March 2022 Newsletter
Dear FFRW Members and Friends:

Our 2022 Spring Conference was a wonderful success filled with speakers, a visit to the Capitol and extensive training sessions. We began with a reception on the 22nd floor of the Capitol with a beautiful view of Tallahassee and a packed house of FFRW members.
Many legislatures and speakers of governmental departments came to support us. Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez, as well as CFO Jimmy Patronis, were there to thank us for our service. We then proceeded to the observation gallery of the Senate. The FFRW members were acknowledged by Senator Aaron Bean with a round of applause from the floor. We were a sea of Red Coats and apparel. The day ended with an exclusive cocktail reception at the James Madison Institute.
The following day we had an exciting lineup of great speakers analyzing the most current topics facing our Nation. Governor Ron DeSantis came to speak to the ladies and was received by a standing ovation and much applause, signs and smiles. He was followed by Speaker of the House Designate Paul Renner, Senator Aaron Bean, Congressman Byron Donalds, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, Mark Meadows and Katie Hopkins.
Topics were as exciting as the speakers; Keep Florida Free, the Evils of CRT and Election Integrity, to name a few. We also had President’s Training, Treasurer’s Training, and social media.
We set off our campaign theme of “We Are Florida,” which stands for the ideas that you and I, and all the other hard-working, law-abiding patriotic people we live with here are the real Florida. The evening ended with the live auction, which was lots of fun and loved by all, and the Achievement Awards for the clubs.
The last day we had Tina Descovich, founder of Moms for Liberty, Alex Sanchez, CEO of Florida Bankers Assoc. and NFRW President Eileen Sobjack. President Sobjack was incredibly impressed with the level of our speakers and vowed to join us in the future whenever invited. She hinted that we are the most energetic state federation but was too gracious to admit it.
It was a learning experience for all Patriots; our members of the FFRW, who engage in conservative leadership and are the inspiration of the future of our state and country. The ladies of our organization set the future for generations to come.
See you soon at the Fall conference and let’s keep our state RED!

Thank you and God bless America.

For Florida, For Our Country,

Maricel Cobitz
President FFRW


BY Maria Morales-Prieto,
FFRW Chair of Newsletter
Putin's invasion of Ukraine and subsequent threats of nuclear or chemical war is evidence he believes Russia to be the supreme power. They are not, and for the safety of this world, the U.S. and NATO need to make that clear to him ASAP. His underestimation of the will of the Ukrainian people to never surrender is humiliating, which can turn an already unbalanced evil despot into a cornered rabid dog with nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, due to Biden having been compromised by the Russians when his son, Hunter, was allegedly given 3.5 million dollars by Moscow’s mayor’s wife, the president is rendered useless and feckless in making any real strides in ending this cruel, evil war.

Thanks to Hunter's laptop, all of the Biden's influence peddling is clearly documented. Hunter makes it clear he is the family’s drug addled bagman and money launderer of bribes, who pays all of their bills.

And as much as the left-wing media, the propaganda machine for the administration and far left, prints fake news about this being untrue, there is a mountain of evidence that’s easily accessible should anyone in the left-wing, crooked DOJ, FBI and/or CIA want to expose it. But they don’t. They instead conspired to cover it up to corruptly influence the 2020 election. The FBI has had the laptop since November of 2019!


Biden's ties to Russia are well documented. Why else would he, on day one, kill the continuing construction of the Keystone pipeline and halt a great deal of our energy production to the point that we now must purchase it from ego maniacs who are our sworn enemies such as Russia, Iran and Venezuela?! 

Why else would Biden greenlight Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline if it wasn’t payback for bribes to his family?! Why not have Europe buy their oil from us instead of Russia?! 

And now they’re going to switch the currency to buy oil worldwide from the U.S. dollar to the Chinese yuan?! That’s payback for China’s bribes to the Biden family!

It’s treasonous to cut off our energy independence, and by purchasing billions of dollars of oil from Russia daily,

Biden is sponsoring the war on the poor Ukrainians

whose homeland has been leveled to rubble. It’s like Putin wants to be the supreme leader of ashes. Oh, and when Biden said he was going to stop buying oil from Russia, that’s not until the summer! It’s a fake gesture like the entirety of his presidency.

Between Putin's insatiable evil need to invade and destroy innocent countries and Biden's unbridled greed, which led him to sell out our country for personal gain, the world has never been more unstable and frightening.

Every time Biden ad libs, he brings us closer to the brink of WWIII! Someone please let us know who's really in charge because it's obvious the president is dangerously cognitively impaired!

CEO of Disney, Bob Chapek, China's Partner in Crime
Woke Disney is now echoing Democrat propaganda and falling for the corporate media’s phony hysteria over a Florida bill that sensibly prohibits K-3rd graders from being indoctrinated with transgenderism and R-rated lessons about sexuality.

Frankly, kindergarten classrooms should be a place for kids to be kids, not testing grounds for leftist ideology.

But one thing is abundantly clear here: The media, the radical Democrats, and the woke corporate mob haven’t even attempted to JUST READ THE BILL.

Ignore the media’s hysteria and just read the Parental Rights in Education bill for yourself. 

In yet another attempt to create a smear campaign to bring down Governor DeSantis, and to pressure woke businesses to take a stance against the legislation, the Democrats and their media lackeys are intentionally lying about what the bill is about.

Make no mistake about it: this is an intentional and coordinated attack.
Rest assured: Governor DeSantis’ policies are always going to be in the best interest of Florida citizens, not on the musings of woke corporations.

If Disney had bothered to read the bill, they would know that this is pro-parent and pro-child legislation. Governor DeSantis will not be lectured by woke corporations about what is best for families.

Disney is in far too deep with the Communist Party of China and has lost any moral authority to tell you what to do. Disney should know a villain when they see one.

Since Disney decided not to read the bill…

Governor DeSantis has requested that a member of our staff
hand-deliver a copy of the seven-page bill to Disney HQ on Monday.

George – who volunteered to drive to Disney HQ in Orlando – needs your help to overcome Brandon’s skyrocketing gas prices. 

Team DeSantis 


that the same day President
Lincoln created the Secret
Service he was assassinated?

In the 1800s, each state issued their own bills and coins so numerous types of currencies were in circulation, creating a lucrative counterfeit industry.

It was Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch who urged President Lincoln to create a commission to investigate these counterfeiters devastating the nation's economy. So on April 14, 1865, President Lincoln founded the United States Secret Service.

Sadly enough, that very same day, President Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., by John Wilkes Booth. It was the first time in our nation's history that a President had been assassinated. 

Making Waves: Ten-Part Online Campaign School for the 2022 Cycle

Tuesdays, March 8-May 24, 2022
2:00 pm Eastern
Zoom Virtual Event

Republican women are making waves in the 2022 midterm elections. Keep your campaign on track with the NFRW's online Campaign Management School. Held on Tuesdays at 2pm Eastern throughout the spring, the one-hour classes will prepare you to ride the Red Wave all the way to victory in November!

Classes are $15 per session for NFRW members (if you are a member of a local club, you are a member) and $20 for nonmembers. Even better, registration for any one of the three modules (Fundraising, Technology, and Voter Contact) is only $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers. Best yet, the entire series is just $95 for members,

$125 for nonmembers.

  • April 12, Technology – Targeting and Data Management
  • April 19, Technology – Electronic Advertising
  • April 26, Technology – Social Media

  • May 3, Voter Contact – Door Knocking on Red Bull
  • May 10, Voter Contact – Direct Mail, Phones
  • May 17, Voter Contact – Earned Media: How to Get it/How to Answer the Hostile Press

  • May 24, Ballot Security and GOTV
Questions? Contact NFRW Political Director Terri Hauser at

Winning Candidates Need to Have the following. Help them!

  • A MESSAGE based on Why They Are Running
  • Volunteers
  • Petitions
  • Donors
  • Speaking engagements
  • Encouragement 
  • Promotion
This is Florida Representative Joe Harding. I sponsored the Parent’s Rights in Education bill, legislation to adopt common sense policy to prevent sexual indoctrination of young children in Pre-K through 3rd grade. 
When introducing the bill, I never intended to start a culture war. But that didn't stop national leftist groups from slandering the legislation as an attack on the gay and transgender community. They even coined a hateful name for the bill that the woke media routinely uses to spread their false narrative.   
This corrupt rhetoric from the leftist-backed media has led to threats against me, my wife and our four children. But here in Florida, we don't cower in fear to the loudest and angriest voices. WE FIGHT BACK! FIGHT FOR OUR KIDS!

Together, we can send a message to the dishonest mainstream media who wish to marginalize us and divide us. They can attempt all the distortions they want... we WILL NOT BACK DOWN or give up the fight for parents and children.
Thanks for your support,
Joe Harding

Our campaign is excited to launch our statewide ‘Women for Moody’ Coalition Committee for this election cycle. We are looking for strong, empowered women who believe that we must reelect Attorney General Ashley Moody in November. General Moody’s record is proof that Florida is stronger with her as the Top Cop. In the last three years, General Moody has continued to support law enforcement, fight federal overreach, combat human trafficking, tackle the opioid epidemic, fight senior fraud, all while upholding the rule of law. Join our team by signing up to volunteer and be a part of our statewide movement.

By Pam McAloon,
President PFRW

Women’s History Month was initially signed as a proclamation in 1980 by former President Jimmy Carter for the week of March 8th as an honor to Sonoma County in the state of California that recognized the many achievements that women made but were barely recognized.

President Ronald Reagan extended this to include the entire month of March.

Beginning with Cleopatra, former Queen of Egypt and last Hellenistic Ruler, she stabilized her country, led an army, and influenced the arts, literature and politics in the western world. Fast forward to 1848 and we see that Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, and roughly 300 people including Fredrick Douglass, met at Seneca Falls, New York to discuss Women’s Suffrage, which was finally signed into law in 1920 thanks to Congressman Harry Burn who was the deciding vote for women’s suffrage. He wore a yellow rose in his lapel the day he voted.

In 1917, Jeannette Rankin, first elected woman from Montana to the House of Representatives, was a Republican. Women could vote in this state. She is still to this day the only woman to have been elected to serve in the House from Montana. Speaker Pelosi is the first woman to have and still is the Speaker of the House. Hopefully this will soon change.

Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman physician, was born near Bristol. She graduated from Geneva Medical College with honors in New York in 1849, and Golda Meir was the first woman Prime Minister of Israel (1969-1974).

Many other women such as Sally Ride, first woman astronaut, were also groundbreakers. Sandra Day O’Connor, 1st Woman Supreme Court Justice, was appointed by Ronald Reagan. Equally important is our own history of the NFRW.

In 1938, Marion Martin, assistant chairman of the Republican National Committee, called a meeting at the Palmer House in Chicago to organize these clubs into a national organization. We have grown and are mushrooming into a very powerful force. Membership has increased to 137% over last year with more clubs being newly chartered. It is important that we educate all women about the Republican Party.

We can do this year-round!! Let’s do it!!

Being a leader requires standing up for what’s right even when the powerful are arrayed against you.

I’m not going to kowtow to woke corporations, no matter how powerful they might think they are. I will ALWAYS fight back and do what’s best for the people of Florida.

This is not the time for elected officials who are spineless and willing to do anything to keep themselves from being attacked by the Left. We need leaders who have the courage to hold the line and who won’t cave to virtue-signaling liberals on Twitter.

Floridians know I am going to bat for them every single day and no woke executive or corporate bully is going to change that.

I won’t be forced into harming Floridians to appease woke corporations, but I need your help to continue my fight, DeSantis. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Ron DeSantis CHIP I

The Florida Federation of Republican Women does not endorse candidates prior to primary elections. It is our job to keep our members aware of information regarding candidates by periodically publishing information about them here in our newsletter. You should not take these announcements as an endorsement.