To Friends Of
Cave Creek Canyon

From Vista Point by Mike Jacobi






Geronimo Event Center 
[Thanks to Bob and Sheri Ashley]
 (Rte. 80, New Mexico)

Party!           Silent Auction!

Chili Dinner - Regular & Vegetarian 
with condiments, & dessert

Refreshments Will Be Served

Cave Creek Canyon-
Revealing the Heart of the Arizona Chiricahua Mountains

    Award Winning
       Best Non-fiction in Arizona 

    FOCCC T-shirts, Hats & More 


Electing the following to the FOCCC Board

For 2 Year Term
Bob Ashley          Reed Peters
    Sheri Ashley         
Stevie Wayman
Rick Beno          
Kim Vacariu

For 1 Year Term
Wynne Brown         
Cecil Williams
     Alan Craig          
Mike Williams
Rene Donaldson

The FOCCC Board of Directors is open to all members of FOCCC.  Any member interested in being on the Board, please contact  nominating chairman Rolf Koford at rolfruns@gmail.com

ONE of the Auction Items is a
Great Adventure!

FULL DAY Back Country Jeeping Tour
               with Bud and Debb Johnson   
One or two people can enjoy a 6 hour trip with a choice of visiting an old mine or a cave with ancient Indian pictographs.
Some  walking involved.        [Includes picnic lunch!]
VALUE $200    MINIMUM BID $100

Many More Auction Items Announced Soon

Fall Color With Tony Donaldson


Chiricahua Fox Squirrel
By Mike Jacobi

Did you know that the Mexican Fox Squirrel can only be seen in the United States in the Chiricahua Mountains?

Sci urus nayarite nsis  is a native of Mexico's Sierra Madre Occidental and only crosses the border here. It is not found in Arizona's other Madrean Sky Island ranges. Our Chiricahua subspecies is S. n.  ciricahuae. 
   Our bushy-tailed beauty is larger and more reddish than the Apache and Nayarit races to the south. Also, interesting to residents  and visitors of Cave Creek Canyon is that the Chiricahua Fox Squirrel does not hibernate and is our only tree squirrel. The more commonly seen Rock Squirrel is a terrestrial squirrel that digs burrows. 

The beautiful squirrels in these images were feeding on young green walnuts from the tree beside the entrance gate to the Friends of Cave Creek Canyon operated Visitor Information Center. They are more commonly seen in large cottonwoods and sycamores in lush riparian areas such as South Fork, but can be seen from Pine-Oak Woodland up to Mixed Conifer Forests. In addition to walnuts, Chiricahua Fox Squirrels will eat acorns, tree seeds such as those from pine, fir and Douglas-fir cones, and even some fungi and

Researchers have found interesting differences between our native Chiricahua Fox Squirrel and other more widespread tree squirrels. Population densities are significantly lower. Its litter size is small with only one or two offspring produced. Male Chiricahua Fox Squirrels maintain a fairly constant body mass throughout the year, whereas males of other tree squirrel species typically lose weight during non-mating seasons. Our males also maintain a large home range year-round instead of having a more limited territory when it is not breeding season.

More Fall Pictures
By Cecil Williams from Vista Point [above & below]

Below by Joy Mendez
For those of you who don't know, this is called Cochise's head. Imagine him reclining on his back. You can make out his forehead, nose and chin, and there used to be a single, tall pine near his eye that looked like an eyelash.  You can see Cochise's head in the distance in the right picture.

by Rene Donaldson

To protect native Chiricahua Leopard Frogs, FOCCC in collaboration with the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the Southwestern Research Station (SWRS) drained Willow Tank in May 2018 in a San Simon valley-wide attempt to eliminate invasive and non-native bullfrogs. Initiated by Geoff Bender at SWRS in 2010, the Chiricahua Leopard Frog reintroduction will fail (at least in the San Simon Valley portion of the frog's range) unless Willow Tank, the largest breeder of bullfrogs in the valley, was drained and left dry for at least four months. Once the bullfrogs are eliminated, native leopard frogs are likely to colonize the tank.

At the same time FOCCC planned on reconfiguring the island in the middle of the tank to make it less accessible to predators while eliminating some of the cattails. While cattails provide bird habitat, too many will ultimately crowd out other plants and grasses and make bird observation more difficult.

Larry Rivers, the owner of the property, kindly agreed to do the bulldozer work for us; however, Mother Nature's schedule did not match ours or Larry's and it's impossible to get a large piece of equipment into the tank until the substrate dries and will support it. We are now waiting for this to happen. After this reconfiguration occurs, Willow Tank will be refilled, and we will notify you when this has taken place.

We are as disappointed as you are that this has not occurred yet; however, water is now in the northwest corner and outside the tank on the north and east sides. Shorebirds and waterfowl have frequented all three of these areas, particularly early in the morning and recently Chestnut-collared Longspurs have been coming into these areas to drink at unpredictable times.

Invasive Plant Removal
A group of local FOCCC members got together to remove some of the very tough invasive plants and grasses in the Canyon.  
Thanks to Al, Elaine, Linda, and Barbara and Rolf [not-pictured].

Anyone else that is willing to donate a few hours please contact
 Rolf Koford at rolfruns@gmail.com

Letter from the President    FREE DONATIONS

Dear Friends  of Cave Creek Canyon        

When I was buying something on Amazon the "amazon smile" program popped up, offering to donate ½ of 1 percent of all my future purchases to a charity of my  choice.  Of course I put in the words Friends of Cave Creek Canyon, and that was it!  They know about it, I confirmed it with a click, and we were done.  If you're an Amazon shopper please consider making the Friends the recipient of Amazon's donations.
We appreciate you support!

Thank you, Reed Peters,

Visitor Information Center Hosts

Three years ago we could not find enough local volunteers to staff the VIC.  So we had to go outside the area to find suitable hosts.  We learned there a many people that travel from one park or similar place to another, volunteering at each.  Many of them live year round in a trailer, RV or a 5th-wheel rig.

The hosts at the VIC come from all over the United States.  They generally stay about 3 months and work 3+ days a week.  They have many different responsibilities at the VIC, with the primary being helping visitors to the Canyon  with information about hiking, bird watching and camping.    

These volunteers, with their traveling residences require a level spot with hookups for water, electrical, and a septic tank.  This has required FOCCC to spend funds to upgrade 2 of the RV sites provided by the Forest Service.  Additionally, we had to add another completely new site.  This site was just completed last week and is already in use, as shown in this picture.

We now have quite a few volunteering to be hosts here in this beautiful canyon.  Quite a few return every year and become part of the community when they are here.  Right now Linda Castor is here for her third stay and Molly Ames is here for her first stay [thanks Linda and Molly].  Mike Jacobi is completing his second stay - and is coming back next year!!

If it wasn't for hosts like Linda, Molly, Mike and many others, the Visitor Station couldn't be open.  Please welcome them and thanks them all!

FOCCC 2017 Officers and Board

Reed Peters         President                                            Other Board Members  
Sheri Ashley        Vice President                           Bob Ashley     Wynne Brown  
Mike Williams      Vice President 
                       Alan Craig     Rene Donaldson
Rick Beno 
Rolf Koford         Kim Vacariu
Stevie Wayman    Secretary
  Cecil Williams




Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon
PO Box 16126
Portal, Arizona 85632


Visit Our Website 

Thanks to our "Sustainer's Circle" members 
for their generous support:  
Tom Arny, Bob and Bettina Arrigoni, Nancy and Thomas Denney, Mary George, Renata Golden, Bill and Sally Hague, Paul Hirt and Linda Jakse, Don Hollister, Pi Irwin and Zsombor Zoltan, Ken Jenkins, Leuthold Family Foundation,  Barbara Lounsbery,  Patrick McNamara, John and Karin McQuillan, Barbara and Pete Miller, Patricia Parran, CeCe Raak, Tom Roseman and Paula Baldwin, Delia Scholes, Donald and Martha Squire and Bob and Sherry Zoellick.

Please support our Business Members  who  have given generously to Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon.  Without their assistance, we would be hard pressed to accomplish our goals. Click on their names to check out their websites.    
                 Cave Creek Ranch                           Chiricahua Desert Museum
             Naturalist Journeys, LLC                                   Orchid Davis   
                 Sky Island Rolfing                                           Wynne Brown 
                  Chiricahua Gallery                                   Ol' Morani Ranch
            Debbie's CleaningService                       Ed Newbold Wildlife Artist
                     Quailway Cottage                                    Sky Island Lodge
                     Roger Funk                                      The George Walker House                    Painted Pony Resort                             Portal Peak Store and Lodge
            Daussin &Associates
Business Memberships start at just $50.00!