FLC Weekend Announcements

Bell Tower.JPG

Worship Times:

Saturday: 5pm

Sunday: 8:15am & 10:15am

All Worship Services are Live Streamed on Facebook Live.



Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am-3:00pm

Phone Number


Visit our Website
Click here for the May Church Council Meeting Agenda and the Approved May Council Meeting Minutes.  Also, click here for the draft of the Annual Meeting Minutes from January 28, 2024.

Pastor Glen's focus for his message for

this upcoming weekend:

It’s not the mistakes that get us. It’s the ones we can’t take back, the ones we can’t fix. The Israelites are trying to fix a problem and they do it by making a mistake. They want to be like the rest of the world. Unfortunately, they are going to get exactly what they are asking for. What they don’t understand yet is the incredible power of God to redeem their failure and turn it around, so that their mistakes (and ours) become instruments of redemption. Maybe we need to make less mistakes. Or perhaps we need to make more.

We need your help to help our neighbors affected

by the Tornado!!

Please consider being a greeter/assistant at our Tornado Recovery Center. Folks are still coming in for assistance, supplies, furniture, and more. We want a friendly face to greet them and help them find what they need.

Click here to sign up for one 2-hour slot:  https://signup.com/go/dEEsPOY

All you need is a smile and a helping hand. Please help us help others.

Tornado Survivors Benefit Concert is

Wednesday, June 12th!!!

More details can be found at this link:


Summer preaching theme:


He was their “Golden Boy,” and his reign was remembered as the Golden Age of their kingdom. But remembering is a human endeavor, and so it is usually wrong. David was far from golden. He was normal, occasionally proud, and made mistakes (some very bad ones). The very idea of a King was a mistake in the first place. He was not flawless – no human person can be, nor should any of us aspire to be. But he was faithful and hopeful, a “man after God’s own heart.” And in the end the Savior of us all took for himself the title “Son of David.”

This summer we will follow the story of David from the eyes of the prophet Samuel, through good times and bad, seeing God work through him and hoping to see God working through our own times and places, too.

June 9th - Send Someone To Show Us The Way

June 16th - When A Man Becomes A King

June 23rd – Facing Your Monsters

June 30th - The Power Of Grief

Burn, Baby, Burn!

The mortgage has been paid, and now it is time to celebrate. Come out on the evening of Sunday, June 16th and help us celebrate the completion of this hard work as we BURN THE MORTGAGE. We will share fellowship and good food (BBQ!) and CAKE and observe in song and prayer our gratitude to God for his faithfulness to First Lutheran Church. Dinner begins at 6:00 pm, worship to follow.

VBS at FLC with FUMC!!

Registration is open for VBS at FLC, and we are blessed to be joined by 1st United Methodist Church, this year again!!

 June 24-28 @ 9am-12pm with lunch following each day

Click on this link to register your child(ren), ages

PreK - 5th grade

(grade finished in May):


There is a $10 suggested donation per child ($30 max/family).

We can't wait to see your kiddos for some

summertime fun at FLC!!

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Erika.

Tornado Disaster Relief Fund

As we continue to find ways to serve the needs of our community following the Arbor day tornado, we have created a Disaster Relief Fund at FLC. This fund will be used to provide immediate and long-term assistance to members of our church and others in the community as they seek to recover from the storm. We are grateful for your contributions. Please make sure to mark your check or envelope "Disaster Relief Fund."

W.O.W. Meal is over for the summer!

(In House Meal)


Starting on Wednesday, May 1st you are welcome to order meals for delivery or pick up with MWM since the W.O.W. meal will be over for the summer. Please reach out to Erika or the church office to place your order! W.O.W. meal will resume when the fall Wednesday services start back up.  


Martha Sorensen

Tracy Gross

Flowers for Worship Services

Would you like to provide flowers for worship services at First Lutheran in celebration of an important event in your life or to honor someone important? We would be grateful for your gift! Please follow these directions:

1. Sign up for an available weekend on the flower chart on the bulletin board outside the Sacristy door. Only one family per weekend please.

2. Mark your calendar or leave yourself a reminder! You will NOT receive a reminder notice from the church prior to the weekend you have chosen.

3. You are responsible to order and pay for a floral arrangement and provide for it to be delivered or brought to the church on the Friday afternoon prior to the weekend you would like it used. The church staff is NOT available to order or pick up flowers for you.

4. You may wish to consider the season of the church and choose suitable colors. Please bring LIVE flower arrangements only.

5. Information about the flowers and to whom they are dedicated must be provided to the church office (office@firstlutheranblair.org) by Thursday afternoon. It will be included in the weekly email blast.

Social Concerns Committee:

First Fruits and Garden Market to Begin June 29th and 30th at First Lutheran

Beginning Saturday and Sunday June 29th and 30th and continuing  throughout the rest of the growing seasons, gardeners from First Lutheran Church will have a chance to contribute to the Fresh Fruits and Garden Market.  During this time, gardeners are encouraged to bring in their excess vegetables, fruits and baked goods.  These products will then be made available to First Lutheran members prior to and after the services on Saturday evening and Sunday mornings.  Those members obtaining these products are then asked to provide a free-will donation with the funds going to the ELCA World Hunger Campaign.  

Gardeners will be able to bring their products in on Friday during the day or on Saturday Afternoon prior to the 5:00 p.m. church service.  Produce can also be brought in on Sunday prior to the 8:15 or 10:15 service.  Donated products can be placed on a cart in the narthex of the church  Products should be clean and neatly placed as would be done for a regular Farmer’s Market.  

We are looking forward to a wonderful garden market this summer.  

Courageous Conversations Rescheduled for Sunday, July 28th

Because of the devastation of the Arbor Day Tornados, the second Courageous Conversation program was postponed from the April  date.  It will now be held on Sunday, July 28th beginning at 5:00 at the Fellowship Hall.  As was the case in April, the topic of this program will be “A Conversation on Domestic Violence” It will feature a speaker from The Bridge.  The Bridge provides services for individuals and families who experience domestic abuse, dating violence and sexual assault in five Nebraska counties which include Washington County.  Be looking for further information at a future date.  

Bread for the World Campaign to Be Held June 22 and 23rd

On Saturday and Sunday, June 22nd and 23rd, congregational members will have the opportunity following services to sign letters directed to our Congressional representatives.  This has traditionally been done to combat hunger here in the United States and also the world.  This year’s letter has particular significance in the fact that our representatives are currently debating the New Farm Bill which has a number of programs related to the problem of hunger.  The letter will encourage supporting  the current Farm Bill before Congress.     

Monday Morning Bible Study

Beginning on April 8, the Monday morning Bible study will be talking about the book Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith by Diana Butler Bass.

Dr. Butler Bass shares her surprising findings from her extensive, three-year study of churches across the country. She discovered that many churches are flourishing without resorting to mimicking the mega-church, evangelical style. Christianity for the Rest of Us describes this phenomenon and offers a how-to approach for Protestants eager to remain faithful to their tradition while becoming a vital spiritual community. She describes how certain consistent practices - such as hospitality, contemplation, diversity, justice, discernment, and worship - help congregations rediscover authentic Christian faith and witness.

Come be a part of this conversation – Monday mornings at 9:00 am. in the library.

Women's Bible Study 

The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will begin a new study entitled “From Beginning to Forever” by Elizabeth Woodson.  “Too often we have just a fragmented understanding of parts of the bible.  This leads us to see the Scripture through the lens of our individual stories, causing us to miss God’s bigger story-His redemption and restoration of the entire world.  In this study, Elizabeth Woodson explains how all sixty-six books of the Bible combine to form one unified narrative. We will see how the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation show us the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how He invites us to be a part of it.”  This Bible study will combine a video with a study guide and meets in the church library on Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.  If interested in coming to this Bible study, contact Susie Pinquoch at (402) 426-8182 or email at spinquoch@gpcom.net.  



We are needing cookies for June!

Please help if you can!

The Mid Week Meal needs your help.

We serve 240 people EACH WEEK.  That's 20 dozen cookies/bars EACH WEEK.

Please sign up to provide a treat for these folks!! We are especially in need in June.

Signup here or call Erika

(402-533-0918):  https://signup.com/go/hfewWuF

Funeral Coordinators

The Women's Steering Team is in need of TWO people to be

Co-Coordinators to facilitate funerals. These people would work with the family to provide workers for the funeral luncheon. The family is responsible for providing all the food. Please contact Sarah Boeka, Coordinator if you are interested in this position or would like more information. sboeka@abbnebraska.com 

or 402-669-6008.   

FLC Youth Garage Sale 2024!!

Yes, the time has come.

We are collecting items for our garage sale. Please bring your items to the elevator. If you have a large number of items or large sized items, please contact Erika to setup

a time for dropoff.

If you need to have your items picked up, we can try to arrange for that, but our abilities are limited with our kids' schedules. We'll do our best!!

Sale Dates: June 13-15, 2024

Do you participate in our online worship services?

If you watch our services on Facebook or other sites, please like the post or leave a comment each time. This will help us improve our accuracy in attendance numbers at First Lutheran.

Pastor Glen's contact information


Pastor Glen's email is pastorglen@firstlutheranblair.org and his cell phone number is (402) 740-6395

if you need to contact him. 

meal picture.png

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We will be serving Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Chips, fruit, and dessert.

Click here for more information


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers

†Family of Eric Wulf

†Family of June Jenson

†Family of Robert Rasmussen

†Sunni Wilson (mother of Melody Dubon)

†J. J. Ihrke & Family (son of Carol Ihrke) - battling ALS

†Julia Maettes - foot surgery - healing

†Bev Homes - comfort

†Joan Clements (mother of Merri Dibben and Karen Clements) - healing

†Rod Hansen - prayers and healing

†Elijah - healing

†Josh Foulk - healing

†Thomas Uhlman - diagnosed with lung cancer

†Trina Kaiser - healing

†David Kaiser - healing

†Helen Garnett (Jim Garnett's mother) - healing

†Chris Chance - healing

†Randy Backman - healing

†Clint Clausen - prayers

†Mike Boeka - prayers for healing

†Deloris Matson - early stage lymphoma - healing & prayers

†John Wick

†Vivian Walvoord - healing & prayers

†Betty Wolsmann - healing

†Florence Larsen - prayers for healing

†Keith Matzen & family - prayers

†Dana - healing

†Clark Jenson

†Betty Anderson

†Wayne (father of Deb Henson) - prayers for healing

†Ruth Ann Persson - healing

†Gordon Soderberg - healing

†Irene Thorsen

†Jo Royuk (mother of Anne Chrans) - healing

†Russ Sonderup - prayers

†Meredith Dickerson - Alpha Gal


†Zach - cancer healing/treatment side effects

†Misty - healing and pain relief

†Marilyn Svendgard

†Sue Marsh - healing

†Merriebeth Ferguson (sister-in-law of Merriellen Bourn) - cancer - healing

†Chris Kesling - healing

†Alex - surgery & healing

†Mary LaScala

†Martin Kuhr - prayers & healing


†Georgia (great niece of Debbie Katt) -prayers & healing

†Kyler Reed - healing

†Scott & Katie Abrams - prayers & healing

†Kay Melby (Angela Ulven and Kari Hernandez’s mother) - healing

†Patrick McKinnis - continued healing

†Stacy Thompson Green (daughter of Marcy Bottorff) – prayers & healing

†Larry Kastrup – healing

†Leo Aguilar-Hicks – healing for Leukemia

†Lekura Parish

†Tornado Victims and all those we name in our hearts.

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