      After graduating with a BS, she moved to Pittsburgh, PA, where several family members had settled, and attended the University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, earning her PhD in Anatomy and Neurobiology there in 1988. 
   Dr. Moschella's professional goal ... Read more
Canadian Students Complete NYCPM Rotation

Two senior students from the Université du Québec à Trois Rivières (UQTR) spent eight (elective) weeks at NYCPM this winter, focusing on podiatric imaging, podopediatrics and podiatric medicine and surgery. We are expecting more students in the summer 2018. The two students who just will receive their DPM degrees from UQTR this spring and will go on to private practice in the province of Québec. They received certificates at a luncheon in their honor.

Elizabeth Laroche, top, and Jany-Eve Allard, bottom, 
receive their certificates at a special luncheon.

Students Party Elegantly at 2018 FootBall;
Five Faculty Members Named 'Teachers of the Year'
280 guests (students plus some faculty) filled a ballroom at the JW Marriott Essex House on Central Park South on March 3 for the glittery student-run 2018 FootBall. The students had voted for Teachers of the Year for the different class years ahead of time and ... Read more

The elegant setting for the 2018 FootBall at the JW Marriott Essex House on Central Park South, NYC.
Retirement of Victor Jimenez 
"Working here has made me a better person"
Victor Jimenez, who started his career at NYCPM in 1974, will retire on April 19 after 44 years.     Starting as a lab tech, Jimenez was encouraged to pursue his education by Michael Valletta, then Dean of Clinical Education, and ultimately he obtained both a BS and an MS. Jimenez switched to the Foot Center in 1978, where he has worked as a medical technologist and as patient advocate (he is bilingual). He also lectured the second-year students in phlebotomies, and translated as needed. Since 1999, he has been working closely with FCNY social worker Julie Diaz as patient advocate. He loves ... Read more
Retirement of Lorraine Wilson
NYCPM/FCNY-Wide Breakfast Celebrated 25 Years of Service
Lorraine Wilson began her career at FCNY in 1993. She started in the billing department at the Foot Center, submitting forms to Medicaid and Medicare, and at one point worked with Randy E. Cohen, DPM in radiology billing. Recently, Wilson had been working as a patient liaison for billing and working with PadNet for Ronald Soave, DPM, Professor and Chair, Department of Podiatric Medicine. She will be replaced by Ralph Best.
Lorraine Wilson is surrounded by well-wishers from both NYCPM and FCNY at a breakfast that celebrated her and her retirement.
SNPMA's Cook-Off a Luscious Success!

Members of the SNPMA (and well-wishers) at the cook-off. From left to right: Kwame Doh (2020); Emma Otieno (2020); Marian Osimen (2021); SNPMA Faculty Advisor Eunice Ramsey-Parker, DPM, MPH; Loretta Logan, DPM, co-faculty advisor; Dawn Simone Plummer (2021); Tinisha Ricks (2020); Angelica Emeakoroha (2019) and Club President James Small (2019).

SNPMA's (Student National Podiatric Medical Association) 2018 Multicultural Cook-Off was a great - and delicious - success. The March 6 event raised $700, half of which will be donated to the Harlem Dowling-Westside Center for Children and Family Services, a non-profit child welfare agency founded in 1836.
     Dishes from a wide range of cultures were presented in a number of ... Read more
Alumni News
In Memoriam
Lloyd M. Khan, DPM ('77)
Lloyd M. Kahn, DPM ('77) passed away in February at age 75. After obtaining his undergraduate degree from Yale University in 1964, he graduated from NYCPM in 1977.   He was

Dean of Student Services at the College in the 1980s. He had a podiatric practice in Nanuet, NY and became a tenured professor of microbiology at Hudson County Community College. Dr. Trepal remembers that "Lloyd always had the interests of students at heart."
Alumni! We want to hear from you! Send us your professional & personal news. 
Footprints  Ed.  Ellen Lubell
Student News
March Blood Drive at NYCPM Helps Many in Need
For almost 20 years, NYCPM students have organized an annual College blood drive in association with the New York Blood Center, which is responsible for collecting and transporting the donations. This year,

Giving blood was Wolfgang Kienzle ('21) 
the blood drive on March 5 collected 28 units of blood from among students, faculty and staff.       Since one pint (roughly the same as one unit) helps three people, according to Debbie Kleinman, manager of business development for the New York Blood Center, the NYCPM drive "was a really great help."

Waiting to donate were (left to right) Thomas Ehlers ('19), Ethan Buhl ('18), Amber Kavanagh ('19), Stephen Cheng ('21), and Nosheen Khan ('18).
New York College of Podiatric Medicine | 53 East 124th Street
New York, NY 10035  | news@nycpm.edu 
Published by the NYCPM Office of Communications
Desander Más, VP of Development & Alumni Relations |  Ellen Lubell, Editor