December 2021
Focus on Professional Development
Successful Launch for AAVMC Learn
In August 2021 the AAVMC launched its first ever learning management system, AAVMC Learn, for the delivery of online professional development content. The global pandemic accelerated the need for a platform to allow for virtual delivery of AAVMC programing, according to AAVMC Director for Professional Development Dr. Caroline Cantner. Initial courses offered include Wellbeing for First Year Students, AAVMC’s Leadership Academy, DiVersity Matters Book Club, and a series of short courses for veterinary school applicants.

Looking ahead, the AAVMC will continue to expand offerings in 2022. Additional content in leadership, wellbeing and diversity, equity and inclusion and new content to support the Competency Based Veterinary Education, all key strategic priorities for the association, are in development. Select material from the 2021 AAVMC Annual Conference and Iverson Bell Symposium will also be available through AAVMC Learn in 2022.

“AAVMC Learn represents a major step forward in our efforts to provide academic veterinary medicine with the on-demand, high-quality information they need to be successful,” said AAVMC CEO Dr. Andrew T. Maccabe.

AAVMC Learn can be accessed from the AAVMC website at the top of the page. Please contact Dr. Cantner for more information at
Planning Underway for Catalyze 2022!
Planning continues for the AAVMC’s 2021 Annual Conference & Iverson Bell Symposium “Catalyze 2022” at Washington D.C.’s famous Watergate Hotel March 3-5, 2022. The program has been designed to inform and inspire veterinary medical educators from around the world and will be presented as a hybrid: virtual and in-person.

Three world-class guest speakers will present during the conference: authors Nikole Hannah-Jones, Randy Bass and Anthony Carnevale.

  • Nicole Hannah-Jones, who won a Pulitzer Prize for Commentary as the creator of the 1619 Project, is a staff writer for the New York Times Magazine, covering civil rights issues. She is also the inaugural Knight Chair in Race and Journalism at the Howard University School of Communications.
  • Dr. Anthony Carnevale is a research professor and director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce. He is a co-author of The Merit Myth: How Our Colleges Favor the Rich and Divide America, an AAVMC Community Reads-featured book that looks at how elite colleges use measures of meritocracy that favor the wealthy and perpetuate racial and class privilege.
  • Dr. Randy Bass is vice president for strategic education initiatives and professor of English at Georgetown University, where he leads the Designing the Future(s) initiative and the Red House incubator for curricular transformation.

Sessions will explore how advancements in admissions, instruction, discovery and organizational development are impacting academic veterinary medicine. Substantial programming will focus on how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and wellbeing programs can enhance institutional success.

To view a draft of the program and register for the conference please click here.
AAVMC Meetings for 2022
The AAVMC is pleased to announce the return of in-person professional development opportunities in 2022! The following are AAVMC meetings scheduled for 2022:
VetCAN: A Vital Linkage Between Education and Professional Practice
The Veterinary Career Advisor Network (VetCAN) was founded in 2014 as a resource and network for individuals working with veterinary students and alumni in the area of career and professional development and has been a part of AAVMC for the past two years. The mission of VetCAN is to connect veterinary career professionals, and their institutions, to encourage collaboration and the development of best practices that better serve veterinary students and the profession.

“Being a part of the Veterinary Career Advisor Network has significantly boosted my knowledge, resources, and connections in the veterinary space,” says Janel Lang, Director of Career, Leadership and Wellness Center at the University of California-Davis. “Together, with these wonderful veterinary professionals, we are making a positive impact on behalf of our veterinary students and the profession as a whole.”

VetCAN meets monthly and hosts three virtual career events annually. There are two small animal career fairs, one in the early fall and one in early winter. The third event is the Large Animal and Public Sector Career Expo and the next one is being held on January 22, 2022; registration is now open!

Anyone at an AAVMC member institution who assists students, alumni, and other members of the veterinary community in their career and professional development, builds and maintains relationships with veterinary employers, or engages alumni and helps facilitate meaningful relationships with students is welcome to join the VetCAN community.

“The VetCAN community is tremendous because you are constantly supported through the interaction with other veterinary college career services professionals,” explains Randy Evans, Associate Dean of Career Services at Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine. “These relationships are especially important now during this pandemic where we are not able to network in the same ways. Instead of problem solving and searching for answers on your own, you become part of a career coaching group where you receive feedback, reassurance, and reliable information as you gain new knowledge and skills.”

For more information or to join the VetCAN community, please email
Developing Leaders for the Future of Academic Veterinary Medicine
Leadership development is a key strategic priority for the AAVMC and is incorporated into the AAVMC’s Strategic Plan. To guide AAVMC’s activities for this strategic priority, AAVMC has undergone two needs assessments: the Academic Administrator Leadership Development Needs Assessment and the Faculty Development Needs Assessment. AAVMC expanded its leadership development opportunities in 2021 and looks forward to continuing to grow its support for these opportunities in 2022.

The cornerstone of AAVMC’s leadership development program has been the AAVMC Leadership Academy, which began in 2012 and is sponsored by Elanco Animal Health. The AAVMC Leadership Academy recently underwent a comprehensive outcomes assessment.

That process determined that “participants across eight cohorts, different races, ethnicities, and genders, representing a range of positions and professional goals all stated overwhelmingly that the Leadership Academy has had an influential role in their career progression.” Over the past two years the Academy, under the leadership of director Rod Bagley, pivoted to the virtual space. The future of the Academy will remain a hybrid experience as the AAVMC continues to address the increased demand and accessibility needs of member institutions.

This summer the AAVMC offered four new scholarships to the AAL CAAMP program for department chairs and academic administrators. Reports from participants have been positive and the AAVMC is looking forward to continuing to offer leadership development support in 2022. Please contact Dr. Caroline Cantner at for more information.
AAVMC Newsletters

The AAVMC is working hard to create a culture of diversity and inclusion in every dimension of academic veterinary medicine. To foster this goal, the photographs and illustrations which are used in our communications programs are aspirational, and do not necessarily reflect the levels of diversity and inclusion that currently exist.

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American Association of Veterinary
Medical Colleges

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