To Friends Of
Cave Creek Canyon

Fall Skies

[by Tim Lawson]

I won't be able to be out shooting landscapes for a little while, and the Milky Way season is about to come to an end for this year, so I made the most of last Saturday night.  [Oct. 21]

I hiked to the mouth of Cave Creek Canyon and caught the Milky Way while the moonrise illuminated the landscape.    Tim Lawson



Geronimo Event Center 
 (Rte. 80, New Mexico)
4-6 PM 

Party!           More!
Refreshments Will Be Served

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[Sales Tax Free!] 

Cave Creek Canyon-
Revealing the Heart of the Arizona Chiricahua Mountains

    Award Winning
       Best Non-fiction in Arizona 

    FOCCC T-shirts, Hats & Patches! 

    new member 5-2013    

Rolf Koford to the FOCCC Board
The below were elected to 2 year terms in 2016
Bob Ashley          Reed Peters
    Sheri Ashley         
Stevie Wayman
Rick Beno          
Kim Vacariu
Wynne Brown         
Cecil Williams
     Alan Craig          
Mike Williams
Rene Donaldson

Meet Lori Conrad

Lori and husband Mark moved to Portal full time in 2015 after birding here for decades.  They are worldwide birders and also are fascinated with butterflies.  They also are bird guides with Naturalist Journeys.   
Here are just a few of Lori's locally taken pictures.

Montezuma Quail
           Northern Parula on Lori's car                          Bendire's Thrasher

Red-naped  Sapsucker                           Female Lucifer Hummingbird
                          Bobcat                                                    Bear

Southern Dogface 
and White
                                                                                Angled-sulphur [rear]

                  Painted Lady                                Great Purple Hairstreak

Tropical Buckeye

Fall is Here

 In the end of October into early November the colors are out in their full glory.  The hiking is wonderful and the days are quite lovely.  Come take a hike!
[Pictures by Cecil Williams]

                                                                          [by John Johnson]       

Visitor Information Center

Small Hanging Valley far above Sunny Flat

More Visitors

Spotted Skunk, one of the 4[?] skunk species occasionally seen in the area.   Recently we have had 5 different locals report seeing one or more. 
 [by Cecil Williams]

Horned Lizard
[Karin McQuillan]

Stories of the Pas
 Some Paradise Personalities

The Chiricahua Bullsheet, an entertaining and highly opinionated newsletter and journal of local history written by Carson Morrow
Courtesy of Dick Zweifel 

This time we will start the column off by quoting a couple of letters received from other old timers who have been good enough to lend us a helping hand by supplementing some of the previous stories: 

Mr. Carson Morrow Portal, Arizona 
 Saloons of Paradise:
Hiram Fisher ran a combined saloon and Chili Joint in a building located in the Southwest corner of Boyer and Sander's wagon yard and Livery Stable. Hiram was a jolly old cuss and after taking a few shots of his stock in trade, liked to get out on the street and whoop and yell. One night he outdid himself and woke up next morning attached to Constable Luke Short's log chain jail by a pair of hand cuffs. When he came too and fully realized what had happened and where he was, He really went on the war path, but Luke was wise enough to keep him fastened until he cooled off some. He never did get in a good humor about it. He would still cuss and fume when the incident was mentioned thirty years later. He was one of the first children born to American parents in California right after the Gold Rush. He drifted from there to Arizona in his early youth and worked as a cowboy and miner, made the gold stampede to Alaska in the late nineties but failed to make a million. Then came back to Arizona where he finished his career some years ago. 
After he went out of business in Paradise he went prospecting over in the Dos Cabezas range and discovered a gold prospect in Wood Canyon which he named the Tiger. It contained a small rich vein of gold bearing quartz but he never could make it pay, so as he was too old and stove up to make a hand at cowboying anymore he got a job cooking for the Riggs Cattle Company through roundup seasons and worked at that for a good many years to provide a grub stake for his mining activities between times. 
After Hiram cashed in his chips Will De Borde filed a claim on the Tiger property and still holds it; More for sentimental reasons, we think, than with the idea that it will ever make him rich. Will and his wife Berta sort of adopted the old fellow for the last several years of his life. 
Hiram often told the story of his trip to Alaska which is almost unbelievable but we think it was true and are sorry that we can't remember more of the details. He and nine other men started from Steins Pass New Mexico with a herd of about two thousand big steers with the intention of driving them overland to the Klondyke, where they had heard that beef was selling for a dollar a pound. 
They had been on the trail for almost two years and had made it to within a few hundred miles of their destination before they were snowed in and the whole herd including their saddle horses were frozen to death. 
Their original plan was to break a number of the larger, stronger steers to the yoke as they went along by changing ox teams on the chuck wagon often and then when they had made their way with the herd up into the country where the timber was too dense and the snow too deep to handle the herd, they planned to slaughter all the steers except the ones which had been broken to draft and pull the frozen beef the rest of the way on sleds which they would build at the site of the slaughter and then slaughter the draft animals too upon arrival at the destination. 
It all turned out to be just another good theory that wouldn't work. All they got out of it a lot of experience and two years hard work. 
Some of you young sprouts who think you want to be cowboys might try to duplicate the trip. Of course beef is selling for more than a dollar a pound right here now So why take the chance unless you think a trip like that would be fun. 

Scotty Cobaugh and Jim Coachmam owned and operated the C06k A Too Saloon which was housed in the second lumber building constructed in Paradise. Upon completion of the building and before the Bar and fixtures were installed a big dance was given, everybody was invited and a big crowd gathered from miles around. 

A character by the name of Tod Katy who was breaking broncs for Stephen B. Reed at the time got full of panther juice and shot out the lights with his pistol which broke up the baile and sent all the women and kids and most of the men scurrying for home. 

Cobaugh was a prospector from Colorado and in addition to the saloon business he worked a mining claim which was located about a mile South of town and about a half mile East of S6ldier's Flat. His claim covered a little round, isolated hill which is still called Coubaugh Hill by the few old timers who were here at that time. He camped in a 
tunnel which was dug into the hill from the north side. He had a little Mexican mule that he used to pack water and grub to his camp. The mule had bucked him off every time he tried to ride it, so he claimed it couldn't be rode and bragged about its Buckability until Alvin Dunnagan rode it bare backed with only a rope around its neck for a purse of two dollars and a half at a Fourth of July Celebration. 

When Paradise begin to fold up, Scotty faded out of the picture mule and all. We told you about Jim Coachman winding up in the "Casa Verde" at Phoenix in a previous issue. 

Joe Larrieu ran a combination Saloon and billiard hall in one of the larger buildings in the main street. Joe was born and grew up over around Fairbank and Tombstone Arizona. His father John Larrieu was justice of the peace at Tombstone for several terms and only went out of office a very few years ago. The last we heard of Joe, he was somewhere in California. He was a quiet sort of a fellow, but was married to a gal who was lively enough to keep the family in the limelight most of the time. She engaged in a few hair pullings and fisticuffs with some of the other ladies around town occasionally. 

FOCCC 2017 Officers and Board

Reed Peters         President                                            Other Board Members  
Sheri Ashley        Vice President                           Bob Ashley     Wynne Brown  
Mike Williams      Vice President 
                       Alan Craig     Rene Donaldson
Rick Beno 
Rolf Koford         Kim Vacariu
Stevie Wayman    Secretary
  Cecil Williams




Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon
PO Box 16126
Portal, Arizona 85632


Visit Our Website 

Thanks to our "Sustainer's Circle" members 
for their generous support:  
Tom Arny, Bob and Bettina Arrigoni, Nancy and Thomas Denney, Mary George, Renata Golden, Bill and Sally Hague, Paul Hirt and Linda Jakse, Don Hollister, Ken Jenkins, Leuthold Family Foundation,  Barbara Lounsbery,  Patrick McNamara, John and Karin McQuillan, Barbara and Pete Miller, Patricia Parran, CeCe Raak, Tom Roseman and Paula Baldwin, Delia Scholes, Donald and Martha Squire and Bob and Sherry Zoellick.

Please support our Business Members  who  have given generously to Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon.  Without their assistance, we would be hard pressed to accomplish our goals. Click on their names to check out their websites.    
                     Birders B & B
                 Cave Creek Ranch                           Chiricahua Desert Museum
             Naturalist Journeys, LLC                                   Orchid Davis   
                 Sky Island Rolfing                                           Wynne Brown 
                  Chiricahua Gallery               Everett Jones Realestate (Helen Snyder)
               Mark and Lori Conrad                            Ed Newbold Wildlife Artist
                     Quailway Cottage                                    Sky Island Lodge
                   Rodeo Tavern                                     The George Walker House                       Painted Pony Resort                             Portal Peak Store and Lodge
Business Memberships start at just $50.00!