March 28, 2024 | Volume XV | Issue 13

Can grief make us accident-prone? A writer learns how it destabilizes and remakes us

NPR reports via Health News Florida:

Last March, grief tripped me.

Days before I would leave for the Amalfi Coast, I tumbled down my patio stairs. My partner heard the crash of glass and found me on the ground in the fervid New Mexico sun, my fingers clenching a mug's handle, the only part intact. My right hand bled. My left knee throbbed.

For certain, I was giddy with anticipation to return to a beloved writing conference in Positano and to spend a few days in nearby Amalfi, where my father's father was from. But lodged within the seams of my excitement also lived anxiety-ridden grief, stubborn and taut.

At the same time the year before, I was saying goodbye to my vivacious aunt Theresa, who was dying of a rare cancer. The ending came quicker than any of us expected. She and I had schemed...

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Telehealth sites promise cure for 'male menopause' despite FDA ban on off-label ads

Michael Scaturro

Online stores sprang up during the covid-19 pandemic’s telehealth boom touting testosterone as a cure-all for men’s age-related illnesses — despite FDA rules issued years ago restricting such “low testosterone” advertising.

In ads on Google, Facebook, and elsewhere, testosterone telemedicine websites may promise a quick fix for sluggishness and low libido in men. But evidence for that is lacking, physicians said, and the midlife malaise for which testosterone is being touted as a solution is more likely caused by chronic medical conditions, poor diet, or a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, doctors urge caution — and the FDA recommends that all testosterone supplements carry a warning that they may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Valid medical reasons do exist for treating some men with testosterone. The hormone as a medication has existed for decades, and today’s patients include men with hypogonadism, some transgender men who use it to help transition physically, and, sometimes, women dealing with menopausal symptoms. It has also been used for decades by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance strength.

However, online dispensaries can overplay the idea of what is sometimes called “male menopause.” 

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How Nebraska Medicine used AI to reduce first-year nurse turnover by nearly 50%

Healthcare IT News reports:

Nebraska Medicine is an academic health system that strives to provide the best experience to the people who choose to work for it, looking to be a premier employer providing high-quality care to the patients it serves in Omaha and beyond.

Like so many health systems across the country, it has been facing challenges around retaining its frontline teams, particularly its first-year nursing staff.

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Cancer is on the rise in younger adults

NBC News

Younger adults are seeing a rise in cancer diagnoses, with people under 50 being the only age group to see an increase in overall cancer incidences between 1995 and 2020.

Statistics from around the world are now clear: the rates of more than a dozen cancers are increasing among adults under the age of 50. This rise varies from country to country and cancer to cancer, but models based on global data predict that the number of early-onset cancer cases will increase by around 30% between 2019 and 2030.

Watch the video HERE.



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