FLC Weekend Announcements

Bell Tower.JPG

Worship Times:

Saturday: 5pm

Sunday: 8:15am & 10:15am

Sunday: 7:00pm in the Prayer Garden

All Worship Services are Live Streamed on Facebook Live.



Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am-3:00pm

Phone Number


Visit our Website
Click here for the July Church Council Meeting Agenda and the Approved July Council Meeting Minutes.  Also, click here for the draft of the Annual Meeting Minutes from January 29, 2023.

FLC Treasurer's Financial Update:

Dear FLC Congregation,

We are so lucky to have you as a member of the FLC community. Thank you for your support and continued participation. We are happy to provide congregants like you with programs and events that lift us up and remind us of the importance of having a giving spirit.

To continue offering the services that we do, we are here to request an increase in giving throughout the remainder of 2023. Through May, FLC is behind our revenue budget by $41,767. Our remaining year budgeted revenue is $356,000 (approximately $50,000 per month) which means that in total we need to generate giving of approximately $400,000 prior to December 31. Please take a look at your current financial situation and see if there is a way you can help FLC meet its revenue budget. By doing so, this will allow for sufficient funds so FLC does not have to dip into reserve accounts to pay for general expenses.

Please visit the FLC website for the various ways in which you can donate:

http://www.firstlutheranblair.org/giving/ [firstlutheranblair.org]

If you have any questions about how to donate, please feel free to contact the church office at 402-426-4073. You can also stop by the church’s main office in person or drop your donation in the collection plate during our next service.

On behalf of the church council, thank you again for being such an important part of the FLC community.


Chad Leggott

FLC Treasurer

Pastor Glen's focus for his message for

this upcoming weekend:

If you did not know that Jesus was the son of a carpenter rather than a farmer, you would certainly see it in his agricultural parables. He describes the Kingdom of God like a farmer who does not know where to sow his seed or how to weed his field, or as a common mustard plant that farmers would rather not have around. Or perhaps the problem is the parables themselves. Why be so inscrutable? Who wants to work that hard? That is the challenge for us. We would be better at following Jesus if it was just simpler. Like Solomon, we need to let go of our “outcome driven expectations” of God and instead pray for an open and understanding heart.


This is the theme of the Sunday night message / Bible study for the 7:00pm Worship that will be this Sunday in the

Prayer Garden.

Bible study theme for July 30th: Our Reading the Bible journey takes us into the bulk of the writings in the New Testament: the Epistles. These treasured bits of correspondence shared among the first generation of Christians bring us insight into the formation of the early community of believers and their challenges to understand and live out the newfound life that is the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Come and join us as we seek a simpler, more faithful,

and better way.


It's time to register for LIFE Night classes (3 yr olds - 5th grade) at FLC for this coming education year!  

Worship Lab will begin on August 23rd at 6:15pm.

LIFE Night classes will follow at 6:45pm (along with Confirmation).

Here is the registration link:


Contact Erika if you have any questions!



We are needing cookies for August! August is almost empty! Please help if you can!

The Mid Week Meal needs your help.

We serve 240 people EACH WEEK.  That's 20 dozen cookies/bars EACH WEEK.

Please sign up to provide a treat for these folks!! We are especially in need in August.

Signup here or call Erika

(402-533-0918):  https://signup.com/go/hfewWuF

I want to be sure to share my gratitude for Vince, Erika, Dawn, Rod and so many others who have been taking care of things while I have been dealing with Covid. Their dedication to FLC is inspiring! Please be sure to take a moment and share your thanks with them for all that they do.

-Pastor Glen

Do you have a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader?

It's time to sign up for Confirmation! Please click this link to sign up so Erika can begin planning for another fun year of Confirmation at FLC.


FLC Youth Garage Sale set another record!!

$9,289 and more donations are coming in!!


Thank you so much for your support, your donations, your time, your prayers, and your purchases!

Our New Orleans Youth Gathering fund is growing!

Pastor Glen's Bible Study-

Breaking The Code, A Study of the Book of Revelation

Started on Wednesday, June 28th

You are invited to a new Bible Study with Pastor Glen titled Breaking The Code, A Study of the Book of Revelation. It started on Wednesday, June 28th at 6:30pm. You can attend in person or online with Google Meet. The Bible Study will take place in the Chapel.

The Bible Study will be for 8 weeks.

If you have any questions you can contact

Pastor Glen at (402) 426-4073.

Please see link below to join Google Meet:


In the next several months it is our goal to educate the congregation on the

activities of the Committees at First Lutheran. We will plan to highlight the

activities of one of these committees each month. In doing this we will plan two separate activities for each committee. These include:

1. A presentation by the committee chair person or representative of the

committee to the Church Council regarding the committee’s activities. This

would include the goals of the committee, who makes up the committee,

what some of the activities of committee are, and how the Church Council

could assist the committee in their work.

2. Following the presentation to the Council, a short summary of the

committee’s activities will be included in the weekly E-Blasts sent to the


The goal of this summary again will be to highlight the activities of the committee and hopefully increase the interest in the committees by the congregation and possibly help In the recruitment of the members to the committees.

This month's report is from the Property Committee. Please click button below to view Property Committee Report.

Property Committee Report 

Social Concerns Committee:

Our SUMMER GARDEN MARKET is now OPEN!  You are invited to share your excess garden produce, your flowers, and your baked goods! Please give generously for what you purchase, as proceeds will go to ELCA WORLD HUNGER. Produce may be brought to the church and placed on the Garden Cart in the narthex any time when the church is open--preferably prior to 3:00 P.M. on Fridays and between 4:00 and 7:00 P.M. on Saturdays.

Please see the Summer

Worship Schedule:


Saturday @ 5pm in Sanctuary

Sunday @ 8:15am in Sanctuary

Sunday @ 10:15am in LIFE Center

Sunday @ 7pm in Prayer Garden - Last Night will be Sunday, August 13th


Faith Chests

The men’s group of First Lutheran has in the past built faith chests to give to individuals baptized at First Lutheran church to use in their faith journey. When the Covid pandemic started we were no longer able to build those chests. Several people have asked if we are going to resume building faith chests, to that end we are looking for members who would be interested in helping make faith chests again.

We have all of the equipment and components necessary and need helping hands to build, sand, stain, and attach hardware and finish the chests. We normally work 1 night a week for a couple hours, if enough interest is shown we could have 2 groups on different nights.

No previous experience building faith chests necessary, we have a few men who have experience building chests but we need more to continue with this wonderful project.

This group is very informal and is not limited to men, we would welcome ladies interested in working with wood, or helping assemble, sand, stain, etc.

If interested contact Dawn in the church office 402-426-4073 or Rick Ruhge @ rickruhge@gmail.com or 402-802-5898

Communion Update:

Thank you for helping with this accommodation for Pastor Glen: because it is difficult for Pastor to bring communion to members in the pews, if you find it physically difficult to come forward during communion, we invite you to pick up the communion elements as you come into the Sanctuary and receive them during the communion liturgy when the Pastor indicates.

Pastor Glen's contact information


Pastor Glen's email is pastorglen@firstlutheranblair.org and his cell phone number is (402) 740-6395

if you need to contact him. 

Quick Update-Building Locked on the Weekend

Please see when the building will be open

Fridays - 8:30am-3:00pm

Saturdays - 4:00pm-7:00pm

Sundays - 8:00am-12:00 Noon

If you need to make arrangements to meet or come into the church please contact the church office at (402) 426-4073.  Thank you!

meal picture.png

Wednesday, August

2nd, 2023

We will be serving Ham & Rice Casserole, fruit, and dessert.

Click here for more information


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers

†Family of Marian Ward

†Family of Gregory Chamberlin

†Family of Holden Mead

†Family of Fern Rohde

†Family of Larry Cada

†Ruth Rasmussen

†Dana - healing

†Clark Jenson

†Betty Megrue - healing

†Betty Anderson

†Sunni Wilson (mother of Melody Dubon)

†Stephanie Johnson - healing

†Olivia Baker

†Tim Grinbergs

†Betty Wolsmann - healing

†Wayne (father of Deb Henson) - prayers for healing

†Ruth Ann Persson - healing

†Gordon Soderberg - healing

†Irene Thorsen

†Jo Royuk (mother of Anne Chrans) - healing

†Russ Sonderup - prayers

†Meredith Dickerson - Alpha Gal


†Zach - cancer healing/treatment side effects

†Misty - healing and pain relief

†Marilyn Svendgard

†Sue Marsh - healing

†Merriebeth Ferguson (sister-in-law of Merriellen Bourn) - cancer - healing

†Chris Kesling - healing

†Alex - surgery & healing

†June Jenson - prayers & healing

†Frank Korshoj - healing

†Mary LaScala

†Debbie Kempcke - cancer - healing

†Kenny Truhlsen

†Martin Kuhr - prayers & healing

†Nicole Schmidt - prayers & healing


†Georgia (great niece of Debbie Katt) -prayers & healing

†Kyler Reed - healing

†Scott & Katie Abrams - prayers & healing

†Kay Melby (Angela Ulven and Kari Hernandez’s mother) - healing

†Mr. S. Akot - healing

†Patrick McKinnis - continued healing

†Stacy Thompson Green (daughter of Marcy Bottorff) – prayers & healing

†Lisa Garcia – strength & healing

†Larry Kastrup – healing

†Leo Aguilar-Hicks – healing for Leukemia

†Lekura Parish

†ELCA World Hunger and all those we name in our hearts.

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