As some of you may know I was in London the week Queen Elizabeth passed away. It was a surreal experience to be having dinner inside the 700 year old GuildHall, a historic building in the center of London, when all of our phones received simultaneous notifications that she had just passed. Moments earlier I was literally looking at a painting of the coronation of King George VI with a 10-year-old Elizabeth standing behind him with her little sister (see below). A historic time to be in London, no doubt. I was in London, with my partners Bob Graham and Evan Husney, for the Mackrell International conference where we networked with over 120 lawyers from around the world. In addition, this past June, FGMC was honored to host the 2022 Mackrell International America’s regional conference at the Bjorn Hotel in downtown Denver. It was the first post-Covid in-person conference for our region. FGMC has been a longstanding member of Mackrell International, an association of independent law firms in over 100 cities worldwide. FGMC’s membership in Mackrell International allows us to help our clients throughout the United States and around the world. Having FGMC host this prestigious event was both exciting and a lot of hard work. We enjoyed showing off our beautiful city to members throughout North and South America, and we strengthened relationships with exceptional attorneys and firms in the Network. We believe our membership in Mackrell International is another benefit to our Colorado based clients who may have legal needs outside of the state of Colorado and want to work with law firms we trust. I was honored to give the keynote address to the delegates.

If you or your company would like to take advantage of our membership in Mackrell International and learn more about how FGMC can better serve you, please feel free to contact Danny (Danny@Foster.Legal) or visit the Mackrell International website at