April 2024 Meeting Summary

Community of Practice members participated in speed networking to strengthen relationships, deepened their understanding of local organizations like Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities that support family engagement and advocacy, and built skills to meaningfully increase family partnerships through the Supported Decision-Making Framework by listening to a guest speaker presentation and taking part in a Peer Solution Circle (PSC). Special thanks to Keri Vandeberg, Staff Attorney at Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, and to our PSC volunteers!

Next Steps:

  • Review and add to our CoP Announcements and Resources Padlet with upcoming events, resources you have found helpful related to secondary transition, or list topics you would like to know more about or can help others with addressing.
  • Connect with us! Email to share your ideas for a potential meeting topic. Contact Chelsea Kovacs at chelsea.kovacs@schooltalkdc.org.
  • Mark your Calendar: Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 21st from 10:30am-12pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Register here if you have not already done so.

Meeting Resources:

Community Announcement Highlights

Visit our CoP Announcements and Resources Padlet for more information about the announcements below.

Youth and Family-Focused Opportunities:

  • Family Ties of DC Table Talks Advocacy Series: Adult Transition
  • Learning Advocacy Basics for Transitioning to Adult Services [April 30th]
  • Understanding the DC Adult Services and Supports [May 1st]
  • Working through an Individual Service Plan (ISP) with the Service Coordinator and Providers [May 22nd]
  • Career & College Secondary Transition Fair [May 22nd]
  • SchoolTalk's Voices of Change Conference [May 31st]

Secondary Transition Community of Practice Website

Access Community of Practice updates and past meeting materials here

Questions or Suggestions?

Please contact Chelsea Kovacs at chelsea.kovacs@schooltalkdc.org.

Mission Statement

The DC Secondary Transition Community of Practice supports DC youth with disabilities as they transition into a self-directed life. We are a citywide, cross section of stakeholders who come together to strengthen our individual and collective ability for action. 

This community of practice is led by SchoolTalk’s InclusiveDC and funded by the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education.