February 2022 Newsletter
Dear FFRW Members and Friends:

Say what you will about Ukraine. They were corrupt. They were bribing Hunter Biden. They hired Rudy Giuliani to work as a lobbyists for them. They were an unstable backwards ex-soviet satellite...Yet their people didn’t deserve to die. The worlds evil empires are back and more daring then ever. Sleepy Joe projects an appearance of frailty and weakness. Not the decisive strength that President Trump did.
Do you really believe that Putin would have tried this murderous invasion if our beloved President Trump was still in charge? Of course not ! Biden blunders along so far out of his depth it is scary and disastrous. He botched the Afghan pull-out and the Southern boarder crisis so bad, that our enemies think we are nothing but a paper tiger.
Most of us think that Bill Clinton was bad. Just how bad is now coming to light. In 1994 his administration pressured Ukraine to give up its estimated 1,500 nuclear weapons for Russia’s promise to never invade. Really. How is that working out for those poor souls today.
Ladies we must retake control of our country. I am not understating the importance of the upcoming midterm elections. We cannot allow these incompetent light weights to continue selling out the world's freedoms. It is time for the grown ups to take charge again.
Thank you, and God Bless America. 

For Florida, For Our Country,

Maricel Cobitz
President FFRW


By Pam McAloon, PFRW President
Original Version “Time to Move On” published 1/28/2022
Tampa Bay Weekly News Belleair Bee
Thank God we’re no longer seeing Dr. Fauci on television ad nauseum, appearing to dictate public policy that comes under the purview of Congress, state, and local government.
Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and advisor to our U.S. presidents. True, he is in the position to advise, but like OSHA, which recently had its wings clipped by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding their dictating both mask and vaccine mandates to private businesses, unelected agencies and bureaucrats should not have power to dictate policies that comes under the purview of Congress. We have a bicameral legislature along with checks and balances. Congress legislates.

Dr. Fauci is an unelected advisor, who was given way too much power over our private lives. Considering the thousands of Americans who died unnecessarily from AIDS due to Fauci’s botched AZT drug that not only poisoned patients with HIV but made others even more susceptible to catching it, as he candidly admits in an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, why was this disgraced failure of a scientist in charge of anything much less COVID?! 

Last year, Dr. Fauci stated that COVID stimulus money is necessary to provide resources for schools to reopen yet they remained shut, destroying our children’s education and social growth. Regardless, that was not his decision to make. The decision to appropriate money originates in the House. This is Congress’s job.

So, we need to ask, “Why was Fauci, who has a list of failed drugs and the deaths of thousands of innocent lives on his hands still associated with the government and being held up as “Science” and beyond reproach?” He’s extremely reproachable! The answer, scarily enough, is clandestine.

& Presidents' Day's
Frederick Douglass
Former Slave, Activist, Orator, Writer, Abolitionist, Hero

By Pam McAloon
President Pinellas Federated Republican Women
Chairwoman of Communications and Historian Committee

Founded in 1915, Black History Month has been observed as such by our American presidents since 1976. But did you know that Black History month is celebrated in February because it is the birth month of famed author, activist, statesman, abolitionist, and former slave Frederick Douglass? He became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York after escaping from slavery in Maryland.

The NAACP was also founded in February of 1909 to honor the centennial anniversary of the birth of President Abraham Lincoln, whose mission to end the barbaric industry of slavery gave birth to our beloved Republican Party, also known as the Grand Old Party or the GOP, in 1854.

President George Washington was born in the month of February in 1732 and President Ronald Reagan was born February 6th, 1911, hence All Presidents’ Day being celebrated on the third Monday of February.

What do they all have in common? Liberty.

President Lincoln presided during a time when the nation was in turmoil. As much as he wanted to end slavery, his mission to preserve the Union was also a major priority. He took the first step by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. A few months after his assassination in 1865, the 13th amendment to the constitution was ratified, ending slavery. 

Frederick Douglass promoted liberty for all through his lectures and his writings. He fought for women’s suffrage in 1866 and co- founded the Equal Rights Association. Like Lincoln, he was a self-taught man with an extraordinary intelligence and great courage.

President George Washington commanded an army to fight England for liberty from tyranny and monarchy. He term limited his presidency after his 8 years in power, knowing serving your country should be a temporary mission because a lifelong position leads to being a crooked politician.

Ronald Reagan jumped into politics after seeing how communism had seeped into Hollywood while he was president of the Screen Actors Guild. He is one of America's greatest presidents, turning this country around from the malaise of the Carter years. One of his most famous saying that is extremely relevant these days is...

"Freedom is no more than
one generation away from extinction."


The Germans chose the
Groundhog to be the predicter of the length of our winter?

The United States’ Groundhog Day was first officially celebrated on February 2, 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania hence the famous groundhog’s name being Punxsutawney Phil. 

The celebration, though, is rooted in pre-Christian traditions and was brought to America by German immigrants, who were the ones to select the groundhog as the famous predicter of the length of winter.

As a Christian ritual, the clergy would bless and distribute candles to their dioceses as needed for the long or short winters.

The American Freedom Tour is Saturday, March 19th in Broward County Florida!
Details below.

Our own President Donald J. Trump will be sharing the stage with many of our other favorite advocates for the Right, including Donald Trump, Jr. and Sarah Huckabee Sanders!

Buy your tickets today at the link below:

George Soros DAs & Liberals
Purposely Unleashing Violent Criminals On Us to Promote Anarchy,
Hoping to Ultimately Destroy America

by Maria Morales-Prieto
FFRW Newsletter Chair

This administration, or whoever is running the country because it certainly isn't feeble-minded President Biden, can throw all the guilt money they want to refund the police they originally called to defund, but if their thug-loving, Soros-elected DAs keep setting violent criminals free, they're making the streets unsafe for all of us taxpayers, who pay their salaries; and they’re demoralizing our brave men and women in blue, who sacrifice so much to save total strangers. 
The rampant crime is due to LIBERAL TURNSTILE JUSTICE setting these repeat violent offenders free and NOTHING TO DO WITH GUNS! Just ask the lady who was pushed in front of a subway in NYC, or the one stabbed to death in the furniture store in LA, and the one punched in her head while waiting for a bus also in LA. 
Lunatics won’t let the lack of guns stop them from killing. Ask the people mowed down by the repeat criminal at the Christmas parade.
When guns are outlawed,
only outlaws will have guns! 
Criminals are not going to turn in their guns nor are they registered anywhere as owning a gun so there’s no way to track them down.
These state and district attorneys need to be recalled ASAP, starting with Bill Ayer’s adopted son, Chesa Boudin, who turned San Francisco from the most beautiful city in the country into the crime ridden, filthy slum it is today ON PURPOSE!

Boudin's parents were, like Bill Ayers, American terrorists members of the Weather Underground. Karen Boudin and David Gilbert were sent to prison for the felony murder of two police officers and a security guard in the infamous Brinks truck heist of 1981 in Rockland County, NY, hence Bill Ayers adopting and then indoctrinating Chesa to hate America. And Soros is financing the elections of these America haters.

Soros's name is all over this madness
yet you never hear him mentioned anywhere.
Why? Again, the answer is clandestine.

When I moved to Manhattan in 1984, Koch was the Mayor. Crime was rampant. The prostitutes, drug dealers, homeless, rats and graffiti artists ran the city. Times Square was a cesspool. The police were castrated.

Then came Dinkins. I didn't think it could get worse but it did. I would point out crimes taking place in front of my eyes to police and they would say it was a waste of time to arrest anyone because the liberal DAs and judges were going to set them free within hours!

Finally the Democrats gave in, admitting their party had destroyed the world's most beautiful city, and voted in Republican Giuliani, who took down the mafia like Eliot Ness. It was America's Republican Mayor who made Manhattan into the beautiful jewel that made NYC the entire world's travelers' favorite destination.

Now after years back in the liberal hands of self proclaimed communist Bill de Blasio, the Big Apple is rotten to the core again and I have very little faith in the new Mayor Eric Adams, whose hands are tied by his own party to do anything constructive. Why?

Because Liberals want to
destroy this country they hate so much.

George Soros needs to be called out and his UBER SOCIALIST DAs and judges all need to be recalled NOW before they keep setting predators free to hunt us and our children down!

Not all Democrats hate America
but all who do hate her are Democrats.
What a difference liberals make!

George Soros was born a Jew but joined the Nazis to hunt down his own people after his parents left him with their neighbor. This is a very demented, dangerous, hateful and powerful billionaire we all need to keep our eyes on!


Join us in Orlando at the Caribe Royale on March 25 and 26 for an Election Integrity Summit held by Conservative Partnership Institute's Election Integrity Network and its leader, integrity super lawyer, Cleta Mitchell.
EIN has put together an event to train and equip poll watchers, poll workers and all parties concerned with the left's blatant corruption and manipulation of our voting system.
This is not a "talking head" summit, but a groundswell, practical seminar that teaches how our Florida system should work, what to look for when it doesn't, and how to fix it when there are problems.
Teachers include the Virginia Election Integrity Task Force that had a huge role in the recent election success in Virginia, and a number of Florida election integrity proponents. Cleta will also be teaching some sessions, and we will be revealing several keynote speakers as the weekend gets closer.
The event kicks off Friday night March 25 at the Caribe Royale in Orlando with a reception and dinner, all day training on Saturday, March 26 and an end-of-summit reception Saturday at 4:30.
The early bird cost is $20, all meals are covered, and you can book your hotel room (if needed) through the registration link.
It is going to take all of us to ensure free and fair elections in Florida, and we will give you the tools we need to do just that. If you are an elected official or a candidate, this is a don't miss for you and your staff. 

Link to register for event and hotel:

Welcome to the
FFRW Spring Conference 2022

About The Conference

Our Spring Conference will begin Friday, March 4 with registration beginning at 11:00 AM; Friday is the Capitol Visit at 1:00 PM meeting with Legislatures. On Saturday breakfast beginning at 7am and we will conclude on Sunday, March 6th at Noon.

We have an action-packed conference scheduled with classes and speakers.

About the Hotel

Our Conference will take place at the AC Hotel-Tallahassee Marriott, 801 S Gadsden Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32301.

AC Hotel-Tallahassee Marriott 


Here are some ideas for your clubs:

  • Highlight a favorite president at one of your meetings or in your newsletter.

  • Highlight a famous or local person of color who has made a difference in our Republican Party.

  • Surprise a friend, spouse, or family member with a club membership or maybe even a visitor who has expressed interest.

  • Reach out to your elected officials and their spouses to become members of your club.

  • Form a committee to reach out to non-Federated Republican organizations for prospective members.

  • Create excitement within your club by reminding or announcing upcoming programs and speakers.

  • Make sure your local newsletter is shareable on social media sites to show that you are a club with MOVERS & SHAKERS.

  • Educate members about the NFRW and FFRW sites for not only information, but for organizational ideas, officer training, and much more. Go to those websites: NFRW.org and FFRW.net and set up your accounts.

I look forward to seeing you at our Spring Conference and would love to have you share ideas about membership growth. 
Together we will form a mighty army of warriors to defeat the Democrats, but we need you, your friends, your neighbors and all Republicans you meet along the way!


Vickie Herrington
Membership Chair